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Come to Australia.

polycounter lvl 17
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Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
I'm bored, come visit me here in Sunny Perth.

No but seriously, if anyone is headed to this hemisphere anytime soon and would like to catch up for a beer or something, I can easily be persuaded. Hell, I can even offer a bed to sleep on and I can supply the beer. Maybe I'll even lend you my car.

I've been told by my boss that I need to meet new people, and, well, he's my boss and I have to listen to him. Military eh. I dunno, been lurking around the forums for so long and only ever having met 1 member (Gauss, I haven't forgotten you buddy :)), would just like to meet some of you fine folk.

Yeah, so basically come to Australia because I told you so.



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