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PC vs Xbox that old arguement..sorted



  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    put a trackball on a joypad and you can aim too
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    All my friends are console gamers, and never want to play a PC FPS because they know I would kick their ass :(

    When we play Console FPS they have an advantage, but I don't mind.

    Ugh, I loaded up the 360 GTA4 that thing is sooo blurry compared to PC. 360 Definitly showing it's age now.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    TomDunne wrote: »
    Welcome to the club! I came to accept consoles as part of games 30 years ago, when I got my Atari 2600. Better late than never.

    You want to date us with these references? I see. Anyhow. Yea. I did the atari and nes as a kid... Until we got our first computer. I never looked back.
  • AshleyTayles
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    AshleyTayles polycounter lvl 9
    Eld, as a Fallout 3 addict, I believe I seem to be the only one so far who fully appreciates your comical genius.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    oXYnary wrote: »
    When was the last time you were in public matches on Xbox Live or Steam? Unfortunately there are a many jackass whom believe just that.

    i consciously try to avoid them because i like to maintain faith in humanity/nerds.
  • Call Me Snoopy
    I own two consoles and a PC (obviously) and I don't see why one is better than the other, they all have their pros and cons. I just want to play games. :D
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    oXYnary wrote: »
    You want to date us with these references? I see. Anyhow. Yea. I did the atari and nes as a kid... Until we got our first computer. I never looked back.

    You moved away from consoles that early? For me, PC gaming didn't really get awesome until 1993 or so, with DOOM and Dune II. I played computer games before that, but mostly just Ultimas and the like - nothing that could compete with the 16-bit console era. So many good games for the Genesis and SNES, games like FF3/6 just overran my life. Once 3D accelerators came out for PCs, I probably split my attention, and really got away during the PS2/Gamecube era. I'm probably split again, depending on the game. There are way too many great console oriented-games out there now for me to pass on - Uncharted, the GTA/RDR games, etc.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    the stakes are very high considering the price I pay for Piracy ( cool games not ported/re-ported? to pc )
    This is not a stupid thread. The more Mouse vs controller noise the better.
    I have bought Darksiders,
    Brutal Legend,
    and now Red Dead Redemption ,
    off the top of my head three games I will never fully enjoy.
    I bought all three hoping I could vicariously enjoy them through my nephews' experience...
    Apparently I need to purchase new nephews as well ( Call of Duty or nothing at all ) :-(
    Anyone have an opinion on the Modded mice for xbox ( I think there are currently two )
    the Mouse pwnage footage I have seen so far seems promising.

    Otherwise I will continue trying to git use to the damm controllers. ( hate them! )
    Funny thing is... I remember my Oddessy, Atari and Nintendo as being fun. So it's not like I don't have 30 plus plus years of positive experience already?
  • AshleyTayles
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    AshleyTayles polycounter lvl 9
    I believe many people choose consoles as they are cheap and everyone is using relatively the same hardware (Similar controllers, TV's, components) and this adds a fairness to the world of console gaming. On the other other hand if you've got a decent PC set up then you're open to cheaper games, superior graphics, possibility of more intuitive interfaces, etc etc.

    I own both a gaming PC and an Xbox 360 and only use the 360 for Zune and the occasional exclusive (which really annoys me).
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I believe many people choose consoles as they are cheap and everyone is using relatively the same hardware (Similar controllers, TV's, components) and this adds a fairness to the world of console gaming. On the other other hand if you've got a decent PC set up then you're open to cheaper games, superior graphics, possibility of more intuitive interfaces, etc etc.

    I own both a gaming PC and an Xbox 360 and only use the 360 for Zune and the occasional exclusive (which really annoys me).

    You spend $300 on the intial release of the console. Another $200 2 years later because the equipment wears out. $500. Then there is the $10 addition tacked on because of licensing fees. With many times the inability to play games from older systems. Are PCs more expensive? Yes. Is there more of a learning curve? Yes. On the other hand most people have a computer in one form or another these days.

    Anyhow. Tom. The D&D Forgotten Realm, Ultima, and the Hero's Quest Games and later the original Mechwarrior drew me in. I missed the whole Doom era as I was in college at the time and didnt have extra money to spend for a $2000 system. Only later in college when I got a job did I purchase my own and played Quake.

    God I wanted an Amiga back in High School.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    You have to spend $600 on a PC every 4 years if you just want to do web, word, and basic stuff, $1200 can get you a decent gaming rig, and we are all game artists here, so I'd assume everyone would have a good PC that handle most games.

    Consoles are $400 on launch $60 a controller, but I guess to compare it to PC's, you only really need one, wireless router is $40, $60 a year to play online, so the "PC premium" isn't really that much more.
  • Martin Henriksson
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    Martin Henriksson polycounter lvl 9
    marks wrote: »
    Do this on a 360 controller, then your argument will hold weight:
    skip to 1min to avoid the intro.

    This is better! :D Gets better towards the end.

  • Tom Ellis
    Can't believe how long this thread has gone on for.

    My two cents;

    It's quite clearly obvious that a keyboard/mouse = quicker, more accurate ability in the FPS genre.

    But really... who gives a shit? Are you THAT competitive that you NEED to be the best and you need the fastest input method so you can PwN No0bs?

    So PC's can run better graphics, cost more money, provide all kinds of ePeen extensions and instantly make you a l33t PC Gam3r.


    I sit at my desk all day in front of my PC using my keyboard and mouse... when I'm done with work, do I a) want to sit in that office chair AT A DESK playing games... or do I want to jump on that bigass leather couch with comfy cushions, kick back and grab a wireless controller in front of a big HDTV and home ents system?

    Or maybe I want to invite some friends over, have a few drinks, play some games... do we want to huddle round a desk in my office sharing the mouse and keyboard or do we wanna sit in the living room?

    To me, gaming is about fun, relaxing, and just enjoying it... whether thats an online FPS, a racing game, a deep RPG or whatever... I don't understand how people can spend hour upon hour hunched over their PC playing games... the key word is 'Playing' and that's not something I associate with what I view as my 'workspace'.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    "Or maybe I want to invite some friends over, have a few drinks, play some games... do we want to huddle round a desk in my office sharing the mouse and keyboard or do we wanna sit in the living room?"

    Word. Now lock the thread :)
  • bbob
    And, if you dont want your friends in your house, thats a matter of preference like most things are. :P

    Try to accept that others might feel inclined to other things, and maybe think about how boring the world would be if everyone had the same habits.

    Oh and you can easily be both a console and a PC gamer, I am, for one. Heck, I even play board-games and cards.
  • tex_cookiedough
    im glad i looked at this thread just for that epic frag video
  • EarthQuake
    i got a mouse with one of them balls in it, no... not a trackball... you know the one u gotta clean the gunk out of every week
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    i got a mouse with one of them balls in it, no... not a trackball... you know the one u gotta clean the gunk out of every week

    i can't imagine you get anything resembling mad pussy with hardware that shitty bro
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    i got a mouse with one of them balls in it, no... not a trackball... you know the one u gotta clean the gunk out of every week

    Maybe it's time to upgrade, only $130

  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    Mark my words, when proper motion controls catch on for FPS/TPS they will eclipse both gamepads and m+kb as the ideal option. The reason is pretty simple: what better way to simulate aiming than actually aiming?

    In the meantime, different strokes for different folks. If precision and accuracy are your only priorities then duh, m+kb wins. But there are a lot of other factors that many (if not most) gamers prioritize more highly.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    I cant aim for shit. ill stick with a mouse and a little Crosshair :)
    Personally I hate analog sticks. Like others i got a 360 becuase of the lack of certain titles being released on the PC. My 360 is now broken and out of warranty :(
  • 3devo
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    3devo polycounter lvl 12
    Powerglove FTW!
    P.S. Sorry but it had to be done
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