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GP-5 gasmask

polycounter lvl 14
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seth. polycounter lvl 14
hey everybody.

I have just finished my first "serious" portfolio piece, I'm a 1st year student at Derby Uni, but I'm using the summer to get my work up to scratch for internship aplications around Xmas.

With that in mind I would be greatful if I could get some C+C on the piece.

The Tri count is 2776, I really wanted to keep the eyepieces as round as possible. I think they are pretty much the focal point of the mask, was this a smart move or daftness.

thanks in advance and all that.



  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    its kind of scary because the way the ears are done, it looks like someone is wearing it when that is clearly not so.
    Though, it's pretty good, I had this kind of gas mask.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    hey Honkeypuch...(love the username :D) yeah I modeled it with a head in there so that I can use it on a character in the future if I need to.....I have a manequin base in Zbrush, do you think that I should low poly it and use it to display the mask? Anyway thanks man :)
  • limesimme
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    limesimme polycounter lvl 11
    You are using a 2048 map, yet I must point out that the green metal parts seem way too blurry and don't really wear that metal look.
    That is about what I can crit, other than that it's a good job done!
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks limesimme, I do tend to overdo it with the blur brush....I guess that doing an unsharp mask pass on it wouldn't hurt.
  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    yea i would give bigger space for the cylinder part too but your pretty close to the ref so very nice work
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    Ta very much Lonewolf. a friend also sugested that I need to work better on my material definition so I think that maybe re-jigging the UV's and working on the metalic areas again will be what I get up to this weekend.

    If anyone has any further crits I would be happy to hear them.

    thanks again )
  • CGvanHoudt
    I think that both the tri count and the texture resolution is way to high, I would mirror the 'face' part, since it's symmetrical anyway, and cut up the green metal part. I think you can get (nearly) the same result out of a 512 map if you use your UV space better.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks cgvanHoudt, I havent mirrored a head before but it's definatly worth looking at while I'm changing stuff around, thanks man....dont know if I will go as low as 512 though....that level of res still scares me :)
  • Gotshoes
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    Gotshoes polycounter lvl 9
    I have to agree with CGvanHoudt. If I was making this asset (assuming that it will be an in-game asset) I would be using a 512 for everything but the glass. The glass I would have on a separate 128 with alpha. that way you don't have a 32 bit 512 texture. I wouldn't even bother mirroring the UVs, a 512 should contain more than enough detail for an item of this size. I mean in most games a 512 x 512 is the size of a full wall texture.

    your normals are totally wasted with all that modeled in detail. At your current resolutions you've got a cinematic asset, which is fine if that's your intent. I think I'd aim for 1000 tris for the whole mask (for in game standards) and let your normals do the work of adding details.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks gochillis, great stuff. One of the trickiset things to figure out for me at the moment ( other than how the hell to do everything :D) is getting texture resoloution and poly limits right.

    Its my intention at some point to use this on a character, with that in mind would 1024x1024 be an acceptable texture size?

    I have been reworking the texture today too, starting with the canister and working my way back up the model......learning a lot in the process....here you gogasmaskwip4.jpg

    hopefully I have kicked my blur brush habit a bit and sharpened it up.

    Thanks again for all the crits guys, there is some really valuable info here for me, I must admit I will probably only cut to 2000 tri's for the actual model but the texture res stuff I'm going to do my best to sort out.
  • CGvanHoudt
    On a character I would still not go any higher than 512, depends on your target hardware but often a 1024 map is used for an entire character. In my opinion, if you have a 2048 texture map on your character you can go for a 512 texture map on the mask, but if you have a character with a 1024 map 512 might be pushing it already.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    The metal leveled up. Nice one dude.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    thanks whats_true :)

    CGvanhoudt...I'm going to have to bite the bullet and go to a 512 arent I :)...I did rework the UV's this morning to see what a mirrored head will look like so I think that I will finish texturing the bigger map version...just cos I'm learning a lot re-doing the textures on it, and then scale down to a 512 map and take it from there...are these looking about ok for the 512 set?

  • CGvanHoudt
    That is a lot better, you could even go further by cutting up the UV's of the glass and overlapping all the triangles, that saves a lot of space. Same thing goes for the green metal part, unless of course you want a specific texture on those parts.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    CGvanHoudt, coincedentally I got some other feedback that sugested the same thing so I will be giving that a go on the 512 also.

    well the weekend was taken up with many things but I did get a chance to do a little more to the larger maps, jst the metal left to re-work now I think....although i'm still playing with the levels on the rubber part after deciding to go to the black variant on the mask:

    C+C more than appriciated :)

  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    good, now paste a layer of some real metal texture on that and play with the blending/opacity until u get something nice

    also, that green is too saturated lower the color, it needs to look abit old
  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18

    something like that, heh was bored :P

    u can add some reflection to give it real environment feel
  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    I liked the initial colors more, since that's what I'm used to seeing. My grandfather had loads of such gasmasks at home, and I used to play with them. What does bother me is the ears. I recall the rubber of the mask being a lot tougher and less elastic, so ears were generally pushed in, in a very un-gentle manner by the mask. The one you've modeled seems having the ears pushing the mask out.
    Can you poke them in a bit, and still not have the character's ears clip through?
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    Lonewolf....damn , ace paintover...its a lot dirtier than I want to go with the piece but I'm gutted that you managed to make it look so cool so quickly....I've been at this thing for days .....re the green:.....I looked back at that and thought, bloody hell that is a bit bright....I had forgoten to swich a layer back on in PS :)...yeah I'm that good.

    Zenarion, I agree that the white rubber looks smarter, I just fancied having a go at the black rubber variant too, cos getting the material to look any where near right when its so dark seems to be quite a challenge....ears wise they are about as close as can be, but I will have a look and see if I can find some extra moving space

    thanks guys :)
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