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polycounter lvl 19
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adam polycounter lvl 19

Hey everyone.

I thought I'd kick off a new poll about features you'd love to see for Polycount. I don't mean things like 'bigger font sizes' or 'I hate these colours' but rather, broader strokes of feature sets.

Check off all that apply to what you'd like to see here at Polycount. All I ask is that you please, please, please think about the feature before check it off. Even if it sounds cool, think about other sites that offer it and whether you'd use that feature here or if 'the other guys' is enough for you.

A note, about some options:

"Listings by Company" and "Listings by Freelance" is a general idea I have that could be applied to any area of the site, new or existing. (E.g. View portfolios by company or free lance artists. View job postings by Company or Freelance, etc.) This is specifically to find out if professionals WANT to be viewed by where they work or remain individual, separate from their studio.

"Embed 3D file + textures in to threads". This feature would NOT go public to you unless we could 100% secure the files so NO ONE could find a way to download them for themselves. We won't launch this otherwise.

"News". This is live right now - but do you want it or like it? Would the front page be better suited for a live update of Portfolio/Galleries that you could then list via "Most Views", "Recently Updated", "Newest Artists", etc. TONS of communities offer this already, so think about this before you check it off.


  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    I think it's important not to go adding too much. I really don't think the gallery feature is necessary for example. Most communities I know that added this, didn't benefit that much. They actually get clogged up with uninteresting art quickly. I MUCH prefer the way you handle things at Polycount now; picking the interesting threads, and posting them as news items now and then. Keeps things fresh.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    That's a good point, about adding too much. One thing worth mentioning is these ideas wouldn't all happen together, over night. They'd trickle out over time.

    Our next major update to the site won't have any direct impact on you guys - as it'll be 'systems' where companies can submit job postings and/or banner ads for rotation.

    This way, we can pay to do the fun ideas I'm asking about here.

    Oh ya - Anyone familiar with or know someone familiar with coding for vBulletin? :P
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    to make a comment about News:

    I really love how you guys have done the "friday polycount wrapups" showcasing the cool shit that goes on during the week. If anything, id prefer to see more of this. While they don't all require stories & writing, would be cool to showcase the super badass stuff on the front page similar to cgtalk and zbrush communities. It adds a level of prestige for both new, and old artists to aspire for, which as been somewhat lacking since the dawn of normal mapped game assets.
  • Sean VanGorder
    I agree with moose, I really like the weekly wrap ups you guys do.

    Also, as a student, I think displaying company information and maybe resumes for the professionals on polycount would be a nice feature. I know I'm always really interested in seeing who works where and does what, especially if I have a specific question about the industry, then I could find the most suitable person to ask.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19

    So more like 'Check out X's work from this week, its DOPE! [images]'

    Like that?

    I much prefer talking about why its being showcased.
  • empeck
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    empeck polycounter lvl 18
    I want a constant costume party! Seriously, I like news section, showcase of the best artwork on Polycount. But most important is the 'feel' of Polycount. I don't post too much, but I'm a lurker since always. I always loved that Polycount is a place with twisted sense of humor, where everyone can talk, have fun and swear from time to time.

    I hope Polycount won't transform into CGSocioety or gameartisans. Both communities are good, but there are too many features for me. Keep things simple and take care of underground feel of Polycount.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I really like the idea of having 3d models you can rotate around, probably using the unity engine and embedding that in threads.

    I'd also like to see anything that would promote 3D artists connecting as a community, since meet ups and clubs seem to be popular, it might be cool to have a map of studios but allow it to be over-layed with good schools, clubs, and polycount members.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    What I'm really after is improving how you show your artwork, and how we view said artwork. That's it. That's the goal, going forward.
  • Vito
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    Vito polycounter lvl 18
    With free-to-use 3D engines like UDK and Unity, and equivalents for 2D games, I always thought it'd be neat to resurrect the Skinview mod and have "standards" for various types of 3D content and how to present it to the community, so we can compare each other's work more easily.

    Sort of like saying, this "class" of model has this poly range, this sort of materials, and you should load it into UDK in this map with this lighting; whereas that class has that other poly range, that sort of textures, and you should load it into Unity with that map and that other kind of lighting. Different classes are equated to different generations of games and get basic maps and lighting standards in Unity and UDK.

    Polycount started with a focus on plug-in player models for Q2, but there's no single game that's the community focus any more. Providing community-supported equivalents to "that one game that everyone makes models for" might help (especially new) people focus and discuss a little more specifically.

    There was also this old idea from a couple of years ago about a better/different way to automatically put the progress of your work into a thread and offer a better way to discuss it.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    PS: So you guys really like the News section, eh? And here I was being all self conscious about it thinking no one read it and I was just humouring myself.

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Someone - christ I forget who, I am horrible with remember names - was working with me on a Unity setup for previewing models. And.. it was working! We'd just need to A.) Shoehorn it in to vbulletin and B.) Secure it so no one can steal the native files.

    Dammit, now I feel horrible for forgetting who I was working with.
    Bad adam.
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    adam wrote: »
    I much prefer talking about why its being showcased.
    Anyway, the writing is cool (although I think you went way overboard with the praise for Phillip Bailey. Not that his work isn't good, but it reads as an awkward bit of ass kissing), but not necessary. It's perfectly fine too if you just list some pictures. It's still about the art, not about adam's opinion on it.
  • empeck
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    empeck polycounter lvl 18
    adam wrote: »
    PS: So you guys really like the News section, eh? And here I was being all self conscious about it thinking no one read it and I was just humouring myself.


    I do. Feeds are good thing :).
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    +1 to news feeds. Although I'm not actually clicking them because of your text, I click them because of the images :) I personally don't really care why you think it deserves to be showcased (no offense :p)

    I'd like a bigger version of what CGhub does with it's "whats popular now" thumb spam. No text, just a giant wall of awesome stuff to click!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Zwebbie wrote: »
    Anyway, the writing is cool (although I think you went way overboard with the praise for Phillip Bailey. Not that his work isn't good, but it reads as an awkward bit of ass kissing), but not necessary. It's perfectly fine too if you just list some pictures. It's still about the art, not about adam's opinion on it.

    Yeah, that's a good point. It was more about the communities involvement than it was his artwork - or at least thats what I wanted it to be about.

    Good to know ;)
  • cman2k
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    cman2k polycounter lvl 17
    I voted to keep the news, and I agree about being wary to 'go overboard' with things.

    The idea for actually showing 3d models & textures would be groundbreaking if done well. I had put some thought into doing something similar in the past (kinda like youtube for 3d models). Securing files and what-not would be very important though. You should talk to commanderkeen...he's a Unity badass. :)

    I really like the how you feature threads in the news, and I like the banner feature. Seems like these could go hand-in-hand. Every time you 'feature' a thread for whatever reason, it get's a banner. It'd be cool as well if there was a page where I could see all the threads that have been featured (ie; see all the banners) like on zbrushcentral
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    i mean, it could be hoity-toity and explain why everything is awesome and sweet on the front page, but i was thinking more of an immediate and exposed draw to the fourms - if there is a good flow of badass stuff up there, not every day, but weekly/biweekly (similar to the friday recap), it could both inspire and give some more credit to the community and artists.

    I dont think there needs to be much verbiage with it at all really, none more than: "Tons of great stuff going on this week in the forums! Check out the great stuff, and be sure to give some feedback!" or "A group of people have been doing XXXYYY in this SDK thread! Get in there and have a go!" <artwork>

    Better yet, if something is badass, ask the artist to talk about the process more indepth, and or give some stories/insight into the creation of the piece. Its writing that almost writes it self.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Ha! It was keen!
  • commander_keen
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    yea i agree with what moose here said about the artist talking himself

    also - the recap images should say who's the artist with a mouseover or so

    about the news section - i personally find it very confusing to read and i dont even bother. i only relate to the images. only today i realized the chronological order the tables r lined up with, and for someone who doesnt browse the news page every day they r all new -- and totally unorganized. text is passe' man, get with the trend ;)
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    I'll just make the image have a caption as to who the artist is (I do this normally, must have forgotten).
  • SyaPed
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    SyaPed polycounter lvl 18
    Advanced search? Unless I just can't find it...
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    No mouseover preview please. I can see that get confusing quick. As the page dimensions pop while you mouse over and mouse out of image.

    User listing by companies sounds good.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Oxy - I'll make it possible to enable/disable the feature for users like you.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    Hey adam, a few more thoughts (cool that you are really taking time to listen):
    -Featuring artists and threads realy is great, adding a small description as to why is even better, but this shouldn't be too much. Also, it seems like it's mostly only you doing this? i'd be interested to see other staff members pick stuff too, they might pick different things.
    -It could be a good idea to improve the readability of the news by using a thumbnail for each item. It's a bit more work for you (though should be easy when linking awesome art), and it can be annoying (like finding an image when mentioning something such as this poll), but you could just use a few generic ones. Maybe icons or something? That could be something: Polycount newspost-type icons> Dunno, that just popped up in my head.
    -I like the 3D viewer Idea, but will be hard to pull off. What about material setups? How would users create/upload something? Create/setup offline, do it all online, etc?
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    I'd love a feature kind of like the plugged items on CGTalk. So instead of the banner at the top of the front forum page, you have images of featured work and then the usual banners in sub-forums and threads.

    I also vote to keep the news. It's always full of cool stuff.
  • Timothy_graybill
    Maybe a rating meeter. That way we could easily see what people are liking on the forums. And people may get more feedback from users , since rating something takes a matter of seconds and writing something takes much more time. Artist will be able to tell very easily how well there stuff is being received by the community. On the down side it may discourage new artist that aren't very good yet because they get low ratings. lol.

    maybe a 5 star system?
    Just an Idea.
  • Grimm_Wrecking
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    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8
    I'm digging the news so far, and do agree with the support for the "friday wrap-ups" and mini artist features.
    To second Xoliul's opinion on seeing other staff's picks. Maybe break it up into 3 parts in the same news section:

    waywo Highlights: A few of the staff (3-5) pick a fav piece from the thread and pimp it.

    Thread Highlights: Yourself and 2 or 4 other staff members that have time that week chunk in a fav thread of the week and like a 2-3 sentence write up on it what makes it so badass to them.

    Contest Highlights: (Like you have going now) A few snapshots/honorable mentions of the current hot pieces showing up in whatever contest pc's got going.

    I mean that is more or less what you did on the last one, but maybe a bit more structured organization like you have with your environment breakdown would be nice :D (fan of bullet points)
    It'd probably be more important if other staff members started chiming in which is why its mentioned.


    Thread previews with the thumbnail dropdowns would be great at work, to make sure you aren't going to open up the next penis tank with easily offended people around.
    But at home I'd rather just turn it off like the feature you were suggesting adding for people like oX, and apparently myself.

    keep up the good work e'body :thumbup:
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    Glad the news was spoken for!

    The listings for both companies and freelance artists...perhaps I don't fully understand your vision Adam but if you have a great idea and you think it'll benefit Polycount as a community then do it. However, flip side is that I think just the basic forum posting that an artist who is searching for work or a company looking to hire does is just fine.

    I don't think portfolio's and resumes and the like are necessary. That's what portfolio sites are for right? Plus it would just add clutter and another layer to what I feel is a streamlined experience.

    3D viewing would be awesome!! But yes, only if they could be 100% untouchable.

    Polycount is lucky to have an admin who cares and is as active has you are. Keep it up!
  • an aggressive napkin
    I think there should be a more organized (by skillset) for job listings
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    Keep news, but like others said, be cautious of going overboard. I'm with moose on the artist involvement on plugs of their work. This will really help in a community involvement and networking platform for artists here.

    Keep folios and anything that is gonna push storage and bandwidth stuff further out of here IMO. First, I don't even wanna know who's gonna shell out the cash for that. Even upon enforced restrictions on uploads, you already have the attachment feature in here for threads, and even with ad sponsorship, content management would be a full time gig for short periods of time. I may be off the mark here since I'm five billion lightyears in front of the scenes, but just initial gut reaction. I think CGS/talk limits to something like 4 images in a free account. If you want more, you gotta shell out cash, and personally, I don't want to draw in a crowd like that of CGS that is so bloated you no longer know anyone. Forums can end up being money pits, and anything that is gonna keep you guys out of one is all the better imo. Also, I don't think many people will really use them to whatever full potential you make them to be. Look at GA for instance. There's a lot of great artists on there, but if you already have your own webpage folio, who wants to manage multiple folio sites? You could look at some good art in some folios over at GA, but most of their better stuff will be found on their own site.

    The mouseover would be cool simply because it is tough to keep up with PnP unless you're on here all the time. This would really make it easier to dive into something you might like.

    The resum
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    You guys are seeing a lot of posts from me lately because everyone else is busy with their own stuff, and if I didn't do the posts then the news wouldn't get updated. I don't mind writing a few things up here and there so I'll just remember to keep it short & sweet, for now.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Oh ya - and i'm reading the rest of this thread. but News was something I could reply to right away. :P
  • rasmus
    Liking teh news, keep it. Seconding that more in-depth artist gushing about their own stuff could be fun.

    Better search function, like I think Vig pointed out in some thread or other? It's my main gripe with the functionality of PC

    We also need a lot more header images, but I might be straying off topic...
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    Adam, the news feature is awesome. I have the rss feed subscribed along with gamasutra and check it several times a day from my iPhone. :)

    If I could ask for one feature it would be a mobile friendly layout option or subdomain forums. Most of my online communication goes through the phone these days.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Clicking SEARCH with nothing in the input will bring up the Advance Search. It's not very intuitive at the moment, but its not a MAJOR update thats needed. Not yet, anyway.

    We generally don't plan posts days in advance unless its a big feature (like vahls art) so asking an artist to write about their stuff can propose problems in scheduling. I'll definitely think about this for next time. Cool idea! If anything, I don't want to pull too many choice quotes from their thread either, because then there's no reason to read the news in the first place.

    About being wordy/ass-kissish: I can see where thats coming from, no doubt. On my end, I'm trying to just NOT post artwork but also try and get thoughts / opinions on the page so that a discussion can happen. Far too many websites post art but never really challenge how you think about art... but thats something we do on a daily basis in our job, so why not do it here?

    So what I'll try to achieve next time is less PRAISE and a more provocative approach to the posts (which is what I wanted with Phillips post. "Geez he's right, I should write more about my artwork and try and get the community involved in what I am doing. Look how good Phillips work is turning out...").

    Anyway.. onwards!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Adam here's the unity embedded into his portfolio guy...


    But, I really dig the news section so far, don't get rid of it!

    I'd like to see a best of E3 review/news thing
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    Swizzle wrote: »
    I'd love a feature kind of like the plugged items on CGTalk. So instead of the banner at the top of the front forum page, you have images of featured work and then the usual banners in sub-forums and threads.

    Just a bit of a ranty remark from me, but i don't think CGsociety's plugs are the best example. They always choose the same subject types there, there is never anything I consider fresh or raw in between those picks. Always the same overpolished, seen-this-before type of images (not to say they aren't well done).
    I don't wanna see PC go stale, as it definitely is not now.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    a grease pencil(annotation tool) web app would be awesome for giving critique. Loading into PS and uploading again is a pain just to point out a simple error.
  • neolith
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    neolith polycounter lvl 18
    By all means please keep the news. I really appreciate the effort you are putting into them.

    I'd also advise against putting up galleries. Having to use threads to show off your art encourages discussion in a much better way than a static gallery ever could - at least in my opinion. :)
  • Michael Knubben
    I'd like to see a spellcheck installed... on Adam's computer!

    Actually, it's not been that bad lately, but the first few posts regularly contained more typos than concent ;)

    But seriously, you're doing a great job with it, and I really enjoy the news posts. I also like the ability of the news to link to cool stuff that's happening in other communities, as few people can keep up with more than one (and even then...)

    A suggestion for the news: once the new design goes live, highlight the amazing work that Eric Chadwick and friends have been doing on the really quite informative Wiki!
    I tried to get involved myself, but everytime I tried to save my edit it would go wrong, so I'll have to see if it's a problem on my end (suspect so)

    edit: oh, r_fleth_r's idea is amazing! I don't know how feasible it is, but a grease pencil would be a terrific tool.
    Aside from that, I'd rather not see any of the other ideas. Certainly not the galleries, given that there are so many of those at other communities already.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    What would be cool (IMO), would be to have the user profile pages formated like a portfolio page. Then, every user could have a portfolio page, and each piece could link to a WIP page in the forums (optionally). Maybe have a way to opt into appearing on a master page (that lists user portfolios).
  • Fang
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    Fang polycounter lvl 7
    I agree that galleries and portfolios would be excessive and only serve as clutter.

    If you look at other forums with some kind of a gallery.. Most art doesn't receive CC or Comments and doesn't that defeat the purpose of even posting in the first place..?
    And the good art is ONLY praised and glorified.

    Internal Polycount portfolios are excessive because of the reasons already mentioned and I tend to agree with them.

    Polycount should, in my opinion, mainly but not exclusively serve as a learning environment for amateurs and professionals alike.. A place for artist to share techniques and resources. Because that's something all artists have in common, the unceasing desire to improve. :poly121:

    I dig the news page aswell, it's a new daily stop for me :) I also approve of some of the other ideas, like integrating a 3D model viewer. Would only serve as another option of showcasing your model!

    I would also love to see you featuring Artists on the news page. Would love to read about their workflow and their techniques, would be a great means of learning and sharing knowledge. An extension of that would be if you let artists write lessons and tutorials and have them featured on the front-page. I would love to have weekly Polycount video-lessons and tutorials! :poly142: Artists could also share tips and tricks that they've picked up, in the same fashion.

    Polycount podcast..!:poly122:

    edit: notman's portfolio idea is a pretty good one though.. but still don't think internal portfolios are needed.
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    News was a great addition, keep it (as long as you guys can update it). None of the other suggestions seem like they would be worth the work.

    I agree that some kind of top row of thumbs for new cool stuff should be the next big feature. The banner up top sort of plays this role, but it's tough to get one of those, and it's seldom updated. The Friday roundups also play this role, but they're not part of the site header and probably require more work on the part of the admins to maintain in the long run.

    Another feature I like for discussion threads is the "thanks/groans" system. It gets abused in art threads (people just thank cool art - not all that useful in the long run because cool art speaks for itself), but it's very useful in scanning discussion threads because if you pass a post that has a lot of thanks, you know it's worth reading. In a site like Polycount where there is a huge amount of buried solid gold knowledge, this would be a great feature, but only if it could be kept out of P&P.
  • System
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    System admin
    Like the idea of having a thread thumbnail, it may attract more people to investigate the contents. Not a fan of the mouseover image though.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    The mouse over image would work no different than what the mouse over currently does. I'll wait while you go and check it out.

    Only instead of text, there'd be an image. See how non-obnoxious that was, of that box to pop up like that? Yeah I think thats better than clusterfuck thumbnails beside every thread title.

    MightyPea - I know! Uuuugh they sucked. Also, Eric's an editor now so I'll let him handle what you've suggested ;)
  • System
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    System admin
    Adam, I know what you mean, I don't mind the text at all but imo a static thread thumbnail on the lhs would be a nicer solution than combining text and images in the main thread link.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I don't want thumbnails, too many images D:

    They are either too tiny to tell whats going on, or its an ambiguous part of a image. And what if then don't have any fancy renders yet, all you get is a crappy thumbnail of wireframes or a boring high poly render.
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