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games workshop sues fansite ...

polycounter lvl 19
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rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
anyone else seen this:


Basically games workshop is suing Curse for hosting a warhammer fansite because they make money from the adds that they put on there... wow... who are these people and where do they come from?


  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    That's no good. It's a great resource for warhammer fans.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Wait...so they're suing Curse for hosting what seems to be the largest gathering of fans they have?

    And doing it...in spite of the apparent fact, that Games Workshop employees have registered and provided interviews to the very same fansite in years prior?

    ...I must be missing something.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    That's balls. So what about all the other fan sites out there? Watch out polycount. Might get sued by autodesk.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Being the devil's advocate here: I don't know all the facts but people are saying that it was an independent fan site until 2009 when it was purchased by Curse. GW is super protective of their IP, curse is making money off of the Warhammer brand without paying licensing fees to GW.

    As far as it being the largest gathering of fans GW has, I doubt that, the reaction the WHA forum goers had to the announcement that WHA would start covering news about the tabletop game was fairly negative. It's the largest gathering of Warhammer Online fans, true, and I'm sure Mythic isn't happy about the lawsuit but they don't have a say.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Might get sued by autodesk.

    Difference is like 5% of polycounters actually pay for their autodesk products :P
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    I'm going to have to agree with Justin on that one... Maybe the Online fans gather at Curse but there are far greater extensions out there for the tabletop game itself. I don't see what the big deal is, it is GW's right to sue if Curse or some smaller site under them is turning revenue for something they don't own the rights to and aren't paying royalties on.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    it is GW's right to sue if Curse or some smaller site under than is turning revenue for something they don't own the rights to and aren't paying royalties on.
    I'm sorry what? People aren't allowed to run sites talking about copyrighted subjects? You realize this covers 99.9% of the internet, right?

    Wow, a lot of people have talked about my games on sites with ads. I gotta lock this shit down! Screw you Kotaku, I want my royalties!

    This is going to be the worst precedent the internet has ever faced if GW wins.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    hmm, it's more along the lines of someone making addons for your games and making revenue off of premium subscriptions. Anyway, the precedent has already been set, GW's been doing this since the birth of the interwebz.
  • Martin Henriksson
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    Martin Henriksson polycounter lvl 9
    It would be less wierd if GW/Mythic atleast provided the same service themselves but they (mythic) have had a policy not to host any official forums since way back in the daoc days. If this site gets taken down were else will people go for this stuff?

    Edit: Wanted to clarify that i am not blaming Mythic for the lawsuit i know its GW and not Mythic that is suing! Just stating that these forums are a necessity to keep the WAR community alive.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    whatever the fine line is, ultimately all this does is discourage people from running fansites for warhammer, which in turn lowers the popularity of their product. if your games are centered around community why would you ever even attempt to seem like you are betraying and gutting that community?
  • vcool
    rawkstar wrote: »
    whatever the fine line is, ultimately all this does is discourage people from running fansites for warhammer, which in turn lowers the popularity of their product. if your games are centered around community why would you ever even attempt to seem like you are betraying and gutting that community?

    It seems the thing to do these days. I liked how Activision sacked the two IW leads after they made the best selling game of all time, grossing over a billion dollars.

    There are reasons given in both cases, but in both cases the suers are just shooting themselves in the foot, IMO.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    vcool wrote: »
    It seems the thing to do these days. I liked how EA sacked the two IW leads after they made the best selling game of all time, grossing over a billion dollars.

    There are reasons given in both cases, but in both cases the suers are just shooting themselves in the foot, IMO.

  • vcool

    Dunno how EA ended up there. :)
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    vcool wrote: »

    It's ok I knew what you meant ;)
  • Mark Dygert
    They've always been hyper vigilant about this stuff. I was on a 40k Half-Life mod and even with huge disclaimers, we all got slapped with cease and desist letters. It was over the top even for back then... I'm glad to see they're consistent. =/
  • Moosey_G
    Maybe if they were to provide half the shit everyone else is to their fans this wouldn't happen to them. And even THEN every popular game has extremely popular community sites, why do they think this wouldn't happen to them? .... And perhaps an updated tau codex while they're at it.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    I agree I think they should offer some kind of better community based site... and yes it is stupid to sue for every damn thing in this country, but they do have a right to royalties if the site is generating revenue based on subscribers or whatever they are doing utilizing another company's intellectual property.

    I'm not for either side honestly. I think it's stupid that it's even come to such non-sense in the first place where everything is immediately a lawsuit without any discussion. I want to know did they even ask them to take the site down? Since they haven't posted a statement from GW yet.
  • Moosey_G
    Progg wrote: »
    I agree I think they should offer some kind of better community based site... and yes it is stupid to sue for every damn thing in this country.

    The worst part is, they're located in England. This country just has a suing effect on people.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Moosey_G wrote: »
    The worst part is, they're located in England. This country just has a suing effect on people.

    Oh really? I didn't even check. Damn... I guess I just assumed lmao.
  • cochtl
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    cochtl polycounter lvl 18
    Miniatures are going the way of comics in this time and age. Those GW shits need to wise up and extend their franchise around in a smart and proactive manner and not keep shooting themselves in the foot. Their stubborn shortsightedness arguably created one of the most massive thorns in their side when it game to bringing over fantasy and 40k to the videogame market; something they are still trying see into reality today, and then they go and shit on the fans again with price hikes and CnD letters. I mean really now...
  • KhAoZ
    Games Workshop has always sucked as a company, sure they invented War Hammer and everyone says that WarCraft is a copy of War Hammer but it really isnt. Because if you think about it War Hammer copied off Lord of the Rings, I believe Games Workshop even made LOTR minatures as well.....
  • Moosey_G
    GW really does have a problem with just being easy with their customers. Everything they do somehow has to do with how they gain money. Have you ever been to one of their shops? It's easily 25 dollars for 5 plastic figures, and that doesn't even count the 10 dollars A brush and 3 dollars per teaspoon of paint >:(. I hate GW so much. Their employees don't even get discounts at the store of any variety whatsoever anymore they nerfed it because of how much money they were losing.
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    BAHAHAHA. has anyone bought the war hammer 40k book? there is some horrendously derivative artwork in there, copied from movie scenes and other artists work. I'd take some scans but they might sue ;)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    KhAoZ wrote: »
    Games Workshop has always sucked as a company, sure they invented War Hammer and everyone says that WarCraft is a copy of War Hammer but it really isnt. Because if you think about it War Hammer copied off Lord of the Rings, I believe Games Workshop even made LOTR minatures as well.....

    actually, warhammer started out as a set of books, quite well know... written by steve jackson and ian livingstone.

    they were called the "fighting fantasy" books, warlock of firetop mountain etc...

    anywho, those books were loosely based on dungeons and dragons, they then went on to create hero quest, moving to a D6 based system (from D&D's D20 system). this evolved further into warhammer quest.

    players then asked what it would be like to see the underworld hordes of warhammer quest on a larger scale, and warhammer was born. each race also has a rough parallel to things in the human world, largely racist, too.

    the empire are germans
    brittonians are french
    elves are americans
    greenskins are football hooligans from england (well, all over really...)
    skaven are nazis
    dwarves are scottish
    chaos are skandinavian (viking)

    http://www.golden-throne.com/ <--- epic web comic made by an ex gw employee. also slapped with some cease and decists by GW.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Moosey_G wrote: »
    GW really does have a problem with just being easy with their customers. Everything they do somehow has to do with how they gain money. Have you ever been to one of their shops? It's easily 25 dollars for 5 plastic figures, and that doesn't even count the 10 dollars A brush and 3 dollars per teaspoon of paint >:(. I hate GW so much. Their employees don't even get discounts at the store of any variety whatsoever anymore they nerfed it because of how much money they were losing.

    I was actually going to mention that about the cost. If they really want to compete in a market that isn't exactly mainstream, meaning tabletop games, they really should consider dropping prices on some of that stuff. While I was at Raven in Madison I went with a few friends to a GW based shop and the models were so expensive just to start a simple army. We played out a scenario between 4 people and half of the armies were cardboard shit we had to make because the pieces cost too damn much. And this is from 3-4 people (my friends) that had been buying and collecting the Warhammer armies for years, and they barely had enough pieces. I think my roommate actually had spent several hundreds over the course of the last few years. I think the largest army we had was Skaven... and that's only because they are rats and theres like 30 of them to a pack lmao...

    I understand the price for manufacture since the pieces use to be metal diecast.... but now they are mostly plastic and still cost too much imo. Our armies looked like frankenstein's army or something horrific... just trying to make units unique we were buying cheap ass starter units and splicing them together and adding our own artistic touch to make them look like the 90$ hero units.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18

    anywho, those books were loosely based on dungeons and dragons, they then went on to create hero quest, moving to a D6 based system (from D&D's D20 system). this evolved further into warhammer quest.

    players then asked what it would be like to see the underworld hordes of warhammer quest on a larger scale, and warhammer was born.


    Warhammer predated Heroquest by about a decade.
  • Moosey_G
    Progg wrote: »
    -Shortened for sake of space-

    Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, I've done the cardboard cut out thing as well. Lucky for me I have a friend I bought a cheap army from, but the guy is rich, he has 60 to 70 units of every army. Not the best thing to spend all that money in my opinion, but oh well lol.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master

    Warhammer predated Heroquest by about a decade.

    ouch, my bad. that came from a local GW employee too lol.

    that said, i should have known better, after playing the games this long =/
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    actually, warhammer started out as a set of books, quite well know... written by steve jackson and ian livingstone.

    they were called the "fighting fantasy" books, warlock of firetop mountain etc...

    anywho, those books were loosely based on dungeons and dragons, they then went on to create hero quest, moving to a D6 based system (from D&D's D20 system). this evolved further into warhammer quest.

    players then asked what it would be like to see the underworld hordes of warhammer quest on a larger scale, and warhammer was born. each race also has a rough parallel to things in the human world, largely racist, too.

    the empire are germans
    brittonians are french
    elves are americans
    greenskins are football hooligans from england (well, all over really...)
    skaven are nazis
    dwarves are scottish
    chaos are skandinavian (viking)

    http://www.golden-throne.com/ <--- epic web comic made by an ex gw employee. also slapped with some cease and decists by GW.

    sorry gir but I would ignore the staffer that spun you that tale....dont retail get the induction up at HQ anymore.....I remember being bored sensless by the company history for a good few hours back when I became a staff member....bah...kids today :D

    GW have been suing everything and everyone on the net for a few years now, it seems quite seasonal..around the start of each business year they shoot themselves in the foot over IP issues. Odd though that they would go after a fan site and let this outfit continue http://chapterhousestudios.com/webshop/

    I will never really understand GW Legals mindset. :poly142:
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