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ZBrush 4

polycount lvl 666
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PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
ZBrush 4 has been announced (again?) and will be getting a release on August 9. link:


I'm hoping they give proper 3d per-pixel painting, and paint layers. They also need to overhaul retopology and give some sort of dynamic mesh sculting (voxels, Dynamic tesselation, or something else).


  • Y_M
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    Y_M polycounter lvl 10
    I want to see something more like sculptris, the way it adds tris as needed as well as being able to pull an entire model from just a sphere without having massively stretching topology is great.

    I'd also like to see zbrush move towards the standard window style, I find programs that deviate from the standard extremely frustrating; Zbrush just has too many things that are 'different for the sake of being different'. I had a really really bad first week with zbrush cause of the UI, it was easily one of the worst programs I've ever used in terms of making a complete noob feel welcome. Now I understand the interface and what the whole document/tool thing is I'm much happier (I still secretly want to stab whoever made it so hard to understand though).
  • elte
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    elte polycounter lvl 18
    I just hope it's released on time, that's all...
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Do you have to pay for the full X.0 updates or are they still free for those who've purchased previous versions?

    EDIT: Never mind, I should learn to read betterer.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    Great news, i'm expecting a lot of this new version, 3.1 had no problems of brush spacing, but 3.5 is horrible!

  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 17
    Y_M wrote: »
    I want to see something more like sculptris, the way it adds tris as needed as well as being able to pull an entire model from just a sphere without having massively stretching topology is great.

    I'd also like to see zbrush move towards the standard window style, I find programs that deviate from the standard extremely frustrating; Zbrush just has too many things that are 'different for the sake of being different'. I had a really really bad first week with zbrush cause of the UI, it was easily one of the worst programs I've ever used in terms of making a complete noob feel welcome. Now I understand the interface and what the whole document/tool thing is I'm much happier (I still secretly want to stab whoever made it so hard to understand though).

    One of the reasons why sculptris was so awesome initially (aside from the Selective used of denser topology as PolyHertz mentioned) was the fact it uses many of the standard key combos from photoshop - scaling brushes etc - was really quick to get into.

    Speaking of the adaptive density thing, even though most zbrush users are likely using super top end machines, it can't do any harm having some kind of optimisation, allowing you to increase density on important stuff like faces etc, while leaving less detail where you don't need it.
  • bounchfx
    I hope there's:
    -better retopo tools (basically I hope they bought Topogun and put it in)
    -better paint tools/layers
    -optional dynamic tesselation

    but I'm sure they have a lot of great ideas. can't wait to see what's in there.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    Not another one of these threads. *sigh*
    mudbox FTW!

    *runs away quickly* :)
  • Moosey_G
    If they put topogun in it, I'M THERE! But for now I'm happy with Mudbox.
  • Bibendum
    I'd like a more obfuscated interface with functionality that works nothing like you expect it to.

    I'm certain they will deliver.

    Seriously though dynamic tesselation should be the standard in all sculpting apps imo.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    dynamic tesselation is a nice feature for sure, especially for concept sculpting but it has a huge drawback for productions, you cannot step forwards and backwards in resolution and do heavy changes with it, you cannot even do slight changes without losing details this way - i doubt its really an option for anything more than playing around and finding shapes - for now that is
  • Bibendum
    Neox wrote: »
    dynamic tesselation is a nice feature for sure, especially for concept sculpting but it has a huge drawback for productions, you cannot step forwards and backwards in resolution and do heavy changes with it, you cannot even do slight changes without losing details this way - i doubt its really an option for anything more than playing around and finding shapes - for now that is
    I more or less see it as a replacement for zspheres and building base meshes, not so much as a replacement for subdivision levels on organized meshes.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Neox wrote: »
    dynamic tesselation is a nice feature for sure, especially for concept sculpting but it has a huge drawback for productions, you cannot step forwards and backwards in resolution and do heavy changes with it, you cannot even do slight changes without losing details this way - i doubt its really an option for anything more than playing around and finding shapes - for now that is

    Isnt that a misnomer? You dont need to step backwards and forwards. You may have to retopo the result which is the same as if you sculpted it normally, the amount of polys remains so low you can easily manipulate do heavy changes without resorting to subdiv levels.

    Not everything has to have subdiv levels, its not a fundamental tenant.
  • Disco Stu
    I think its very important.
    Being able to sculpt cloth detail and then adding the folds on lower subdiv levels having the details addapt nicely.
    I think that cant really be replaced.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    try this in sculptris:

    1. sculpt basic shapes
    2. sculpt in details
    3. sculpt in very fine details
    4. change the overall shape without losing any detail

    I agree that its a cool new workflow, especially for the basic form sculpting and well proportion finding etc. i think its great for concept sculptures, but it will get really hard once you want to do more than just some doodling and get past the ideation sculpting.
    having to do another retopo to be able to do such things takes away the speed advantage you get, i mean this will be 2 retopos then, 1 for the lowpoly and one for a step inbetween when you go from concept to production pipeline
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I'm no good at sculpting details, so I'd have to defer to you experts knowledge on that. I thought if you use the grab/move brush to adjust the form after, then it shouldnt mess too much with the details but then your limited with how your able to change the form I guess.

    If it wasnt tesselation but dynamic subdivision(squares) and you had the subdivision levels.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Well you do have to retopo twice instead of once, but you also dont have to make a base mesh for the body, or can get away with one that doesn't have all the major design landmarks. You could probably get around even these limitiations with a ffd wrapper based on a decimated clone of the mesh.

    Although with Sculptris part of the reason you lose details has to do with it beautify/relax algorithm (always turn that off in options and it'll go away so long as you don't have Detail turned on).
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    the thing is, with zspheres i don't have to create a basemesh either, well i create one with them, but have the freedom of stepping up and down in the levels - basicly basemeshes these days at least for me are so super simple they are done in just a few minutes, and with the ability of reprojection you have in z already you can manipulate the basemesh just as you work, you want to add horns? no problem go back to your mainapp extrude them, reimport basemesh, done. I totally understand the pros of dynamic tesselation and as long as its optional i'm sure it will be used, from me as well but working in sculptris only limits me too much in the already said points :)
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    Sculptris is very good for concepting in 3d, but only for small things. From my point of view it's only a small app to play with and that's all. For production models, err, triangles and tesellation is not a good choice imho.

    Zspheres can help a lot, but for the resulting mesh, i always need to edit a bit. I wish it could handle topologies like this (the pentagon way)

  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    I think its about time I should get a copy of it......

    But as the link states they dont have the plugin for XSI just yet. So I am still considering. :S

    So far I have photoshop CS5, SoftimageXSI and still looking forward to have Zbrush :S
  • vcool
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    I think its about time I should get a copy of it......

    But as the link states they dont have the plugin for XSI just yet. So I am still considering. :S

    So far I have photoshop CS5, SoftimageXSI and still looking forward to have Zbrush :S

    Perhaps there is a user created plugin? There's GoMax for Max (obviously) and it works really great.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Do they normally run any offers on the new releases? Still haven't picked up a copy.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    Ark wrote: »
    Do they normally run any offers on the new releases? Still haven't picked up a copy.

    I think they may have run a special when 2 went to 3 to purchase it at the old price before they bumped it up. I think it used to sell for something like $400 - $450, something like that, then they jacked it up. That's about the only special I remember seeing. They may offer a special for the release of 4, but I wouldn't be surprised if they kept the price point the same. PLUS, with free updates, a standard non-inflating price point makes it justifiable to not run any specials in the first place. I would however expect the cost to increase once they go from 4 to 5 if they don't bump it up with this release.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Cheers for the info Firebert.
  • dejawolf
  • Michael Knubben
    Blaizer: is that the most recent Zbrush though? While topology like in your last image is still a good deal cleaner and easier to work with than what Zspheres will give you, the result in your image looks like the old algorithm.
  • Jon Rush
    Should be cool - I've got a lot of high hopes.

    I'd love to get layers for polypainting... layers with blend modes and opacity sliders.

    Aside from that, I hope there's no new updates for a while after this! Updates means having to make update videos for my online course!!! :X
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    MightyPea, it's Zbrush 3.5 :(
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I love zbrush and find the 3.5 release really nice, after I had twiddled with some of my brush settings.
    I wish there were better tools for polypaint, ie more brush variety and colour layers.
  • Michael Knubben
    Huh, that's a letdown then. I usually get quite good results, but certainly nothing as good as that second example you post. That'd be nice, ofcourse.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Here's hoping that they fix the existing bugs that are already in place. Especially the silly scaling issues surrounding importing and exporting OBJ files to 3ds max, and Maya. I find it absurd that you have to use a workaround to deal with something that should be fairly straight forward.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    They've started showing off ZB4 features, first ones up: shadowbox (extended hard surface via masking functionality), matchmaker (projection while maintaining volume), and clip brushes.

  • Flava-Fly
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    Flava-Fly polycounter lvl 9
    That shadow stuff seems cool, like a more natural block-in tool than the z-spheres. Looks like they want you to stay in the application longer and longer and not jump out to Max or whatever so often. I really just want them to include the one click pipeline from zbrush>max
  • Moosey_G
    Those features look immensely useful and productive compared to zsphere and what not. They might be competing with autodesk for a 3D modeling package in a couple years o.o
  • Disco Stu
    Haha integrated sub surface scattering in the green watch beta tester image?
    Great ^^
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Gotta love those new modeling features! :) Looking forward to this, go go go Pixologic!
  • Baj Singh
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    Baj Singh polycounter lvl 9
    I would like to see a better subtool grouping system (similar to Photoshop grouping of layers) as opposed to having to merge and split up visible subtools.

    Would make organisation a lot easier.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    What i would like to know, is if this new version will support ngons as mudbox does. But i surely will see all the lacks by myself hehe.

    I'm impatient to see the new features. I hope to see the horrible dotted brush effect fixed.
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    I just saw a demo at SIGGRAPH and the shadowbox feature looks very nice. It allows for quick creation of pretty complex shapes. There were some other cool new features too, all around it looks very kickass.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Looking good. Cant wait to see rest of the updates.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Some of the features shown at siggraph were listed here:


    Have they shown or said anything in regards to improved retopo tools at the show for those that have checked out their booth?
  • Michael Knubben
    Blaizer: Yes, that's my #1 complaint about 3.5 so far, the dotted strokes!

    Shadowbox looks very, very useful. I'll be interested in seeing how convoluted the interface is, however.

    Disco Stu: I'm sorry to say that's (very, very) probably rendered, rather than realtime. It even says so at the bottom of the image :/

    Flavafly: GoZ support for max has been confirmed for zb 4, so your prayers have been answered! :)
  • ScudzAlmighty
    the dotted strokes can be fixed you just havee to tweak the stroke setttings... mmmm stroke settings.

    Shadowbox is actually pretty straightforward

    the SSS is rendered, yes, but its rendered in Zbrush.

    Yes, yes it has.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    2 weeks till release, looking forward.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    The dotted strokes can't be fixed for 3.5 as far as i know, i tried all what was said in Zbrushcentral, but nothing.

    It's something that 3.1 didn't have. 3.1 was very nice, fast and smooth strokes, but with 3.5, they fucked all, cool tools i don't use and a huge lack of perfomance compared to 3.1.

    Zapplink is another thing that does not work properly.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    new features look ace!
    i think the dotted stroke has a lot to do with your machine, i use to have the problem on my old computer, but on my new machine my strokes are silky smooth. it also has to do with how fast your making your marks, on my old machine i would just take it slow and easy and they lines would be straight, if i tried making quick strokes it would more and more dotted the faster i made my strokes. now i dont really notice it all, i am not sure if its a ram thing, or a processor thing, but something in my new machine fixed it. i got a mac, but i am running windows on it, 16 gigs of ram, quadcore, everything runs pretty good.
  • xk0be
    arshlevon wrote: »
    new features look ace!
    i think the dotted stroke has a lot to do with your machine, i use to have the problem on my old computer, but on my new machine my strokes are silky smooth. it also has to do with how fast your making your marks, on my old machine i would just take it slow and easy and they lines would be straight, if i tried making quick strokes it would more and more dotted the faster i made my strokes. now i dont really notice it all, i am not sure if its a ram thing, or a processor thing, but something in my new machine fixed it. i got a mac, but i am running windows on it, 16 gigs of ram, quadcore, everything runs pretty good.

    I'm gonna guess its the ram, 16 gigs of it translate to a like 4 ft long epeen and everyone knows thats a large epeen.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    Some of the features shown at siggraph were listed here:


    Have they shown or said anything in regards to improved retopo tools at the show for those that have checked out their booth?
    Layered Polypaint! Oh Frabjous day!

    Enhanced retopo sounds promising too.
  • Michael Knubben
    Arsh and scudz: Like Blaizer says, it wasn't a problem in 3.1
    Buying a new computer to counteract something they broke in an update isn't exactly high on my list of priorities. I happen to love the new 3.5 tools though, so I'm just learning to live with the dotted strokes, and hoping they've fixed it in 4.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Yeh, 3.5 was such a boost from 3.1. Especially the camera controls! Now I can actually do 'some' work.. cos the viewport camera controls is far from being perfect.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    The stroke thing is annoying, but I am really happy with it now. I do better stuff in 3.5 than did in 3.1
    somehow the sensitivity is more twitchy now and I reduce the strength of my brushes to about 10 then change my wacom settings so I have to press on harder.
    I actually stopped using the standard brush though and use the inflate brush with lazy mouse on a small radius.
    I can do lovely smooth strokes with this method though i don't tend to draw fast anyway.

    I do thing they need to address some issues with the pressure sensitivity though. The defaults should work fine like they do in 3.1


    I did most of this in 3.5 and the strokes are pretty smooth. I am using an intuos 3
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