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Skybridge walkway (surprise, it's UDK!)

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fearian greentooth



Hey guys, another contained UDK scene here! I've still not got to use UDK for an whole environment, and I need some practice at getting my speed up, so I thought I'd do one of those sci-fi corridors we've been seeing alot of lately! Ha, you all look so excited!

I'm going to be theming it towards an airport style walkway that in this case will connect two skyscrapers; Airy, white and clean is the look I'm going for here.

As I mentioned, I want to work on my speed so I'm hoping to keep this as a two day project. I won't be doing high poly models for alot of assets, and my big target is just to push through assets and not get bogged down on the details. I'm worried this will compromise some quality but its my biggest weakness.

Here's the blockout, I'm going for lunch, and I'm gonna get started when I get back! :thumbup:



  • Illusive
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    Illusive polycounter lvl 8
    i see you've got the typical airport signs happening.

    have you considered something more sci fi like this:

  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    Thats great! Yeah, I'm going for near future, and holographic advertising is gonna feature. I might make QR code ad's in the vein of this.
  • Illusive
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    Illusive polycounter lvl 8
    lol qr codes are the future!!
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    Ok - progress is alot slower than I expected for one big reason: I'm spending as much, if not more time reading/watching tutorials as I am working on assets. but having blocked out the BSP, and got one asset in, I think the next 10 meshes should go alot faster :D

    So I present an untextured hallway section with an untextured pillar! whooo...


    Some quick questions about UDK to speed up my tutorial googling time - what's the best way to organize a scene/level? a package for every prop? a package for the level? Where can I save my packages so that the supplied Unreal stuff doesn't clog up my browser? thanks!
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    If your scene is not going to become a game, everything in a single package can work. You can also store things into your map using it as a package, but there's a limit (around 384Mb I think).. The good thing is that when working in an iterative manner, saving stuff in the maps helps keeping it clean, since every useless asset in the map package gets deleted when saving.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    This little update is more for me than for you, polycount hivemind.

    I did some more UDK tuts and got to work on the next asset, the curved roof. I wanted a corrugated stainless steel roof, but I got bogged down trying to work out the perfect titling corrugated pattern that fits and repeats in a 256 unit space. I now hate max grid snapping with a passion.

    I got the roof done, unwrapping it was more tedious than I thought because everything was long and thin. I'll slap on a diffuse, a bend modifier, and stick it in unreal.


    oh and here's a easier to break down blockout render. (still hella quick and dirty).

  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    I realize I'm spamming my own thread, but posting keeps me motivated! :D

    unwrapped roof and pillars are in, the beams havn't even been unwrapped, but I wanted them in the shot.


    Don't worry, I'm saving lighting for when everything is in untextured.

    Obviously my two day timescale was a bit bonkers, so revising that, I hope to have all the models in and unwrapped by the end of friday, then I'll get the textures done over the weekend, and we'll see about lighting presentation and fun stuff on monday.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    -_- next to no progress. Spent too much of my working time watching unreal tuts and googling alot of property settings.

  • Visceral
    Cool stuff, i think i commented over at interlopers though ;) A bit to early for crits.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    WELL. I've gotten sidelined on the whole lightning speed part of this project, because I've been finding myself really enjoying exploring lots of UDK features. The material editor especially has been the focus of my attention over the last few days. In no small part to Virtuosic's fantastic tutorial on making a master 'control' material. It's really opened my eyes to what the material editor can be used for, and I have a bunch of things to add to my master mat!

    I've gotten started on the world materials, mainly the floor and wall. Here they are in the scene:


    The Wall texture could be nearly finished, but I want to get some more colour into it. One problem I'm having is that I want everythign to look clean, light and new - but its very hard to get detail into a clean white texture. Mirrors edge is probably closest to what I have to aim for, and I think I plan on letting the lighting colour alot of the world.


    What can I add to this without making it seem damaged or too dirty?

    The roof is corrugated, but no AO or shadows appear in the crevices - how can I get this set up? It looks almost unlit!

    Speaking of the roof, the end of the beams that run down the roof are bright white. Lighting just seems messed up on my roof all over. Lightmap UV's are fine, I don't know where to go from there.

    Oh yeah, and for some reason my package is appearing twice on my package list? Is this just an instance? Do I ahve to save both? sometimes it looks like one package is saved but the other isn't. Last time this happened, I accidentally added some materials to the new package and lost them next time I started UDK :(


    Crits/help needed! :poly142:
  • Visceral
    Yeah that Master Material Changed my entire workflow. Really Amazing stuff.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Looking good so far!

    I'd love to see some color on those walls tho. You said you want them to look clean, you could try perhaps to tint them with saturated blue hues? You could also try to add an opposite color (orange) as accent here and there. Would make things more interesting since those colors would bounce neatly on the clean surfaces you got.


    Another good idea would be to pick a color palette from this site: http://www.colorschemedesigner.com/
  • Envelope
    If you dont want to add grunge or dirt to it, then you could make the bottom 2 rows a darker diffuse color, or give it a color. If nothing, at least you can shrink the texture. :)
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    I went on holiday for a while, back home, then to the US, and now I'm back at my flat where I havemy computer and I'm back on the job. I'm gonna start texturing shit!


    I spent alot of time doing the metal plates on the floor, adding wear and grime and giving them a spec map and more detail to the normal... and It's completely impossible to see from even this distance :( Texturing is something I think I'm alright at but I have alooooot to learn! So thank you to Philip K for his fantastic texturing tutorials that popped up while I was away, just in time for the textures!

    I think my problem here is that I want a very light clean metal and that makes the details hard to pick out...
  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    you should check out mass effect 2 floors they have clean floors but also some scratch and dirt in a simple way if u havent checked that out yet.:)
  • EMC3D
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    EMC3D polycounter lvl 14
    The yellow borders are kind of reminding me of lego at the moment. I think you could desaturate your bright colours a little, but that's my preference, I usually do it through world postprocessing settings in UDK, setting the desaturation anywhere between 0.25 and 0.35.

    Lighting is forming, you could potenitally get some shapes going outside of the render area, you may not be able to see the models but you'll be able to dress the floor with the shadows from said models.

    Keep going, it's shaping up!
  • aajohnny3d
    Pretty nice, I think you should give more attention to the pillars/columns they need more color.
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    the main thing that's bothering me is that there's no sense of scale. no small details yet but i suppose that's being worked on :)
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