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Lucy the PinUp Girl (nudity) !!WIP!!

Hey, there.

It's about time that I try myself in the female anatomy ...

After I transposed the basemesh in ZBrush, I started to sculpt asymmetrically. Challenging but fun!

She might be a little too chubby for some of you, but hey I like it ; )

She's still in a very early stage and also about to get an outfit and some assets, therefore I'd need some c&c's.

BTW, that thing she's sitting on is going to be an oversized cigarette packet (Lucky Strike).

Lucy, the PinUp Girl.


Her face still looks a bit spooky, but here some more footage with a 40's hairstyle blockout.



  • Thor Sowards
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    She's Sexy! I like it lol. What were u wanting to do for the clothes?
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    She's Sexy! I like it lol. What were u wanting to do for the clothes?

    Clothes?Why clothes?!:poly142:
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    The feet need work. The toes are too short, and the bottom is too flat (looks like she was actually standing on them).

    *looks around* NO I don't have a feet fetish, SERIOUSLY! :p
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Great Idea, I love those old pinups :D
    Give those boobies some gravity man. they look like they're full of helium and about to float her away :D.
    Id really soften up the face and reduce the volume of her lips. the nasolabial fold is very deep which makes her look quite old, it might look nice if the groove was shallower the cheek fat a bit fuller. also her right but cheek seems much larger than her left.
  • Moosey_G
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    It's coming along very nicely. However,I agree with fletch about the boobs, man. Unless she's wearing a bra they're going to sag a bit. Also maybe tone down her cleft chin? Thats a matter of opinion, but think it would cut down on some masculinity.
  • Carl Brannstrom
    Looking quite cool!

    You might want to check this blog out babelab.blogspot.com

    It's focused on pin-up drawings more or less. It's really useful!
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Loving the proportions man, keep rockin!
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I don't see the problem here, as far as I can tell, pinup girls have always had antigravity tits.
  • attattattack
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    attattattack polycounter lvl 8
    Love the touch on the right big toe,
    also supporting HonkyPunch on the anti gravity tits.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Loving this. You have some great forms going on
  • achillesian
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    yeah, if your going for realism boob gravity is a must, if your going for replicating an old pinup photo or something, your probably alright
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    corv: Paul Richards is a legend. the blog seems really technical which i didnt expect :)
  • A.Ceylan
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    @ Thor Odinson - Thx, man! For further information on her clothes just scroll down : ))

    @ SpeCter - lol ... good one!

    @ JKMakowka - Yeah, I'll work on her feet as soon as I finished some other assets.

    @ r_fletch_r - Thx, for the feedback. A lot of things are probably gonna change, especially in her face.

    @ Moosey_G
    - Ohh, that chin is staying though. But you're right, it IS a matter of opinion.

    @ corv - WOOWW!! Thx, so much for the link. A lot of things, especially the Frazetta topic is very interesting.

    @ JasonLavoie - Glad you like it dude!

    @ HonkyPunch - Not only on this forum, also on others, huge discussions have been come into being as far as her breasts are concerned. Seems like opinions are parted drastically.

    @ attattattack - Thank you, the idea with the toe came to me out of nothing as I was taking a sh*t :)

    @ Josh_Singh & achillesian
    - Great, thx for the feedback!

    Small update.

    She's gonna get an army-outfit, at least parts of it and it is actually her lover's. So far only the helmet is 'finished'. The shirt is only blocked out and she's probably gonna get some boots aswell. One she's gonna wear, the other will possibly lean on the package. I'll also think of other assets too.

    Nothing's changed with her body so far. Wanna finish sculpting the shirt first.












  • OMGod
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    Great job so far, I really like the way you designed the shirt, well the basic outline of it anyways. Keep up the good work!
  • System
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    System admin
    Her body is looking good, some nice curves going on.
    The face seems deformed, cheek flesh/bones look goiterish and the brow ridge to nose bridge area on the forehead needs better blending.
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    pose looks nice, helmet is awesome, but the girl's features and body shape seem a bit exaggerated. Could just be my personal taste. Am a fan of STEVEN STAHLBERG
  • Raider
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    Raider polycounter lvl 9
    Gotta agree with everyone else about the breasts, i know it's kinda exaggerated but it's pretty much all i look at going that isn't possible, it's really throwing the pose off for me :| Like yer fake breasts can keep the shape and generally go straight, hers are actually going up

    Everything else works though! :D
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 14
    I think her face could do with being softer, but the body has some great curves and forms, especially along her back and abdomen, a shame its covered up!
  • flatHead
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    flatHead polycounter lvl 11
    Wonderful shapes, don't change a thing about the body! The face needs a little bit of work, you may want to check out the work of Gil Elvgren for that typical 40's/50's pin-up idealized look.

    Keep us updated, can't wait to see the end result :)
  • urgaffel
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    urgaffel polycounter lvl 17
    The ankle looks a bit thin for a body with that volume but might just be pin-up anatomy :) The boobs are good but could maybe not point up so much? The size is fine since it's a pin up but when she's leaning forward a little and the nipples are pointing up at a 45 dgree angle like that makes it look a bit odd but that's just a personal preference. Looking very good though and I have to echo people above, shame you're covering up the back, some really nice sculpting there.
  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
    What can you say? I like boobs, and those are great! Good job so far!
  • rumblesushi
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    Good job, I'm curious to see it textured. I second fletch on the breasts though, they look fake. In real life, pretty much all D cup and above natural breasts are at least slightly saggy.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    Aside from the Inflate-O-Boobs, the body is looking excellent. However, the face... god, that shit's gonna give me nightmares.

    If you want to keep the general shape of the face, but actually make it look more attractive and less like something that needs to consume souls to survive, might I suggest you take a look at Iga (sometimes Eva) Wyrwal?
  • duoxan
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    duoxan polycounter lvl 17
    amazing work, i love the idea and like everyones said your proportions are sweet. only thing that i notice is that her nipples seem to be a bit high, and id like to see some more squish on her left butt cheek, she is sitting down after all.
    that and the face, its a start but it needs work. it seems like you have an older womans face on a young body
    nice job dude
  • Simski
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    The face is like most people have already stated, scary as hell.
    I like most of the rest though, although I'm a bit sad you made the shirt cover up so much of her butt >:
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Swizzle wrote: »
    Aside from the Inflate-O-Boobs, the body is looking excellent. However, the face... god, that shit's gonna give me nightmares.

    If you want to keep the general shape of the face, but actually make it look more attractive and less like something that needs to consume souls to survive, might I suggest you take a look at Iga (sometimes Eva) Wyrwal?

    She'd be a good ref figure wise aswell, she's got the figure to suit.
  • rumblesushi
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    Ha, I was really just looking at the overall form, I didn't even notice the face. lol at needing to consume souls to survive.

    It does look a little scary to say the least, pretty old too.
  • A.Ceylan
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    @ OMGod - Thx, man. Hope you'll like the new update on the shirt.

    @ GCMP - Thx for noticing. Sometimes you just 'oversee' stuff. It's hard to stay objective.

    @ P442 - Yeah, Steven Stahlberg is one great artist. But honestly, as far as women are concerned I prefer Frazetta.

    @ Raider & urgaffel - I'll rework the breasts. Glad you like the rest.

    @ iansmithartist - I hope the shirt's folds on my update will do justice not to show her back anymore.

    @ flatHead - Thx for the advice. Gil Elvgren is a very good artist, probably the best pinup girl artist out there. Do have a lot of his work but haven't used it well at least what her face is concerning.

    @ Zpanzer - Well I hope you'll still like them after I'm done reworking 'em. Maybe I'm gonna give 'em names :)) in form of tattoos.

    @ rumblesushi - Can't wait myself to see her fully textured!

    @ Swizzle - 'However, the face... god, that shit's gonna give me nightmares.' LOL ... Hard but fair. I do respect everyone for it's critics but finally there's someone who kicked my ass. Update's ain't perfect but I hope I'm going in the right direction. At least it feels good or better than what I had. And thx for the pics - Iga is one hot BIH.

    Question though - What'd you do if I portrayed my wife? Not cool callin' my wife's face - shit ;)

    @ duoxan - Squish on her left butt cheek is noticed. Will definately have it on my next update

    @ Simski - I think it's sexier covering her ass up that much. But it's a matter of opinion.

    @ r_fletch_r - Yeah, true that. Her body would have been great reference material aswell. Mine was Sophie Dee. Not her face though, only her body. She ain't bad neither ...

    So, about Lucy's face. Here's a small before/after comparison. I'm still not finished with it but I think to go into the right direction. Any crits are welcome ...

    And here some update on the shirt. Will go the one or other Sub-D level up and add some more details to it aswell ...


  • AnimeAngel
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    pretty hot! look forward to seeing some hair and textures.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    The face is better, but it's still kind of weird looking. You're exaggerating so many of the features so much that she's looking alien and just completely off. The key to getting an attractive female is knowing which features to go over the top with, and which ones need to be understated and elegant. Faces, in general, should be the latter unless you want someone that looks like a villain or something with huge anime eyes.

    Here are a few things I think you could change that are just minor tweaks, but will probably help:

    The lips look like they've been overinflated with collagen, so all the shapes have been pushed way past what's normal and they're just freakishly puffy right now. Big lips are not bad, but collagen lips are. Try taking a look at some references (like these ones) so you can replicate what's going on in them.
    One thing to keep in mind is that lips aren't as round in profile as you think they'd be. The upper lip is almost a flat surface wedging out away from the slightly rounder lower lip.
    Beesting lips are fine and dandy, but they're usually not something you should put as much emphasis on as you're doing now. Tone down the tips where they meet the philtrum and pull them in a little closer to the center.
    One last thing about the lips I'd suggest is toning down the separation between the lips themselves and the rest of the face. The borders look way too exaggerated.

    Her nose is looking like it's been pinched towards the center of her face, so it's making the other features look weird next to it. I'd suggest making it wider all the way up and down.
    The bridge of her nose looks very flat, so try pulling it out a little from the rest of her face, or pushing the bits around the bridge of her nose below her eyes in just a little so you get more definition there. People with these kinds of faces generally don't have very flat bridges.
    You may also want to pull the front of her nostrils down just a small amount so she looks less like she has a piggy nose.

    Her eyes have a strange look about them, but it's not the shape of the eyes themselves, I don't think. Try pulling out the area right above the eye so she has a slightly puffier upper eyelid; this will help make her eyes look like they're actually in their sockets and it'll also help define her face as belonging to that voluptuous body by giving it some roundness.

    I did a kinda crappy paintover to illustrate the things I've mentioned. Sorry it looks kind of bad, but I don't have access to my tablet at the moment. It gets the main points across, though.

    Sorry for writing a novel in your thread, but I just hate to see a gnarly face on an otherwise excellent model. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 13
    Sophie Dee... I knew I recognized that ass haha. Looks awesome keep it up.
  • Simski
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    A.Ceylan wrote: »
    @ Simski - I think it's sexier covering her ass up that much. But it's a matter of opinion.

    I think it probably was a good choice of you...
    Covering up her naughty bits will probably make your work look more professional, and when shown to the public it will better give them more of an impression of you as an artist rather than a perv.

    Besides, a lot of people like having it covered up as it leaves more open to imagination...

    ...I sadly, am not one of those people.
    The former view of her rear entrance shall be mourned greatly :poly134:
  • nofacej
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    Could always make the shirt semi-transparent. It would be a shame to obscure all of the good work that went into sculpting her back and rear. Also, since when have artists shied away from nudity? Even hundreds of years ago when people were a lot more reserved than they are today artists were hiring prostitutes to use as models when they painted biblical scenes featuring everyone in their birthday suits.
  • e-freak
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    i think her chin and jaw might be a bit too strong (kinda makes her look masculine in that area?). not sure about it though. would love to see some big pair of glasses in there and a strap on one leg maybe? also if you're doing a background enviroment a hangar or something alike would kickass i suppose...
  • Jon Rush
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    I agree on the chin and jaw looking a bit too strong and defined. Also, what about giving her a bit more volume in the cheeks (face ones :P )?

    The pose is 10 kinds of awesome!
  • A.Ceylan
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    @ LRoy & AnimeAngel - Thx for the feedback.

    @ Simski - LOL! You're funny. Thanks for understanding my point of view and believe me I do understand yours too.

    @ nofacej
    - I am definately not against nudity. It's just that I had a vision I wanted to go after. That's why she's covered in the end.

    @ e-freak - Yeah, I'll definately rework her lips and probably her chin are aswell. About the glasses ... I hope you'll like the update ; )

    @ Jon Rush - As mentioned above. Gonna rework her chin and jaw and will do think about more volume in the cheeks. Glad you like the pose that much.

    @ Swizzle - Thank you very much for taking the time writing me. I'll definately come back to your post when I feel ready again for working on her body/face. Some very good points you have mentioned there. And no offense, but your paintover is kinda crappy. Honestly it was hard to filter out the good critics whilst looking at your sketch. But thx again!

    Quick Update:





  • n88tr
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    I think her face is too covered up now...
  • Mutated
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    Echoing n88tr's concern. The sunglasses are a little much. I didn't particularly care for the helmet, but the helmet by itself could work.

    I DO agree with Swizzle's points about the face, though... it looks all puffy, still. A bit better now from what I can see in the pictures, but smooth faces are much better looking.
  • JimeeB
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    JimeeB polycounter lvl 10
    Her nose is also still gnarly.
  • attattattack
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    attattattack polycounter lvl 8
    or if you want to keep the sunglasses, maybe tilt it a bit and expose her eyes?
  • A.Ceylan
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    @ n88tr - Yeah, you're probably right. Plus, the glasses are a notch too big. After putting some transparency in the shades though, I hope it won't bother too much. And if it did, I can still take 'em off.

    @ Mutated & JimeeB - Thx for the crits - I'm constantly working on her face.

    @ attattattack - They are tilted already. Obviously not enough : (

    Still have to sculpt one last Sub-D level on her body, some texturing and hair - yuck! Shading's not final neither.

    Hope you guys like the new update ...






    Oughta be done somewhen this week. Dag, I need vacation!
  • Mind
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    Mind triangle
    Waw i love the posture , i love the body, i lo.. in fact, i love everything in this model maybe exept her face but now this is not longer a probleme! Really eager to see this masterpiece finished =)
  • Simski
    Offline / Send Message
    Could we get to see the face without the glasses?

    I'm not meaning you should remove the glasses entirely, but removing the glasses temporarily so that people here can inspect it a little closer.
    Also... will she have hair or will she be army shaved?
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    not a fan of her face, but overall gesture, proportions and feel are very nice!
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    Sophie Dee is one of my favorites <3. No wonder i like this pieces so much lol.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Why does she have the butt chin? Makes her feel very masculin and less feminin
  • gsokol
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    I really feel like the helmet covering her hair, and the glasses covering her face take a lot away from the pin up style you are going for.

    When I think of pin ups, I think of cute faces and 40s style hair.
  • A.Ceylan
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    @ gsokol - You're probably right, though there was, is and always will be an exception.

    @ Virtuosic - Lol! I haven't even known her before. I was just looking for the one with the 'right' proportions ...

    @ conte - Glad you like the rest of her.

    @ Simski - A few scrolls down you'll find some pics without the glasses. I decided to go with the longer hair, though I got so used her to be bold.

    @ Mind - Thank you for your feedback, you made my day!

    @all - Thx for the helpful critics and feedback. Are still welcome.

    Special thanks to Predo for the base mesh, to Dietmar Hollenstein and his endless crits and advice, and to Nathalia Cruz.

    Now it's time for my vacation ... Cya, Guys!








    And finally a warning - and I say this in good heart.
    If you have never ever smoked - then never ever start.
    If you think that it's cool to smoke then just try stopping it.
    You'll find it's easier not to start, than smoking is to quit.
  • StevenEgan
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    StevenEgan polycounter lvl 9
    These latest images look fantastic.
  • A.Ceylan
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