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What is your Roleplaying Character?

Hey. I'm just wondering...

What is the character that you stick with? Does he/she project your personality? Your appearence? What is his Alignment? His name? His class?

I'll start.

Name :Xanturi

Race: Dark Elf/Drow

Class: Ranger

Alignment : Chaotic neutral -Challenges tradition, individualist.


  • Jon Rush
    Usually some kind of high damage caster named Torpex...
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    Usually some kind of brute force fighter named Jon Rush.
  • Sean VanGorder
    I usually stick to single player RPG's such as Oblivion. Just started playing my first MMORPG two weeks ago when I tried out Allods Online.


    Name: Usually my own when playing RPG's, and whatever I can get that sounds somewhat cool when I'm playing MMO's.

    Race: Whatever the human-like race is

    Class: Warrior, almost never use magic

    Alignment: Totally Good, only game I've ever went the other way was my second playthrough of Mass Effect 2 when I tried Renegade
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    Only way to play an RPG is as a thief. Drow, preferably.
  • Eltrex06
    I love healing classes, especially healing classes with high defensive abilities so i can hold my own and keep everyone in my party alive.

    Class: Druid or Cleric depending
    Race: elf or human
    Names: Lolindir or Gideon depending on race

    Always play totally good or neutral never play "evil"
  • Taylor Hood
  • Ben Apuna
    I've played all sorts of RPGs through high school and into college. I usually played a support or problem solving type of character, healer/medic, mage, or rogue. I've played a few combat oriented characters as well though I didn't find them quite as fun, it might be because combat becomes much more exciting when your chances of dying are higher.

    I think that my choice in characters does reflect my personality quite well looking at the ratio of my technical talk posts to help others vs. pimping and previews posts for my own art.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    I usually go with ranger-type characters in RPGs. The last one I made was a half orc ranger named Svelte Manswell for a friend's DnD campaign. I usually go with silly names, but the name is rarely the same twice. Another one I did recently was called Melvin Meatmuscle.
  • bounchfx
    Gav wrote: »
    Usually some kind of brute force fighter named Jon Rush.

    you mean this one? http://jon-rush.mybrute.com/ you need to play more!
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I usually go with defensive casters. In Oblivion I made a custom class that wore heavy armor, used mostly melee for attack and could heal. In WoW I played a Holy Paladin. I never keep the same name for any character in RPGs and I'm usually neutral/good.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    Gav wrote: »
    Usually some kind of brute force fighter named Jon Rush.

  • Jon Rush
    Gav wrote: »
    Usually some kind of brute force fighter named Jon Rush.

  • Taylor Hood
    I was talking more about the type of character that you'd like to be or whatever but in video games is fine =]

    Mines is just the same as my original post.

    I usually play an Elven race (I'm an Elven fanatic). I played a Night Elf Warrior for 3 years in WoW. But I also play a ranger/hunter class in RPGS/MMORPGS

    I do take names and roleplaying very seriously. Infact, I just played the original Never Winter Nights demo from IGN and I was a Dark Elf Ranger, Chaotic neutral and his name was "Vaalorhym Ahk'Taurus " yeah. I usually make long names.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Usually a opportunistic good guy with some kind of mental disorder and a penchant for violence against those who wrong him. Either goes stealth or brute warrior mode.

    Like in Fallout 3, my karma was as high as it gets, but my character had a nuka cola addiction (forced myself to pick up and drink every single bottle I came over) so he killed innocents and "annoying" people for their cola or caps to buy cola. It was fun, got too addicted to the game at the end though and killed the character off in spectacular fashion with the MIRV before deleting my save and uninstalling.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    right now I'm playing a Zabrack soldier named Oth An'kar in Star Wars Saga Edition, an ex mercenary who's working with the rebels after the Empire wiped his whole squad out.

    Before that I was a Bothan rogue-tech who would stow away on ships and make a living doing odd jobs at space ports. One of the party members works at Bioware Austin now so here's hoping my character makes a cameo in KOTOR.

    Thinking of playing some 4th ed D&D in the near future, I've tossed the idea around of a Star Pact Warlock who's slightly insane from making a pact with some unknown horror from the Farplane (D&D's version of the Cthulhu Mythos)
  • Esprite
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    Esprite polycounter lvl 9
    In D&D I liked playing greedy chaotic-neutral half-elf thei..err treasure hunters, with a stat distribution favoring charisma. My last DM struck me with lightning for trying to appraise the value of some NPCs house for possible sale. Though that might of been the last straw.

    Before that another DM threated me with death for "borrowing" some NPCs magic hat..and everything else he owned. I guess I should try to avoid taking things that may be important plot points. Then again maybe the DM should keep them in places where I wouldn't happen across them....obviously his fault. *straightens magic hat*
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Hey. I'm just wondering...

    What is the character that you stick with? Does he/she project your personality? Your appearence? What is his Alignment? His name? His class?

    I'll start.

    Name :Xanturi

    Race: Dark Elf/Drow

    Class: Ranger

    Alignment : Chaotic neutral -Challenges tradition, individualist.

    This seems familiar... Does he have a pair of scimitars and a magic panther? ;)

    I'll answer your question from a DND perspective. In my 4th Ed campaign, I'm an unaligned half-elf Rogue/Shadow Assassin. I play him a good bit like a fantasy equivalent of Batman, with heavy leather armor, maple leaf-shaped shuriken and a sweet hand crossbow grappling hook. I've even got little smoke bombs that look like acorns! Mind you, he does a lot more face-stabbing than Batman, but you really can't perform a citizens arrest on a Helmed Horror...
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    lawful chaotic/chaotic neutral - either elf, gnome or halfling. Something that allows for comic effect. Guess that's why I play a warrior gnome in WoW.

    I guess after a while I just got tired that most of the RPG/Fantasy genre took itself too damn serious, especially with all the ridiculous high fantasy stuff with all it's magic doodads'n'stuff. For all the low fantasy/low magic settings I usually play a gruff human or dwarven warrior. Name...depends on the setting really.
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    I usually roleplay as a dirty nurse who is in need of a spanking ... wrong roleplay? ... oops!
  • vcool
    shotgun wrote: »
    Only way to play an RPG is as a thief. Drow, preferably.


    I always subconsciously pick the stealthiest and the most agile character.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    You didn't stipulate genre or having to be a video game. Last notable character was a male Mutant Biker Squirrel that was trying to escape After the Bomb. He ended up in Rifts.

  • Zephiris
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    Zephiris polygon
    I usually play a tiny elf-like creature by the name of Zephiris or Zephy, always liked monk classes more than anything :)
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    oXYnary wrote: »
    You didn't stipulate genre or having to be a video game. Last notable character was a male Mutant Biker Squirrel that was trying to escape After the Bomb. He ended up in Rifts.


    Rifts 4TW! Palladium had some really epic games in the late 80s and early 90s - the mutant/TMNT stuff was great fun!
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    With fantasy games, I have a bunch of characters I usually take, depending on the class, but my main (myself) character would be:
    Name: Galtian Bluestar
    Race: Half-Elf
    Class: Mage/Warrior (always want magic, but want to kick butt as well)
    Alignment: Neutral/Good (Good guy, but have the option to earn some easy money) ;)

    With more futuristic/normal world games, I always use my alias Jack "McGreed" McReed. Came up with the name when I once played Pirates Gold and watched Highlander. ;)
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    I'm playing through Morrowind right now, and it's the first time I've successfully managed to combine combat with magic effectively by opting for a battlemage character. Before this, I tended to go for rogues or full-on caster classes like classic mages or necromancers / warlocks.

    Also, +1 for Rifts. I could never get into D&D campaigns back when I still played paper RPG's, but Rifts was always the exception (and the artwork was awesome).

  • Taylor Hood
    TomDunne wrote: »
    This seems familiar... Does he have a pair of scimitars and a magic panther? ;).
    Hah, yeah, the characters I always play and the character from roleplaying games I'm most like has always been like the legend Drizzt Do'Urden. =]
  • Jon Rush
    *spanks BoBo*

    Bad nurse! More gentle with the catheter!
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    If its MMO, I'll role with a healer/mage
    If its single player. Mage - I like fighting away from the battle XD

    so in the end I guess caster...though in WoW I played rogue.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Something different every time preferably, for me that's part of the fun of roleplaying, getting to try different stuff! :)
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    Seforin RageFist

    -Bad ass dwarf
  • Thrillho
    I recently started playing in a D&D 3.5 campaign that was adapted from a classic Gygax dungeon crawler called Tomb of Horrors. I'm playing a human rogue, but I found a rather effective magic item combo in teaming Boots of Levitation with a pair of Immovable Rods. It's fairly easy to avoid pressure plates and pit traps when you never, ever have to touch the ground (you activate the boots, then use the IR's to pull yourself through the air... you don't need to worry about take-off, landing, turning arcs, or any of the other headache-causing mechanics of a flight spell, and the downside of a levitation spell, namely spinning in mid-air when you try to fire a crossbow, is mitigated by using an IR to anchor yourself in mid-air). Of course, I keep having to remind the inquisitive wizard in my party to STOP TOUCHING THINGS.

    Oh, and my character talks like Alfred in the Dark Knight movies. :-)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I always like to be a really fast fat guy If I can, in video games. I just find it oddly amusing running around like a fat ninja...
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    PnP-style character of late, though I don't actually play, I find it fun to write up characters - axani soldier / weaponmaster in the Planescape setting: pale, stern warrioress with metallic blood and bionic insides, with which she connects to a symbiotic suit of armour. Sort of schizophrenic due to it, but in a harmless / predictable way; depending on her interfacing with the suit she has a different personality.

    Totally unoriginal, I know. But I like her. Started modeling and concepting a while back; haven't worked on her in a while, but wrote up more of her history recently, and fully intend to return to the personal character project in the future, ie "eventually."

    As for games in general, I tend to play whatever strikes my fancy at the time. Archers are cool.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    are you making a market study? :)

    I always play as too many classes, and my role is player killer, PK. My favorite phrase from the dead: "Why!?". Evil Chaotic as in Baldur's Gate i think, killing all the poor flies on the screen.

    I'm thinking we should create a thread for color, "what's your favorite color?", or food lol
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    Im always a ranger/hunter character, with a random name and a chaotic good background.
    dunno why :P
  • Taylor Hood

    Hey, I just made this on paint using cut and paste on a Baldurs gate 2 char creation screenshot.

    That's basically my official roleplaying character and my personality, stuff like that.
    As you can see below with the stats its just random, nothing to do with BGII.
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    The readings on my Nerdalyzer are off the goddamn scale. Someone call the jocks.

    Personally, I always play as a thief/rogue character; stealing purses left and right while throwing snarky comments at everyone who's unlucky enough to stand in my way. Douchebag is my second name. Sadly, games nowadays don't give me the opportunity to do so; no matter what I do people keep throwing themselves at my feet.

    If mechanics allow it I also act like a playboy. I seduce every elf/alien/princess/goddess/canine with self-esteem issues and then leave with their riches while they cry and beg for more.

    What annoys me is that no matter how much I try to mind my own business I always end up pissing off some big bad, kicking his sorry cunt and saving the world. Why can't they make an RPG where all you do is get drunk, hump hoes and make everyone miserable all day long? It would sell like hotcakes – I would buy ten copies myself.
  • Elhrrah
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    Elhrrah polycounter lvl 8
    Name: Thael Ong'Gosh
    Race: Half-Orc
    Class: Rouge
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Name Lyntel Jhen
    Race: Warforged
    Class: Cleric
    Alignment: True Neutral

    Oh, and I'm the DM, too. The campaign I'm running at the moment is, shall we say, 'special.' One of the characters has a Special Muggin' Brick, another has a robe which gives an AC bonus when he's drunk, and a third constantly eats yogurt like he's the male lead from Burn Notice. Oh, and then there's the dwarf with his stone bong and 'magic incense.'

    And yes, 'Lyntel Jhen' is a play on Little John.
  • Taylor Hood
    The readings on my Nerdalyzer are off the goddamn scale. Someone call the jocks.

    I know, right?
    I'm nerdy as hell and proud.
  • Taylor Hood
    Elhrrah wrote: »
    Name: Thael Ong'Gosh
    Race: Half-Orc
    Class: Rouge
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Name Lyntel Jhen
    Race: Warforged
    Class: Cleric
    Alignment: True Neutral

    Oh, and I'm the DM, too. The campaign I'm running at the moment is, shall we say, 'special.' One of the characters has a Special Muggin' Brick, another has a robe which gives an AC bonus when he's drunk, and a third constantly eats yogurt like he's the male lead from Burn Notice. Oh, and then there's the dwarf with his stone bong and 'magic incense.'

    And yes, 'Lyntel Jhen' is a play on Little John.

    You've got a good grasp on names. I like Thael Ong'Gosh, the Half-Orc.

    I always like seeing Rp'ers/fantasy lovers with a good grasp of naming.

    You're not gonna call an Dwarf " Selhin Mel'Finus", right?
    More like "Orin BroodHammer".
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    I usually roleplay as a dirty nurse who is in need of a spanking ... wrong roleplay? ... oops!

    *Geezus slowly puts on his Wizard Hat and performs +5 Erotic Glance towards BoBo_the_seal's immediate direction. MMmmm

    I'm typically the large hulking brute who is either taking the damage or dishing out the most damage. For whatever reason, if the option is there, my toon will be a large black male.
    My name's are usually derived from God's...either Norse or Egyptian.
    My most common name is Septu. http://www.godchecker.com/pantheon/egyptian-mythology.php?deity=SEPTU
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Every now and again, I have to fight the compulsion to reinstall WoW and roll a Druid tank. I usually catch myself right as I'm taking the discs out of the boxes and force myself to get back to work.

    All bets are off when Cataclysm comes out, though.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Dark Elf
    Warhammer fantasy universe
    Chaotic Neutral (dark elves are percieved as evil but really they're just self serving...)

  • Taylor Hood
    Dark Elf
    Warhammer fantasy universe
    Chaotic Neutral (dark elves are percieved as evil but really they're just self serving...)


    I definitley agree.
    Cool WAR toon, dude.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Does anyone who's male play with as a chick in games like Mass Effect? I don't know if thats weird :P I just figure, better to stare at a female ass for 30+ hours than a male one...
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Usually some kind of cheap-ass bow user who kites everyone.

    Mike Rotch
    Hugh G. Rection
    Anita Hanchob
    Phil McReviss
    Dixie Rect
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    This thread is so nerdy :)

    I like to play any kind of anti-hero. Someone out for their own gains, wields demonic / evil powers (primarily fire) but is ultimately doing so for the greater good. Hated, feared, and misunderstood by most, enemy to the public, savior of the world.
  • vcool
    Does anyone who's male play with as a chick in games like Mass Effect? I don't know if thats weird :P I just figure, better to stare at a female ass for 30+ hours than a male one...

    Lame excuse. :poly124:

    I tried it, couldn't quite do it.

    I did play a female character in Dragon Age tho. Maybe it's that Dragon Age had better face customization, but I guess the primary reason is that I don't really like the female voice actor in ME. (inb4hate) She sounds like a mean bitch, and since I play full paragon it just doesn't work.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    MMO: typically Paladins or Mages/Wizards. Mainly Paladins in WoW but I also have a Death Knight, Druid, and Mage all at high levels. Went with Energy Blaster characters in City of Heroes/Villains. Darkness and Force characters in Champions Online.

    Single Player RPGS: Warrior/Paladin types, dual-weilding the biggest weapon usable in one hand. Wizard/Mage style classes on later play throughs. Soldier in Mass Effect 1 and 2 with Adept in second play through. Jedi Guardian in the KotOR games. Always Lawful Good/Light Side/Paragon on first play throughs.

    Pen and Paper: despite owning a lot of PnP roleplaying games I haven't been able to play in one for over ten years. only character I played for any length of time was an elven ranger in 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    I usually roleplay as a dirty nurse who is in need of a spanking ... wrong roleplay? ... oops!

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