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Thompson SMG

polycounter lvl 11
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MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
Im starting to get a hang of all this gun stuff. This is my 3rd gun so far, all textures hand painted except the base wood texture.

1.6k tris



  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    Any specific reason for the diagonal placement of quite rectangular shells? Placing them horizontally would avoid aliasing problems...also there seems to be a ton of unused texture space...
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    I usually use tex tool's pack feature but sometimes it wont arrange the uv's in a square, its more of a rectangle which makes it hard for me to fit in the texture space.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    it appears that it looks like theres a lot of unused space in your uv layout. I would get away from auto pack and get used to doing it yourself to maximize your space and give priority to whatever needs it most. Plus, the scratches look like they are completely random too, try to paint them wherever they would appear on the real weapon
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    EricV wrote: »
    it appears that it looks like theres a lot of unused space in your uv layout. I would get away from auto pack and get used to doing it yourself to maximize your space and give priority to whatever needs it most. Plus, the scratches look like they are completely random too, try to paint them wherever they would appear on the real weapon
    Theres supposed to be scratches like i have them, but alot less noticeable. I should have turned the opacity down a bit.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Texture looks very nice, the diffuse looks really good.
    Your unwrap needs serious work tho, You could have used the 'align to edge tool' in tex tools to straighten your islands.

    Also you are missing 1 or 2 important features. the most obvious being the ejection port. you can see that from most angles so i'd add it. Also the cocking lever is missing.

    also there is a little nut at the back of the gun below the sight.

    I modeled the same gun not so long ago so the feaures are fresh in my mind :). Hope that helps
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Yea i can't believe i forgot the cocking lever.. I was in complete awe wondering how i missed that. I understand this workflow alot better now so i will make sure i get it all in the future.
  • The Patriot
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    It does look shaping up nicely.The tips that has been given here will surely get this gun out and running in no time.
  • Ihazard
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    1.6k tris is really low for a first person weapon, I think you could have used double at least. A fe w areas which could do with a bit of love are the rear sights, which are blocky, the grips/stock need more geometry to be smoothed out more, also you could generally smooth out the model. If you look at the images that have been put up here you can see that some of the edge are curved, so you could have put a chamfer on those hard edges you have and it would look a lot nicer.

    It's great for only your 3rd gun model, but I think for now you should aim to get a really accurate model instead of a really low tri model.
  • Revel
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    Revel interpolator
    Yea dude I suggest you arrange your UV placement to maximize the space you got and texture detail. Well the model itself looking clean already, you can say too clean, it has no ejection port...lol, sorry..I mean its good so far, but I see some smoothing error at the back of the gun (from FPS view)

    I don't know whether you have gone through my Mauser SP66's thread or not but I guess you can take something also of what I've learn from this wonderful community by reading people's comments through my progress. That was my second gun and its all about detail, its a very high poly though.

    Hope it can benefit for you too in some way, mostly the texture creation.

  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    Pay attention to which version you're modeling as well. There was a commercial Thompson, which could support drum magazines and had the compensator on the barrel, with the charging handle on the side. Then there was the military version, which did not support drum mags (troops did not like them), no fancy compensator, and has the charging handle on the top. Just sayin'. Anyone building a real world gun should first take just a little bit of time to familiarize themselves with the different design iterations--with most guns there are a few. Otherwise you're bound to have a few refs that conflict and then you end up modeling a gun that has features of two different models.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    This is what i get for modeling the gun from 3-5 am. The ejection port and the cocking lever were all on the other side of the gun, and i didnt find any reference pictures with them in it (at the time) But after i was done texturing i looked to see if i missed anything and like i said i was in total awe wondering how i missed those features.

    This was a good learning experience and i definitely learned a little bit more about high to low poly conversion so my next gun should be kickass.

    Gauss, it was a world war 2 thompson.

    And maybe i should post a WIP next time ;).

    Any suggestions on another gun i can create? I cant think of one and i dont want it to be TOO complex.
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