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  • KhAoZ
    I guess some people just haven't ever encountered sarcasm in their life before...
  • Moosey_G
    Sarcasm is a verbal transaction not a written one.
  • ES_139
    of course sarcasm can be a written transaction...!??
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    Moosey_G wrote: »
    Sarcasm is a verbal transaction not a written one.

    There are these things called "books"....
  • Moosey_G
    Asherr wrote: »
    There are these things called "books"....

    There are these things called "message boards" :P
  • Disco Stu
  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    Not gonna lie, I want one. Admittedly, I am not stupid. The thought of other people running around with these is so very frightening, and I wouldn't even trust my best friends with this.

    So, you know. Give me one, and destroy the rest. kthxbye.

    (Actually, with great power comes great responsibility, and I simply wouldn't leave it anywhere for fear of it being stolen and used against me.)

    Imagine having it mounted on a wall, and having some thief brake in and use it against you.

    Destroy them all...
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Just imagine messing about with it and someone knocks you and the laser points at a wall closer than three feet and the diffuse reflects into your eyes. You think your ok till the next day...
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    My take on it is this is a weapon, and needs to be treated as one, that means owning one shouldn't be unlike the process for getting a gun (requiring a license even depending on your countrys regulations for such things).
  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    Especially creepy if you think of the fact that industrial level labeling lasers start at 15-20W.

    This is really getting me paranoid of some stupid kid standing on a motorway bridge :/
  • Michael Knubben
    KhAoZ wrote: »
    I guess some people just haven't ever encountered sarcasm in their life before...

    Was that directed at me?
    Because if so, show me where exactly you were sarcastic, rather than just idiotic.
  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 17
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    My take on it is this is a weapon, and needs to be treated as one, that means owning one shouldn't be unlike the process for getting a gun (requiring a license even depending on your countrys regulations for such things).

    QFT :thumbup:
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    you guys fell for the manufactured paranoia of Fox news. I'm really lucky that I had the chance to have a real science experiment as a kid and do actual science experiments in the class room. I never realized we'd turn into a bubble-wrap world were we have to warn people that coffee is hot
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    you guys fell for the manufactured paranoia of Fox news. I'm really lucky that I had the chance to have a real science experiment as a kid and do actual science experiments in the class room. I never realized we'd turn into a bubble-wrap world were we have to warn people that coffee is hot

    Yes...but this is like someone invented coffee that was so hot that it melts your arm off. And the steam of the coffee can burn your eyes out.

    This is something that should only be produced for industrial or scientific purposes. With warnings and saftey gear, etc. Not something available to every kid that thinks "whoa...cool...lets go point it at stuff"
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    yea this is pretty disgusting, I actually feel uneasy reading about it. Especially knowing how stupid alot of kids are these days, and Im sure we got loads of stupid chavs that would think it funny to blind people without thinking about the consequences. We got enough with knife crime in the UK as it is.

    Yes lightsabres are cool but its stupid to try to replicate it when you think about just how dangerous they would actually be. I suppose we should count ourselves lucky its just a glorified lazer pointer atm
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Game developers using the "but think of the children!" argument, I don't know if I should laugh of cry.

    A laser that's "under $200" and only available online doe not constitute a deadly weapon in every box of cereal.

    This is like the Fox mass effect sex scandal but now science is the bad guy. Handheld lasers that can damage your eyes have been around for what, 20 years now?

    Anywho, now that you guys are good and scared here's another scary science thing to ban: DMHO

    <edit> oh yeah, if you really want to shit your pants take a look at the website for United Nuclear Scientific Equipment & Supplies
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Hey, I did real science experiments at school. We had such a laid back science teacher he'd dump phosphorous on our desks and go off and read a paper.

    and I know that DMHO joke.

    So at what power does a laser become a deadly weapon? Or does it only become one when its used as such.

    Anyway what is the purpose of the use of it? Its not like a gun which there are plenty of legitamate reasons. Its not powerful enough to be useful for cutting things, its too powerfull to be reliable as a pointer.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Calabi wrote: »
    Hey, I did real science experiments at school. We had such a laid back science teacher he'd dump phosphorous on our desks and go off and read a paper.

    and I know that DMHO joke.

    So at what power does a laser become a deadly weapon? Or does it only become one when its used as such.

    Anyway what is the purpose of the use of it? Its not like a gun which there are plenty of legitamate reasons. Its not powerful enough to be useful for cutting things, its too powerfull to be reliable as a pointer.

    We're probably the same age then, the most dangerous substance you can get in a science experiment kit these days are vinegar and baking soda and Highschool chemistry classes involve the teacher doing the experiment while warning that you shouldn't try this yourself. In the US it's gotten so bad that things like graduated cylinders are illegal in many states because of the fear mongering that if people have access to lab equipment they'll make meth and bombs. Science & Hi-tech has been one of the few things the west was good at but I guess our future will be in rounding off corners and making sure nobody gets a boo-boo.

    actually, people use powerful lasers like this for star gazing, you can point to constellations with it, granted green lasers work best.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    actually, people use powerful lasers like this for star gazing, you can point to constellations with it, granted green lasers work best.

    Justin, perhaps you failed to notice that this laser looks like a light saber.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    Justin, perhaps you failed to notice that this laser looks like a light saber.

    there are replica lord of the rings swords too. Sure it isn't practical, it's just a company recognizing something that nerds are doing anyway and looking to profit.

    oh gawd, I just had a vision of Fox finding out that these diodes are inside PS3's.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    We're probably the same age then, the most dangerous substance you can get in a science experiment kit these days are vinegar and baking soda and Highschool chemistry classes involve the teacher doing the experiment while warning that you shouldn't try this yourself. In the US it's gotten so bad that things like graduated cylinders are illegal in many states because of the fear mongering that if people have access to lab equipment they'll make meth and bombs. Science & Hi-tech has been one of the few things the west was good at but I guess our future will be in rounding off corners and making sure nobody gets a boo-boo.

    actually, people use powerful lasers like this for star gazing, you can point to constellations with it, granted green lasers work best.

    Yeah I think thats really sad and misses the point of science, the point of science isnt to be given information and take as granted. They should be told the discoveries of science, and then do the actual experiments themselves, as proof(like building their own particle accellerator). They should be taught to rely on what they see themselves as evidence not on what they are told.

    I guess they do have their purposes, but this product is purposefully being provocative. But this sort of thing was going to happen eventually, this product just happens to be the first.
  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    Problem isnt the device its built in, its the power output which lies around 15 mW for the ps3 laser diode and around 1W for that strange laser pointer.

    (Yeah 15 mW thats 1/(66/2/3) of 1 W.... now a small diameter and you know where we're going)

    Its not about banning this stuff, (like nobody would ban kitchen knives, on the other hand nobodys stupid enought to put one into other people's eyes. Well at least lets hope so)

    its about using it carefully, like every company that uses lasers for anything needs to teach their personel how to properly use that stuff.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Exactly, I'm not for people using kitchen knives to cut up their vegetables or bread, as much as I dont mind a serious person using a laser pointer for serious stuff, but if they walk around with their kitchen knives hanging from their belt in the middle of a crowded area, that's not even legal, is it?

    Retarded people with laserpointers cannot stay away from other peoples eyes, it's like a bit red button that you may not press.
  • KhAoZ
    there are replica lord of the rings swords too. Sure it isn't practical, it's just a company recognizing something that nerds are doing anyway and looking to profit.

    oh gawd, I just had a vision of Fox finding out that these diodes are inside PS3's.

    THANK YOU!!!! That is exactly what I was thinking...
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    The thing about this laser is you can use it and nobody will necessarily know who or where you are. You can be totally anonymous while blinding people and lighting them on fire. Compare that to pretty much any other dangerous thing ever, and add in the difference in people's behavior when they know they're totally anonymous in a situation, and you will realize why this might end badly for a few people.

    I'm not a big fan of banning cool, useful tools... but giving someone a powerful weapon and removing all potential consequences or threats of responsibility? Really guys? You can't see how this might be bad?
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    justin, I'm totally with you on the whole 'we shouldn't be treated like children' kind of thing, and not taking PC ness to far. People should be able to perform amature science experiments. But this is an item which can permanantly blind that looks like a toy.. It's not some piece of lab equipment designed for scientists. what do you do with lightsabres? you wave them all over the place, precisely the *last thing you should do with a high powered laser..

    I just don't know how that sounds like a good idea. I don't mind people building their own, beacuse the sort of person who knows enough to do that also likely knows not to be a dick with it
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    It's not a lightsaber, nor is it a replica lightsaber.

    It is, and please read this, a high powered laserpointer who's body was crafted to mimic that of a lightsaber.

    There's nothing more to it than this. The issue people have with it is that A.) It's extremely high powered and can cause damage to humans/the environment in multiple ways and B.) Children may want to get this when they see that it looks like the body of a lightsaber and, OHMYGAWD, it has lasers.

    Anyway, stupid product.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Cause I use this to cut my toast?
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    stupid thread needs closing
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    ZacD wrote: »
    Cause I use this to cut my toast?

    You can if you have no need for your eyes.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Hmm...I wonder...

    If I take a Nerf gun and modify it....hmmm...So that it can shoot holes through solid brick walls...now that would be cool. And because its a nerf gun I can still sell it to anyone over the net. What a great idea!

    hmmm...I might have to put a warning label on it though. Something like. Do not point at people! and, NOT for children! in red letters. Then I wont have to face any silly law suits.
  • ES_139
    pretty sure that would be classed as a projectile weapon so not a good analogy to use in this case.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    ES_139 wrote: »
    pretty sure that would be classed as a projectile weapon so not a good analogy to use in this case.

    oh..fs...its a ranged weapon...whatever.

    the outcomes the same. People get hurt. But its just a statistic. So its fine. we all live happily ever after....but maybe mamed or blind in one eye...but we'll be happy. Thats all that counts.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Horrible product.

    This thing doesn't scare me as much as what might come out a few years down the road. Best to catch it now and put some sort of laws in place. Obviously lasers are awesome tools but this shits just dangerous.

    on a lighter note. Reminds me of this classic.

  • Cyrael
  • Thegodzero
  • psychoticprankster
    haha wait till they invent a laser weapon that can fire in controled bursts like bullets.....
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    haha wait till they invent a laser weapon that can fire in controled bursts like bullets.....

    Huh? A laser's just a beam of light - there's no recoil, and no reason to project it in bursts.
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