I just thought I'd throw myself in here on the last day, some engi stuff.
Black Betty - Pistol Replacement (Would need edited ammo counts)

The Jag - Wrench Replacement

Chauffeur's Cap - Hat

These are purely just hlmv "renders," so the quality won't be as high.
Also I want to know what I need to do to prove I made these, I started awhile ago though I guess I can just post WIP renders of the piece from start to finish?
Black Betty was based on:
Very Large Image
Chauffeur Cap based on:
This and This
WIP's (Though not truely WIP's cause I never really "showed them off," though I do have many .max files for each major change I did to the models):
Large Image
Black Betty:
Large Image
Chauffer's Cap:
Large Image
Formalities aside, your items look great. I've always liked the models you've done for TF2. I just wish you'd have posted WIPs! You could have gotten tons of valuable feedback on your items while developing them instead of posting 8 hours before the contest ends just to show that you're entering.
Also what's the theme of your pack? All of your items have to be tied together by a theme.
I don't see anything about a theme other than "Items must be themed to Team Fortress 2 and should fit in the Team Fortress 2 universe and time period (e.g. No clown suits for the Heavy Weapons Guy!" from the briefing page.
Also sorry for being a defensive prick, love you bro. C:
What's the overall theme of your Pack? Your entry is to be 1 cohesive theme. Not 3 separate items that are completely unrelated to eachother. If you entered earlier - as you should have - and seen what others were doing, you would have picked up on that.
"You must create a Work In Progress thread in the Contests and Challenges Forum for your entry and must show your progress from start to finish"
This doesn't mean you do 1 post with breakdown shots of your work from beginning to end. It means you register at Polycount (or be an existing member) and post your progress as it is completed.
So far, everyone has understood this. And with this, if the work was shown in your WIP thread we'd be able to know if you made it before or after the contest start date. Your mesh had been worked on previously, which is unfortunate.
As I said, so far the rules written were clear enough that very few people have misunderstood the rules about posting at Polycount, whether the work needed to be developed after the start date, or whether or not they needed to be the same cohesive theme. In fact, you're the first person I've seen who this needed to be addressed.
Have a look around at other entries if you have other questions about how the contest works.
Either way I'm just being a sourpuss.
Hopefully because of the great turnout there will be more of these competitions. You should definitely enter the next one (if there is one) now that you understand how it works better.