Only thing I would like to see is bolded names for the posters, it kinda just blends into the rest of the text right now, not sure aobut the post count/loc/date underneath the user post either.
yeha overall i like it, my only complaint so far is the postername and date, and poster info not being on the side with the avatar, it just adds a lot of stuff to skip over when readning threads,, but other than that looks good
Congrats. The forums look great, I would only suggest to use placeholder avatars (even if just a 1pxl frame) for users who dont have any, as posts without avatar are harder to focus on.
The main pages looks ok but isn't as functional. This boxes design makes little sense to me, especially when not always using images. The interview is easy to relate to, but the rest? and what if I want to read up on a few day's news? The old polycount (simple!) was great, long lines, easy to read, u just scroll down for more. This has 4-5 words per-line and has no order.
- Categorize the NEWS. For example, why is the interview stuck in the middle? make an interview box, a software-news box, an artists-news box, etc, so it's systematic.
- I'm disappointed to see so little community-related content on the main page. Pic of the Day? on-going challanges? artist spotlight? news-news but PC starts from the ppl...
all these lines in every post are bit too much for my taste... and the info stuff under the avatar is what I'm missing.. the new location is hard to read (esp. in combination with all these lines)
Not digging the post layout yet, might just need to sink in tho. Very "busy", rather like GameArtisans, makes the post itself hard to discern from all the other stuff above/below it. Could we have Name/Date/Post#/UserInfo all on the side instead?
Overall its nice, though the board theme is really a few steps back. The left sidebar with avatars is non uniform between posts which looks weird. I also prefer the user info on the left under the avatar (use that blank space!) which helps shorten the length of the page.
I have been thinking a lot about what seems off to me about the new layout. The text seemed too small to me.
I'm not sure if that's my imagination or what. But one thing I did notice which I'm not even sure if the old polycount was this way is about the empty space.
On my monitor which is 1900x1200 I have a huge amount of empty space on either side.
It's about 50 percent of my screen rel-estate is empty. Is there an option to fix this? I hate the feeling that I have to squint to read text. Other than that, great work!
Skulburn: Thanks for the advice! Actually I didn't even know about the zoom options in firefox. I started using firefox about a year ago and it never even occurred to me to zoom in on stuff.
Thanks again, you changed how I view the Internetz!
Hey everyone, I'm soooo glad you guys are digging the update overall! Have things changed a bit with the layout? Yes. Are we positive you'll appreciate the changes? Certainly! We have
A couple of notes on why things are where they are:
User info being at the bottom. Avatar and post content, these are the 2 most important elements of a post because they tell you who wrote the post and what is it that they had to say. Everything else is secondary, including user info/post count/online-offline/etc. So while its moved, it's still visible and I'm confident you guys will get use to the new setup.
The website is 1024px wide with no support, so far, for 100% widescreen layouts. It breaks too many things with the new setup. I don't know what to tell you users with 1920x resolutions or greater as that width is typical fare for websites.
You can post attachments now. 4 per post, totalling 1MB (250kb each).
The menu in the top right of the website is your friend. From there you can navigate easily between News and Forum.
So, so far so good. I'm glad the reception has been as positive as it has been. If you haven't yet, check out the 'The Polycount Update' on the news page and leave some notes there as well.
Odd that a wider resolution would break much, other than the banner (which could just be centered on the page and not resized). It may not look as nice, but would satisfy the larger resolution users That's sort of the downside of using a banner image.
I'm fine with the relocated info, although I think I'd prefer to see the creation timestamp next to the post number, and just have the user name on it's own (maybe in bold/larger print). Right now, it does tend to cause the post to be identified more by the avatar than the user name. My only other issue, is the black space under the avatar looks a little too blank. Personally, I'd almost prefer to see it gray under there, and have a border around the avatar, so the avatar almost looks like a page tab.
Either way, I know you guys have been working hard, and it's easy for any of us to sit here and make recommendations now (even though we didn't see much prior ). These are only suggestions and by no meant to be negative criticism Keep up the good work and thanks for the effort.
Front page looks awesome though, good job.
Great work!
Love it :)Gonna take a while to get used to have the poster names in a different place though,
Congratulations guys, so far so awesome!
Me likes.
The main pages looks ok but isn't as functional. This boxes design makes little sense to me, especially when not always using images. The interview is easy to relate to, but the rest? and what if I want to read up on a few day's news? The old polycount (simple!) was great, long lines, easy to read, u just scroll down for more. This has 4-5 words per-line and has no order.
- Categorize the NEWS. For example, why is the interview stuck in the middle? make an interview box, a software-news box, an artists-news box, etc, so it's systematic.
- I'm disappointed to see so little community-related content on the main page. Pic of the Day? on-going challanges? artist spotlight? news-news but PC starts from the ppl...
SO awesome!
*Thumbs up*
You should donate that avatar for the default one here tho!
but except that.. I like it
No more sexy Twilek
Biggest thing, where's my wide theme?
I'm not sure if that's my imagination or what. But one thing I did notice which I'm not even sure if the old polycount was this way is about the empty space.
On my monitor which is 1900x1200 I have a huge amount of empty space on either side.
It's about 50 percent of my screen rel-estate is empty. Is there an option to fix this? I hate the feeling that I have to squint to read text. Other than that, great work!
Thanks again, you changed how I view the Internetz!
This is much better now.
A couple of notes on why things are where they are:
- User info being at the bottom. Avatar and post content, these are the 2 most important elements of a post because they tell you who wrote the post and what is it that they had to say. Everything else is secondary, including user info/post count/online-offline/etc. So while its moved, it's still visible and I'm confident you guys will get use to the new setup.
- The website is 1024px wide with no support, so far, for 100% widescreen layouts. It breaks too many things with the new setup. I don't know what to tell you users with 1920x resolutions or greater as that width is typical fare for websites.
- You can post attachments now. 4 per post, totalling 1MB (250kb each).
- The menu in the top right of the website is your friend. From there you can navigate easily between News and Forum.
So, so far so good. I'm glad the reception has been as positive as it has been. If you haven't yet, check out the 'The Polycount Update' on the news page and leave some notes there as well.Please don't ignore the News page though! Lot's of goodies going in there through the days to come.
I'm fine with the relocated info, although I think I'd prefer to see the creation timestamp next to the post number, and just have the user name on it's own (maybe in bold/larger print). Right now, it does tend to cause the post to be identified more by the avatar than the user name. My only other issue, is the black space under the avatar looks a little too blank. Personally, I'd almost prefer to see it gray under there, and have a border around the avatar, so the avatar almost looks like a page tab.
Either way, I know you guys have been working hard, and it's easy for any of us to sit here and make recommendations now (even though we didn't see much prior