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TF2 - mac10?

I whipped up this model a few days ago as i was bored, decided to put it in tf2 as my boredom was continued.

I'm looking for feedback so feel free to comment :)


not really a very "TF2" item but still having fun working on it (vid of in game below)


so yeh criticism is welcome, preferably constructive...

thanks :)


  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 12
    It needs a texture. You probably should have worked on making a texture instead of that video.
  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    Model looks cool, maybe I would have exagerated with some of the parts to make it fit more in the TF2 universe. Like the main top piece would be bigger and bigger buttons and that kind of stuff. And yah, you need a texture bro. Animation look cool too!
  • tex_cookiedough
    c0ldhands wrote: »
    Model looks cool, maybe I would have exagerated with some of the parts to make it fit more in the TF2 universe. Like the main top piece would be bigger and bigger buttons and that kind of stuff. And yah, you need a texture bro. Animation look cool too!

    yeah i have been thinking about tf2 style and how i can make this work, thanks for the feedback :) the above post is a WiP of my progress :poly124: hence the lack of real texture, atm im blocking out some colour to see what works.
  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    You got your muzzleflash originating way too low.
    Don't forget to fix that up later.
  • tex_cookiedough
    Update on texture.. some things are obviously, and i mean OBVIOUSLY not done, but anyway im not quite sure where to go with this.. thoughts anyone?

    sorry for huge pics.. will try to resize soon but atm it wont let me :poly116:





    anyway, as before constructive criticism is welcome. please take note: I'm not completely blind I do know there are issues with seams :poly142: workin on it..

    thanks. :thumbup:


    muzzle flash is also fixed.
  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    Dunno, looks like its not belonging in the Tf2 engine, or its like a baby that gets pushed away by its mother. Maybe one thing that will help is to maybe round off some edges. Like the front end, the lower sides...really dont know whats wrong with this sick puppy. Maybe Im exagerating a bit, but maybe it gets better if you "qucik-slap" some colors on it. Hope that helps-
  • tex_cookiedough
    c0ldhands wrote: »
    Dunno, looks like its not belonging in the Tf2 engine, or its like a baby that gets pushed away by its mother. Maybe one thing that will help is to maybe round off some edges. Like the front end, the lower sides...really dont know whats wrong with this sick puppy. Maybe Im exagerating a bit, but maybe it gets better if you "qucik-slap" some colors on it. Hope that helps-

    haha im positive it doesnt really belong in tf2.. working on it tho :poly142:
  • tex_cookiedough
    texture wip


  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    if you have access to tf2 assets i recomend you to study them thoroughly , diffuse, spec etc , that will give you ideas on how to treat gunmetal etc on their engine :) good luck !
  • Andrew Mackie
    Offline / Send Message
    The model and texture are looking great!
    One thing I feel about the texture is that there needs to be a higher contrast, or maybe some color [very little, if any].
    Looking really good though.
  • Kitteh
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    Kitteh polycounter lvl 18
    the way you've animated it looks really weird. It's too big and thumbs don't really bend that way.
  • n88tr
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    if the gun parts were more exaggerated to fit into the TF2 universe it would be something special. As it is, it's just a CSS model that looks like it's been forced into TF2.
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