I am currently an art student at the Art Institute of Dallas working on a Bachelor's of Fine Arts in Media Arts and Animation. I'm going for the modeling track they offer here and wanting get into the game or movie industry. I'm also interested in previsual concept art and try studying it on the side when I can.
Here is a barrel I did last quarter for class. I'll try to post more things that I have worked on last quarter and throughout this quarter.

Here is my final for previsualzaton class I did last quarter. It is still a WIP.

My current model for class. Textures and maps to be up soon.

Looking forward for more!
-the handle as you HPmodeled it is flimsy and would bend way too easily, look at the reference and you'll see that its a lot thicker, and in another direction.
-you have some loops in there that do virtually nothing for the shape.
-it has a really bad silhouette:
Luckily it's just one part that could be redone in relatively little time.
The smooth curvy wooden plates could stand a few extra loops too. If you want to save/free up some polies to smooth out the silhouette, I'd recommend normal mapping the ornate.. screw holder thingies all the way at the bottom. Not the pat that looks like a key, but between the key and the wood.
*Edit* It seems you have loops there already. Why aren't they used to round that handle out? Those are wasted polies.
And the Marmoset shot.
the bake doesnt look that bad, what were you having issues with?
You're already using first person weaponry amounts of polies, so the extra 124 wouldn't bother too much. What this does is give you the bulk that's seen in wrought iron stuff, making it look sturdy. The inset should be normalmapped, obviously...
To fix the bake, try to manually retriangulate, and get rid of as many long triangles as possible. Also, don't use concave polygons, it's what causes the weirdness at the second-to-top wooden part.
And the Lo Poly Textured.
Both of these are bad! Terrible artifacts on every hard edge because the uvs arent split at hard edges.
:P I think its still nice he's giving an example (it does illustrate his point). Maybe add on to it EQ? I'm sure you have a good example of how to setup both smoothing groups + uv setup so that you'll get some good results from the bake.
These are for a class I'm currently taking. We have 2 weeks to complete this from start to finish and then move on to the next prop. Honestly, I'm not planning to use any of these for portfolio pieces and if I did, I'd go back and rebuild them from scratch. This is all practice, I'm still very new to the whole modeling thing.
I feel i've written on this topic so many times that even i dont understand it anymore. There are quite a few threads around... Basically you only ever want hard edges where your uv islands are, anything else is going to cause artifacts. So if you plan on using a lot of hard edges, you need to plan on spiting up your uvs accordingly.
For the 3/4 view I rendered a clay render and an AO render and combined them via Photoshop. For the others I was using XoluilShader or 3 Point Shader to grab viewport screens.
The main bath tub body looks a little noisy and looks like it has some hard edges.
The cylinder, where it bevels to the thinner part there is some noise in that transition, you can only really notice it in the side view, so it isn't so bad.
I'm assuming the large brown circle on the wheelchair map is for the wheels? It looks like as the wheel goes around, it jumps a bit and has some edges on the normal map. I'm not too sure but I think that could be a cage issue.
I like the way you presented it! Good job on that but I think the border you have going around it way too thick.
Listen to EQ he is SOOOOO RIGHT, this piece of advice let me COMPLETELY fix all errors on my glock18 and he has caused me to get into subd modeling in maya which is great fun and it feels very cool to be able to accomplish, in practice though what i've found easiest (for me) is to unwrap like usual and then once finishing a logical unwrap then just split the hard edges in the UV's and move them apart enough pixels to give you the space it needs for a proper bake with bleeds for mip mapping. I can illustrate if needed.