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Tablet: Pen or Mouse mode?

Hey so today I got my second tablet (Wacom Intuos4 Medium). My first one was a bamboo but it got stolen at board school.

Anyway my question is which do you prefer, Pen or Mouse mode? Pen mode is when the hotspot on the tablet represents the entire screen. Mouse mode is when the cursor moves like a mouse would.

Let me know what your personal preference is.


  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Didn't really know you COULD set a mouse mode for the tablet... as such, I'm quite used to Pen mode. If I tried to switch now, I'd have to completely rewire my brain. No complaints about doing it this way, once I got used to it :P
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I like pen mode for drawing/painting and stuff, but if I'm ever using the tablet for anything else (browsing the web, general computer use, games) I tend to switch it over to mouse.
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    I prefer pen mode, I've actually recently tried to get used to mouse mode but I just couldn't, because you really need to lift your pen good or else it kinda like jumps back to where it was when you try to like flick it over to some place (I'm sure you know what I mean if you've tried it).
  • Y_M
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    Y_M polycounter lvl 10
    I have my mouse in mouse mode for all three screens and I have my pen in pen mode for just my left most screen (where I run all my intensive programs).

    I had my pen set to mouse mode for the first few months, way back when I hardly ever used it. Now I use it far far more and there's really no way on earth you'd catch me using it in moue mode, it just is nowhere near as fast or easy to use. With a mouse you're always holding it and readily able to move it as you need but with a pen you're used to keeping it away from the page until you want to draw a line, so keeping it hovering just an inch or less above the tablet is completely different from what you normally do. When you're drawing in traditional media, you move your pen to the corner if you want to draw in the corner, Mouse mode just doesn't make sense logically and like highelf says I just can't work that way it feels totally alien and unnatural.

    In case you're wondering: I use my middle screen for internet browsing, source SDK's hammer (spread across left and mid screen), the bulk of my folder browsing(though often I have a dozen windows open across left and mid screen) then third screen is for instant message chats, chatrooms and anything else of low importance (it's to the side of me rather than left and mid monitors which share the prime space on my desk)

    My only problem is I've moved my photoshop layers palette onto my second screen to save on space for the actual image, but this means I need to grab my mouse every time I want to change layer. I haven't found a good solution for this, there just isn't enough space for it on the main screen :(

    Ninja edit: What I really want is the button the cintiq has that toggles which monitor the pen controls. That would be perfect.

  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17

    I just get confused when I click somewhere and my cursor doesn't appear there.
  • Vertrucio
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    Vertrucio greentooth
    Pen mode. I mean, honestly, you're holding a pen. If you wanted to use mouse mode, use a mouse and don't pay $200+ for a tablet just to use it like a mouse.

    Y_M: The latest wacom drivers have a built in display toggle, at least it does on my intuos 4.

    Another option I've been looking into for that is a relatively cheap small intuos 4 small, they go for $150 or so on ebay, reasonable enough to speed things up.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I just use it in pen mode, and use my mouse (the actual logitech mouse I own) when I need it.

    The real trick is getting your workstation setup properly so everything works for you. A lot of people over look this, and its extremely important. Take the time to setup your workstation and you will never look back.
  • dansher
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    dansher polycounter lvl 8
    i haven't used a tablet yet. but i was just wondering when you say mouse mode does that mean that you have to place the pen on the tablet and drag it around to move the courser, and pen mode means you can just press the pen anywhere and the courser jumps there?
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Dansher: I think you understand correctly. With a tablet, normal pen mode is essentially working with a pen that is mapped to areas of a specific monitor or set of monitors. So if I point at the top left of the tablet, it will be in that exact spot on the screen. Then bottom right of the screen, it will be in that exact spot.

    With a mouse, and with the mouse setting on a tablet. The cursor is not mapped to specific areas of the screen. So you have to move the pen like a mouse, otherwise it stay perfectly still. You would take the pen, get close to the tablet with it, then hover over the tablet to move the cursor, similar to dragging a mouse. I hope that clears it up for you.
  • dansher
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    dansher polycounter lvl 8
    yeah that does thanks heaps,

    one other thing i was wondering about is when using the pen is it just like a touch screen when you touch the pen to the screen it will start drawing or do you have to press down a button or something wile doing it, i was just wondering because when im drawing with pen and paper i tend to rest my arm on the paper and i think it would be really annoying if i kept drawing with my elbow or something lol
  • kary
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    kary polycounter lvl 18
    Y_M wrote: »
    Ninja edit: What I really want is the button the cintiq has that toggles which monitor the pen controls. That would be perfect.


    If you go to the wacom tablet properties > tool > funtions > display toggle and set that the way you want, then put one of the express key to that does it do what you want?
  • CompanionCube
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    CompanionCube polycounter lvl 12
  • Rens
    I love these comments, i mean really..

    I've set mine to mousemode for a long time now,
    I dont have to drag my whole hand across the damn thing every second,
    when i place it down it is less of a guess, more acurate,
    less dragging mistakes,
    i dont have to place the wacom right infront of me, so i can place it better with my keyboard and dont sit with a wrong posture.
    Overall it is much faster.

    When you do set it to mouse mode, make sure it is fast, you dont want to feel like dragging it,
    if you place your hand on the wacom, and have the cursor in the middle of the screen, you need to be able to go to the edge of the screen with a movement of the wrist.

    I dont have a mouse on my desk, everything is done with the wacom,
    and with that, mousemode becomes much more efficient, and using the pen mode becomes cute.
  • nooby
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    nooby polycounter lvl 10
    I think that everything depends on your traditional drawing skills, if you have been drawing on a real paper for quiet long time I guess it would be better to have your tablet mapping settings set to Pen mode so you wont loose your skills of traditional drawing, otherwise I totally agree with Rens , I find it quiet annoying to drag your hand across all of the tablet surface just to make a single click on the other side of the screen, so my choice is - mouse , for the time being, if I will get smaller tablet probably I will change my preference (:
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    When I first got a tablet I tried both ways, but found Pen Mode much more intuitive for me. I never have to think about where my mouse cursor is, or wave it around so I find it again. If I put the stylus down in the upper left corner, I know it's going to be exactly there on the monitor.
    Vertrucio wrote: »
    Pen mode. I mean, honestly, you're holding a pen. If you wanted to use mouse mode, use a mouse and don't pay $200+ for a tablet just to use it like a mouse.
    Isn't there a bit more to it, though? Last time I checked, even in Mouse Mode you get pressure sensitivity and tilt.
  • Y_M
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    Y_M polycounter lvl 10
    kary wrote: »
    If you go to the wacom tablet properties > tool > funtions > display toggle and set that the way you want, then put one of the express key to that does it do what you want?

    I don't have any of that functionality in my 'pen tablet properties' application, which I believe is still what the wacom site tells me is what my tablet needs to use. :(
  • commador
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    commador polycounter lvl 14
    I have my tablet set to mouse. I like to use my pen as much as I can over my mouse, and setting the mapping properties to one panel would be OK, but I have 3, and use all the space they offer. It took a bit to get used to after having a single panel but I much prefer it now. Guess I'm weird. :poly142:
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