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WIP - Hand Painted Texturing



  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    I started seeing your textures Dev and checked out Torchlight...I also started doing some practice painting of my own...thx for the inspiration. Nice work.
  • fabio brasilien
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    fabio brasilien polycounter lvl 11
    I just found this thread...It is very inspiring and there a lot of information for who wants to learn how to do hand painted textures. I´m learning as well and this thread was very valuable. Great job anyway...I wish I could learn that fast! :poly124:
    Keep posting... :thumbup:
  • Devin Busha
    Thanks a bunch guys! Very glad to hear and quite motivating :D

    *Update* I've managed to make some progress these past two nights. What started out as a quick Torchlight styled weapon has snowballed into a giant learning experience on rendering and Photoshop trickery. There's no real rush on the Torchlight texturing, so I'm just going to run with this version and see where things go. :)


    *Up Next*
    - Work on highlighted areas
    - Address color variation, saturation, and contrast issues
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Really cool. I love this thread and the painted-goodness in it :)

    In the last picture, did you paint all that damage in manually, or is that done with picture overlays?
  • Devin Busha
    Much appreciated BigJohn! Everything is manual / hand painted. I can work on making things look more painterly if it's not reading well. The style I'm shooting for is a lot more economic, but I tend to zen out in the little details. :)
  • DOG-GY
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    DOG-GY polycounter lvl 12
    Learning myself some hand painting skills. I've only got one plank so far. I think I need to flatten the colour some. There's too much going on I think.

    Would I be right? What would be my best routes for fixing this?
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    hey Devin was wondering if you've had any success with drawing tileable grass. Been trying for ages and I always end up with green soup good work on the sword btw really digging the beat up cast iron look vs the shiny one
  • achillesian
    starting to resemble a certain logo

    but yeah, i think its cool, still looks a little painterly, might be getting too cool for wow/torchlight

    also found a similar material/style/weapon that might help

  • Devin Busha
    DOG-GY - You're off to a great start man. The color choice is really smooth and pleasing. You could probably add another tone / wash to things to add interest tho. If I had to pick one thing, I think you may have went a little too far with the detail. I'm guilty of this myself and know it can be a pretty bitter hearing after spending so much time on something. Hell, I'm looking at my recent Katar now and am feeling that way.

    *Giving advice based on what I've only learned just recently*

    If it helps, try and think of the detail you'd see in a coloring book or Disney movie. Ask yourself if what you're painting is supposed to blend in with the environment as an element, or if it's supposed to stand out as a work of art on it's own. If this were food, think of detail as adding just enough spice to make things taste good. I hope this helps.

    TL;DR - Nice job man! Maybe pull back on the detail and add another color.

    PhattyEwok - Thanks! I've been wanting to do a simple grass texture for a LONG time now. Definitely on my to do list. Honestly, the first thing that comes to mind is Warcraft III and how Blizz went about their textures. It really depends on how far you're wanting to go with things. I honestly can't see myself doing anything more than looking at a lot of reference, trying to keep things simple with no big landmarks, and constantly offsetting the layer to see how things tile. I'll try and paint up an example sometime soon.

    TL;DR - Check out Warcraft III's grass textures. I'll paint something up soon.

    Achillesian - You've been a great help man, very much appreciated! I almost fainted when I checked out that WoW image. I think I searched wowhead a good 3 hours for something close but your image is EXACTLY what I was looking for. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the concept was based on that weapon. Either way, thanks a lot! :)

    *Progress update*

    Looking back at the many attempts I've made thus far, I can honestly say this has been a big learning experience. I started with things too clean, went way overboard rendering the latest version, and am sitting here now wondering how the heck I got so far off from my desired Torchlight / WoWish painting style. Trust me, I'm definitely ready for something new, but deep down I know I haven't hit my mark here. I know I can do better and that's all there really is to it.

    TL;DR - Starting from scratch.
  • Devin Busha
    Alrighty. The work week is over and it looks like I"ll be able to give things another shot this weekend. The third time is a charm right? Before I get too ahead of myself, I wanted to spend a little time tonight with color. Below is a quick study focusing on planning out color schemes in advance, simplified forms, and making more opaque / deliberate brush strokes. Honestly, just a fun little exercise :)


    Anywho, I'm looking to take what I've learned recently and apply it to my texturing process. C&C welcome as always. Really can't thank you guys enough for all the help so far. :)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    gold is way off, needs some shinny yellow white bits, unless its just rocks... then its too yellow brown.
  • DOG-GY
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    DOG-GY polycounter lvl 12
    DOG-GY - You're off to a great start man. The color choice is really smooth and pleasing. You could probably add another tone / wash to things to add interest tho. If I had to pick one thing, I think you may have went a little too far with the detail. I'm guilty of this myself and know it can be a pretty bitter hearing after spending so much time on something. Hell, I'm looking at my recent Katar now and am feeling that way.

    *Giving advice based on what I've only learned just recently*

    If it helps, try and think of the detail you'd see in a coloring book or Disney movie. Ask yourself if what you're painting is supposed to blend in with the environment as an element, or if it's supposed to stand out as a work of art on it's own. If this were food, think of detail as adding just enough spice to make things taste good. I hope this helps.

    TL;DR - Nice job man! Maybe pull back on the detail and add another color.
    Thanks! You gave some nice tips. I'll definitely work on it some more. Here's where it stands now:
    I'm trying to get some more smoothness in there and less detail, while making sure there's defined grain. It's got a lot more saturated lights in there now, and I'm trying to make a good definition of edges.

    Thanks for the suggestions/tips and inspirations!
  • Devin Busha
    Bit of a necro bump here, but I figured it more fitting to update this thread given the circumstances.

    I'm very happy to report that I recently started my first industry gig at Kings Isle Entertainment! I can't even begin to explain how excited I am, how much this single thread changed my life, and how grateful I am to this awesome community for all the help.

    THANKS Polycount!! :D

    - Dev

    Since no post is complete w/o pictures, here's an obligatory hand painted crate.

  • wQazi

    I'm very happy to report that I recently started my first industry gig at Kings Isle Entertainment! I can't even begin to explain how excited I am, how much this single thread changed my life, and how grateful I am to this awesome community for all the help.

    Congrats on the new gig Dev! Always great to see success happen before you eyes on polycount. Can't wait to see your work on Wizard. Hope this doesn't mean we won't be seeing more work from you, personally your thread has been a huge inspiration and help to me.
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    mate these textures are really pretty. That final wood texture is a thing of beauty IMO. I gotta have a go at some hand drawn stuff soon.
  • Damytria
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    Damytria polycounter lvl 7
    Gratz Devin ;-) I'll see youuuu later *wink wink* *suggestive*
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    Congratulations Devin! I love your textures ^_^ and this is one awesome thread haha
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    Congrats on the job! You're going to do great things there and I think I'm not the only one who can't wait for your art dumps here. :D
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