The world cup is only 3 weeks away!!! Talk about productivity hitting an all time low... I know we got polycounters from all over the Globe here. What team are you rooting for? What player are you keeping an eye on? Have you guys seen Nike's new commercial??? I was going to share it in the youtube thread but I figured we should start a thread and talk about FOOTBALL!!!!!!!! also known as soccer in some parts of the world

I'm Mexican born and raised, so I am of course supporting my country. But I'm a CONCACAF supporter at heart, so i'll be rooting for the US and Honduras as well. Appart from that, I would love to see Argentina win the cup, only because I really want Messi to solidify his name in Soccer history.
Mexico vs England friendly this Monday, I hope its a good game.

Really looking forward to it! I'm staying in South Carolina for 2weeks from the 9th of june so i'm going to have to find a pub there that's showing the England games. Think our first game is Vs the USA as well
Edit - That video is great! Loving rooneys beard.
so I'll be rooting for Germany and probably Serbia. Maybe the Netherlands.
Nah. I was the nerd who played violin and chess instead of having any interest in sport.
It stuck.
[edit] What I am interested in though, is how the use of vuvuzelas might influence the game here. Those things are damn loud, and damn annoying, and apparently in a recent friendly between South Africa and Thailand where SA won 4-0, the Thailand dudes claimed that the noise was the biggest influence on their poor performance.
Every tournament they say "oh England is gonna team up for a change".... and they always blow. I say they make Qtr final.
Cristiano Ronal'Doh! (homer style
We are on a hard group..Brazil, North Korea and C
but i wouldn't mind seeing spain or holland win the cup. i also hope england does better this time.
the list of teams i don't want to see win is a bit longer tho
Group G is a tough group, I'm really looking forward to how Ivory coast is going to do. How many African teams do you guys think will make it to the 2nd stage?
Endland did win, but It doesn't look like this kind of play will be enough to win the WC.
of my genes .. GERMANY!
I'm gonna watch England vs US and the German game (I think they're playing against serbia)
Is Korea DPR North Korea? They are allowed to play??
only for english speaking countries though
You'll need to install some software to get the best feeds probably, but it's worth it. And for europeans it's one of the only convenient ways to watch major US sporting events.
My prediction:
Mex 4 - RSA 1
Fra 1 - Uru 1
favourites to Win Spain
England havent got a hope in hell.. but would be happy if they proved me wrong
Frantically setting up the TV at work lol, I think it'll be a Mexico victory I'm going with 2-1
Now to see if France's pre-cup slump is indicative of how they play.
How do I support brazil vs portugal
Also as a funny side note, the Uruguayan player Forlan looks more German than the entire German national team combined. Probably because the German team is Polish.
Yep, CBC is where I am gonna watch it.
Defacto: yeah, swarming bees.
Neuers a frikkin genious too hope youll see some of him.
He plays like he was a handball goalie sometimes ^^
Haha i thought that too ... you know, a lot of shady germans snuk down there
after ww2
Predictions for Tommorrow
ENG 1-2 USA... and by 1-2 I really mean 3-1
Yeah, that noise is incredibly annoying, after seeing (or should I say hearing) two matches now I think they should ban those things from entering the stadium.
Man that first goalfrom Tshabalala was beautiful, perfect execution! Im looking forward to the England - USA match, hopefully the English will show the USA what real FOOTball is like
lehman got left. Kahn was their really old goalkeeper and i admired him and thus came my support for germany. germany is bringing a really young team this year.