Here's a presentation shot.

Hi there !
Nice contest for the new version of polycount, so I'll give it a try!
Want to make sniper items !
Weapon 1 : Blow pipe : New powerfull weapon that makes your ennemis fall asleep for a small amount of time.

Hat : Probably something like the Witch Doctor hat in diablo 3 with feathers etc.

With a wooden piece for the mask with bright colors painted on it and two holes for the eyes (yeah a sniper needs to get some kills) :

Weapon 2 :Boomerang : (Thanks to EzMeow for the idea) Headshot is still possible with a boomerang no ? First, put a dart in your ennemy's neck to make him fall asleep and BOOOM HEADSHOT

No Headshots but same concept as the rocket launcher in HL².The boomerang follow your mouse movment and hit all the ennemis in its way.
Decoration style :

Shape :

Plus; I think this set would fit with the already existing Razorback.
100% self illum
Dunno if I'll add more detaisl on it; like more decoration or something like that ...
What do you guys think ?
Your boomerang looks pretty good, but you should probably put some more designs on the texture to make it have some interest.
@Meower : Medigun ??? o_O what are you tlaking about ?
@EVIL : You're totally right. I tried to match a little bit more wit the tf2 style with this new update.
@nrek : Thanks for the Url of this tutorial. I missed it.
@Khthon : It's witch doctor spirit but it's kind of something like native Australian Art.
Here's the new texture ... still wip I think the decorations are too small but it's the idea :
Phooey patooie on the blowpipe thoug I signed up to make a sniper pack(short on talent, but oh well), and my big brainwave has already been taken! I think I might stick with it though, mine will look significantly different if it turns out. Will post later tonight if it comes together.
@Pogo : I can't get rid of the symmetry, it's one of the key to have enough definition on this boomerang. I prefer symmetry and a good definition than a subtle asymmetry and a poor quality texture.
@Tad-Long : Yeah maybe the mask will be a little bit too visible. We'll see.
You have to stick with your blow pipe idea man
Here's the ingame new version of the Hatarang (explication of the name on the image below
Thanks to Bal for is good idea for the text
And the Blowpipe (too hard to get that ingame ;D) so only model viewer screen :
Still- It looks fantastic, and are you going to have BLU models of the Hatarang and Darts?
right click to scope in(yay scope) and then left click to start charging though it would become innacurate over time as with the huntsman.
though it should be fireable without the scope too
Valve is not keen on items that do that.
The Hotrod is a rare exception, don't count on receiving the same privileges if you make a hat that cover his face.
For the sleeping darts and Blowpipe replacement it was just a random idea so nothing really important to take care of
@EVIL : Yeah i changed that in the fps view but i like the fact that it's flipped in the tps view. Like that we can see the "yellow little box" side better. They have some other weapons like that (natasha for example has his ammo belt on the left in fps view and on the right in tps
@Simski : Too late i already did it covering his face. I don't think it's a huge problem 'cause the chara design of each character is really unique and we don't need to see the face to know what type of chara it is.
Here are 2 videos of the ABoriginal mask first one in the model viewer and second one in game)
Other than that, your items are pretty awesome!