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ASIDE FROM VIDEOGAMES AND ART, what makes you happy in life?



  • trancerobot
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    trancerobot polycounter lvl 7
    I don't play TF2... actually I don't have a truly favorite game I play all the time. I was heavily into StarCraft for a short time (before realizing that not only do I suck, but I will always suck when playing online unless I play the game 24/7 like they do).

    I do love Portal, but that game doesn't have much replay value. Looking to get Portal 2 when that comes out. I also like UT2004. I'm about to upgrade so I can seriously play UT3 and mess with the engine.

    Outside of that, I enjoy a bit of light programming (getting into Unity Script), I like trance music, Daft Punk, 80s, oldies, that sort of thing. I have a midi-controller I mess with on occasion... I'd love to be able to actually play the thing... someday right?

    I also like to eat out with friends and I love talking about politics. Other than that and the obvious 3D interest - I think that's it.

    Hey Jaco, ever ridden one of these? I have a motor kit for my bicycle. It makes me happy (when it works) and was a challenge to put together.

    Oh! Forgot to mention. I have a small collection of classic computers. If I had more space, I'd probably have more. This is what I have:
    Commodore 64 from my cousin
    Commodore 128 from a flea market
    Apple PowerPC Macintosh 6100CD (the first PPC mac, aka G1 - fast enough to play MP3s WOW)

    I'd like to have an SGI O2, an SGI Indy, and a Commodore Amiga someday.
  • Jaco
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    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
    Never seen one of those, 80cc! poly142.gif
  • maze
    roots reggae, accordion, rock climb, snowbrd, guitar, friends, travel. Enough to be happy besides CG.
  • Bibendum
    I run a bondage website.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    Well, wha-


    Now that it's actually brought up, very simple and few things keep me happy, that said I generally never feel down either. Social anxiety doesn't help and I often wonder if anything will really make me 'genuinely' happy in the future. (not to sound like a downer)

    Could just be where I'm currently living and the people around me.. :)

    Not the cheeriest post but what the hey. :)
  • boyluya
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    boyluya polycounter lvl 10
    Food, culinary arts in particular. Well yeah that's still art but I really like to be a chef someday after my game artist career is over.

    And I'm also a big sports fan, basketball and boxing. In fact, I'm doing boxing lessons during weekends when I have time and play basketball almost everyday with my friends.

    And of course, tons of school work.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    I think after art and video games I'd say the next best thing is spending time with my friends... coming from not having a lot of great friends all the time while growing up, I really cherish and appreciate the great friends that I have now.
    I like reading, espeically on the porch while its still summertime. I like shopping. I have developed a HUGE passion for baking over the last couple years, even thinking about taking some courses in it.
    Also movies and TV shows can be great, I've been really into The Office for a while now.
    Oh, and eating. Food is great :D lol! A great night out to a Japanese restaurant, can't be beat! (and no, no, I'm not fat, I just appreciate food :D)

    MegaMoogle - I highly suggest reading the Fables http://www.dccomics.com/vertigo/graphic_novels/?gn=1606 comics!! I also never really read any American comics, but my friend's really gotten me into this one. It's really amazing, the characters are all so great!
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I'm right there with ya, Jfletcher.
    I do love my job through and through, though. I'm perfectly happy working long hours, then coming home and working more on other art, or mods *cough*.

    I'm a simple person of simple needs, but these are some of my favorite things...

    Good tequila, good women, amazing food, cooking, fast cars, great friends, cold weather, Guinness, a nice book, ferry rides, roller coasters, airplanes and good music.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Sitting at a nice place in the sun with a good drink :)
    traveling, good books, good food, a good discussion, being at the sea, quiet places (it's noisy enough at work and in Shanghai in general).
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
  • trancerobot
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    trancerobot polycounter lvl 7
    Jaco wrote: »
    Never seen one of those, 80cc! poly142.gif

    Yep, their top speed is 40mph, which seems really fast when you're on a bicycle.
  • bbob
    Kwramm wrote: »
    Sitting at a nice place in the sun with a good drink :)
    traveling, good books, good food, a good discussion, being at the sea, quiet places.

    hear hear!
  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    Life is simple if you know what makes you happy: Booz(tequila and bacardi), house music/clubbing, tennis, volleyball and driving ridiculous fast for no reason...

    Just to quote something from the movie "Revolutionary Road": Knowing what you´ve got, Knowing what you want, Knowing what you can`t live without. This is pretty much a recipe for hapiness.
  • Pedro Amorim
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    I like to take celebrity names and insert my own name into them.

    For Example:
    • Glynnt Eastwood
    • Glynn Diesel
    • Arnold SchwarzGlynneggar
    Try it. It will improve your life by up to 50%.
  • Farfarer
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    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    Building, fixing and repairing stuff... generally figuring out how things work. And I get the same sort of satisfaction with dabbling in programming or scripting, it's a different kind of satisfaction than finishing a bit of art.

    And yeah; girls, beer, music... all the usual stuff :)
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I have the kids. Spend time with them. Play around and watch them grow. Then I am trying to not collect games after I shed my collection (Oddessy low serial number with original packaging/equipment to PS3). I like making things, science stuff, catching animals or watching them, smashing things, racing cars and fixing them, photography, saying funny stuff... anything really. I think I have an attention problem. It's so hard to stay focused on one hobby or task and I need to...

    So here is my first picture with Sai. Crits? I am studying female form, self portrait and lechery at the same time. I think it has too much contrast and not enough detail. I am trying to get a message across, but maybe it's lost...
  • Sandro
    glynnsmith wrote: »
    I like to take celebrity names and insert my own name into them.

    For Example:
    • Glynnt Eastwood
    • Glynn Diesel
    • Arnold SchwarzGlynneggar
    Try it. It will improve your life by up to 50%.

    I did and it helped :)
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    glynnsmith wrote: »
    I like to take celebrity names and insert my own name into them.

    For Example:
    • Glynnt Eastwood
    • Glynn Diesel
    • Arnold SchwarzGlynneggar
    Try it. It will improve your life by up to 50%.

    Puns from names in general. It is how i make a good 75% of my friends.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17


    Welcome to the impossibly amazing recipe of success.
  • StefanH
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    StefanH polycounter lvl 12
    a happy relationship is the first thing that comes to my mind... cheesy i know :)
  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    I read a LOT(fantasy, horror, sci fi, comics), puck rock/metal etcetera, my most recent thing I'm into is Roller Derby, still in training but looking forward to when I can get out and own some bitches.

    @Whal: YES! Walking Dead is excellent and looks like the show will be too!There's some great coverage on it on Bloody Disgusting.
  • Canadian Ink
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    Canadian Ink polycounter lvl 12
    Comics, Lifting weights, getting Tattoo (running out of room), going to see metal bands with my homies and on the weekend i like pulling out the ole sketchbook, cracking some tall cans of Newcastle Brown Ale and ether watching hours of Barret Jackson auctions or crappy made for TV sci-fi movies on the space channel. I just started taking Spanish lessons which is alot of fun and I am making a conscious decision to read more. I get pretty depressed here in the winter months because of all the and all these things help to keep me sane.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Jackablade wrote: »



    Mah Girl, Laughter, Friends, a frosty pint of beer, barreling down a mountain on a snowboard, hill bombing on longboard, cruising mini ramps, painting my house, yard work: Mowing, Weeds, planting, trimming, sitting around and doing nothing, reading, eating and cooking food, helping others, being outside, playing an listening to music, teaching, chopping wood, animals, living
  • Eltrex06
    I love playing with my macaw, hes a riot and alot of fun. but demanding at the same time lol always me me me me, but hes like a little kid. i love him and hes really adorable and loving but i kinda want to punt him across the room sometimes :P (dont worry i dont!)

    i also have a Saltwater reef tank that is alot of work but totally worth it. so i spend alot of time maintaining that and watching my fishy drama unfold (this week my 2 clowns decided to play tag with my shrimp's antenna, needless to say my shrimp wasn't very happy about it and preceded to chance the clowns around the tank for 10 mins)

    Exercise is important to me, im a swimmer done competition swimming since i was 9, thought i dont do competition anymore i still swim several times a week. clears the mind and really helps keep the body inshape cause i always say healthy body healthy mind.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Besides art and video games? Hmmm...
  • xk0be
    Swizzle wrote: »
    Besides art and video games? Hmmm...

    Dude warnabrotha, my mom was like 2 sec away from walking in and then BAM the new google images with its 500 million pics in your grill is there.. I closed it just in time.

    For me its family, music and... what swizzle said. Except instead of cleavage its megan fox.
  • Mark Dygert
    If she could only keep her thumbs out of sight...
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    [HP] wrote: »
    lol, I'm starting to think if I have a life outside game art. Since i moved to Germany my life changed drastically. I used to go out a lot more, go to the cinema almost every weekend, be with my girl every day, ride my car, go to the beach, etc.

    Now I pretty much leave work late, and live a geeky life. The few free time that I have is invested in practicing texturing, modeling, improving workflow, and sometimes playing some games.
    Weird thing tho, is that I actually feel happy with the life I've been living. Working on games is something I've always dreamed of and I'm investing all time that I have on my career which is something that will reflect in your life in years to come.

    I recently got a new hobby tho, photography! Which is a great thing to make you go outside and discover new places you've never been.

    Fortunatly, my girlfriend is done with her course and she'll be joining me here in germany in a few months, should be interesting! :)

    Man, it's kinda like that for me now. I really want it to change, feels like I'm missing out on life too much :/

    Rens: you have good downhill places around where you live? Lately I've watched a few mtb movies like Kranked & Follow me, that stuff fascinates me endlessly, but there's barely any possbility to do that where I live now.
  • Jon Rush
    Canadian Ink - which books are you in to? I'm an avid Amazing Spider-Man collector :P
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Music, or anything inspirational, or reading a book. Apart from Videogames ART not video games and art.

    Anything related to 3d or concept art is what I love to watch or read about. From that to Programming parts of things.

    I also draw in my free time.
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    I really enjoy running, water, and trees. I wish I had more opportunities to swim, because I suck at it. Nature in general is awesome. The sky makes me pretty happy sometimes, particularly at sunset and sunrise.
  • Pedro Amorim
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I love sitting in the dark, with everything being perfectly silent.
    It's pretty damned relaxing, because it clears my head. :D
    Other than that, I love me some good anime, good cartoons, and good books/comics.
    Also caffeinated beverages and starchy foods.
    I guess my friends are pretty cool too :D

    I also must say that I love water too. I can't swim, and probably will never be able to but I just enjoy looking at water. And looking up, not just like at the sky (Which is one of my favorite things) but just looking at the ceiling.
    It makes me feel small.
  • Kewop Decam
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    Kewop Decam polycounter lvl 9
    girls, even the crazy ones because they make life hilarious.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I feel like a dick admitting it but sometimes i really do wonder if you guys have ever actually spoken to women. :p
  • Canadian Ink
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    Canadian Ink polycounter lvl 12
    Jon Rush wrote: »
    Canadian Ink - which books are you in to? I'm an avid Amazing Spider-Man collector :P

    Hey Jon,

    For the last long while I have been buying lots of graphic novels, especially anything that Alex Ross has worked on which is mostly Marvel and DC hero stuff. I also really enjoyed both books of the Umbrella Academy and of course all anything by Mignolla. Lately ive been buy alot of old annuals (The Flash, x-men etc) because I am putting together some comic work for a Con that I am going to be in the artist alley at in October. I think I Spiderman-ed myself out in my youth and haven't picked anything new up in awhile. Always nice to see other comics fan around.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    reading trashy sci fi, eating out and hanging with the misssus and the baby:0
    Playing games like just cause 2 make life worth living also
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    Hanging out with my girlfriend on her days off (tough to find date nights when shes a bar manager). There are a few bars or hangouts we frequent, but we try to mix it up and try various places here in Houston with friends or just us. Lots of cookouts lately with drinking games of Uno or Scattergories involved. I play pool on two different leagues down here, so at the pool hall a lot. Always a good time, as most of my friends and my brother are pool players that frequent the place most nights. It's extremely rewarding to see your game improve on a consistent basis.

    Been going bowling at least once a week for the past couple of months with my girl and another couple, and been a lot of fun, especially when the wagers begin.

    I usually have maybe one night a week where I stay in and just read or play games. I'm not home often, but just moved into a nice apartment, so it's nice to enjoy it when I can and be lazy.
  • Monkeez
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    bulldogs and corgi's



    And skimpy little red heads :p

  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    redheads and cogi's ftw!
    especially the redheads :)
  • Proxzee
    I like casual hiking.
  • Zephiris
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    Zephiris polygon
    Theres not that much I do that is NOT related to Art/Games.
    I just keep sitting there alone in front of my screens in my room, at times feeling okay or great whenever I accomplish something CG ish but otherwise just feeling hollow.
    Sometimes I feel like I'm losing it and then I just literally run off somewhere, into the forest if the sun is still up or just randomly through the town in the middle at the night when it's all empty and silent(1-3AM). Running through long open field paths lighted by nothing but moonlight is one of the most awesome things ever, especially if it's a route you've never tried before :D Even more fun with creepy video game bgm playing <3 Finding the way back home after you've burned your energy and wasted your feet can be kind of a pain if you overdo it, but imo it's just so worth it anyway ^_^
    Alternately biking at insane speeds also does the job, I think that was mentioned in this thread before though :)
    I hope the place I'll end up at next will have more nature for me to explore, trying to find a studio not stuck in the middle of a endlessly huge pile of concrete to work at.
  • Moosey_G
    Zephiris wrote: »
    Theres not that much I do that is NOT related to Art/Games.
    I just keep sitting there alone in front of my screens in my room, at times feeling okay or great whenever I accomplish something CG ish but otherwise just feeling hollow.
    Sometimes I feel like I'm losing it and then I just literally run off somewhere, into the forest if the sun is still up or just randomly through the town in the middle at the night when it's all empty and silent(1-3AM). Running through long open field paths lighted by nothing but moonlight is one of the most awesome things ever, especially if it's a route you've never tried before :D Even more fun with creepy video game bgm playing <3 Finding the way back home after you've burned your energy and wasted your feet can be kind of a pain if you overdo it, but imo it's just so worth it anyway ^_^
    Alternately biking at insane speeds also does the job, I think that was mentioned in this thread before though :)
    I hope the place I'll end up at next will have more nature for me to explore, trying to find a studio not stuck in the middle of a endlessly huge pile of concrete to work at.

    High Five for feeling hollow!
  • martinszeme
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    martinszeme polycounter lvl 8
    My girlfriend. Makes all of this stuff (life, work etc) seam to have a purpose. Also love hanging out with friends, though recently its been hard as I moved to UK. Recently started going to the gym and I've been enjoying it more than I thought I would.
    It's great to see the progress. Also been running at the gym (have to get out some day) and been enjoying how my body has adjusted to running, my heart rate isn't off the scale anymore etc.
    Want to do dancing classes, but haven't got time at the moment.
    Love watching films, especially good sci-fi or a documentary from time to time.
    Also music, recently discovered The Natural so that is on my playlist now.
    And yes loooove cooking, though not super good at it, but I just love the process itself, the atmosphere etc :)
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