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Adobe: Flashwars

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ZacD ngon master
Adobe targets Apple in ad campaign launched today, publishes open letter from founders



you might have noticed that Adobe has launched a pretty full-force campaign to call out Apple on its anti-Flash mission. If you don't know what we're talking about, it's the advertisements that start with "We [heart] Apple." Along with the web ads, the company has also snagged a full page in today's Washington Post to address the battle in which the two companies have been engaged. All of this links back to a new statement from Adobe, as well as an open letter from founders Chuck Geschke and John Warnock ("Our thoughts on open markets"), addressing Apple's recent spate of clear and direct attacks against the company and its products. Most of the reading should sound familiar to those of us who've been following the saga, but here are a few choice quotes from the duo...
If anyone has been follow this Microsoft and a few other companies have said they agreed with apple and that the web needs to get rid of flash and start using html5.

I'm curious who's side you agree with and what you think could be the affects of this pro/anti flash movement.


  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I think that if HTML5 is going to replace Flash, then let users make that choice. I don't think it's good that Apple is trying to drive people to ending Flash by not supporting it on their most popular devices.
    On that same point, Apple has the right to do whatever they want with the systems and if Adobe doesn't like that, they shouldn't pout about it. They should have made their app more stable and efficient a LONG time ago.

    I would really like Apple to support Flash for now, since HTML5 video isn't completely finalized yet. It works, but not all the command options exist yet and browsers are just starting to support it. Not to mention, Flash does more than just video, which is what Apple keeps hinging this whole argument on. What about Flash based games? HTML5 doesn't cover that.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Yeah flash games (and ads? ew) are a huge part of flash and the internet. Personally I'd like to see flash faster, lighter weight, and more powerful, (maybe some real 3D support like utility). But I don't really have much hope for it. Adobe seems like its going to keep adding more and more bloat to their software and their programs.

    I'd like to see adobe prove every wrong, but I don't think that's going to happen.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Not supporting flash is absurd considering how ubiquitous it is. If its time is up, the it will become apparent on its own, not at the behest of Apple and Microsoft (a company that would love to ruin all its competition anyways).
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    dfacto wrote: »
    Not supporting flash is absurd considering how ubiquitous it is. If its time is up, the it will become apparent on its own, not at the behest of Apple and Microsoft (a company that would love to ruin all its competition anyways).

  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    Banners, ads, and video should use html 5.

    The more intense social games will still use Flash unless adobe really drops the ball and starts losing it's install base.
  • KateC
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    KateC polycounter lvl 7
    I don't know who to agree with in all this, but I feel sort of caught in the middle, like when your best friends aren't speaking to one another. It's kind of awkward and you sort of side with one of them, but then you don't want to make the other mad.

    Apple, Adobe. Hug it out.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    If HTML5 is the truly more open source solution, then flash will be phased out because of the superior product, not because of the douchery between companies. Jobs has some good points, but also has some bullshit and hypocrisy, Adobe hopefully took the constructive, true parts of the criticism and started working to adapt flash to better suit today's web use.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    They better, cause flash is a bloated whore of a program and always has been. :P
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    KateC wrote: »
    I don't know who to agree with in all this, but I feel sort of caught in the middle, like when your best friends aren't speaking to one another. It's kind of awkward and you sort of side with one of them, but then you don't want to make the other mad.

    Apple, Adobe. Hug it out.

    agreed. I like apple, I like flash (and I feel there will be places for both for a long time to come, flash is just too ingrained in the web to go anywhere in the next few years)... either fight it out then hug, or just hug it out.
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    But wasn't Adobe the only reason to buy a mac for a long time? The whole "macs are better at making pictures, durr" routine?
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    which is why adobe can't abandon apple (or vice versa) because i think its around 50 percent of their income comes from the creative suite on mac...

    funny how that works huh? I think we'd see apple take a huge hit were adobe to abandon them..
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    so people keep saying HTML5 needs to replace flash and whatnot, but until I get an Adobe HTML5 or Autodesk HTML5 program, then I'm sticking with Flash and so is everyone else.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Well it's very clear from this thread that:

    a) People do not know what HTML5 is.
    b) People do not know what Flash is.

    Benchmarks are showing across the board that even in the trivial applications for which HTML5 is actually appropriate (aka. not-most-of-what-Flash-does) it's slower than Flash, less protected than Flash, less supported than Flash, harder to develop for than Flash, and less stable than Flash. A lot of HTML5 sites don't even work on the iPhone. HTML5 doesn't even do anything it's a freaking markup language.

    What all the clueless people on the internet are actually supporting is JavaScript. You can't program in HTML5. HTML5 is a markup language. It's like the BBCode we use on this forum to make words bold. Anything you actually want to do is going to require JavaScript.

    But Jobs says pretty things so let's all ignore reality and pretend HTML5 is somehow a Flash competitor, okay? Then we can all sit around a campfire holding hands and writing Silverlight apps because it was totally awesome when Silverlight was a Flash killer wasn't it?

    Apple has a trademark on the only part of HTML5 that anyone gives a shit about (the canvas tag). Gee, isn't it interesting they always fail to mention that in their new 'open' future (a future where you aren't even allowed to use the development tools you want to develop for Apple platforms. A future where you aren't even allowed to use Apple-supported features if Apple decides those are restricted for their apps only. A future where you're only allowed to upload content if Apple says so, unless you're a big corporation and can pay them off).

    Adobe is at least putting it's money when it's mouth is and opening up the Flash format, allowing and supporting free Flash development, and partnering with other companies instead of trying to lock them out. Most of the messy parts of Flash came from Macromedia (history lesson: Adobe has only had control over Flash for a very short time) and Adobe has made massive strides in cleaning up and opening the platform since then. Flash has sped up by insane amounts over the last couple years.

    Blind loyalty to any corporation is bad but c'mon guys, the lesser of two evils here is pretty fucking obvious and it's not the company whose entire business strategy for the last twenty years has been to tell people that they're too stupid to use computers.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    Man, fuck apple. I hate everything they do.

    Am i being biased and stubborn? Yeah. So.

    Heh :)
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    Bah, I don't really care about this little catfight.

    Well, perphaps I would care if Apple and Adobe had picked some female representatives to fight it out.

    cause you know what happens when the girls are fighting?



  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I would agree, people should look at what HTML5 actually does.

    <video></video> is all you need. You put the video link in there. You can use many of the popular compression formats. There are commands to allow it to show controls and autoplay. It's essentially a build in video player, but it's just html markup with a link, like you would a pic.

    Flash allows interactivity and to create animations. Video(from other files) wasn't even part of flash initially. It's more than just a video player.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Flash will always be for games and animation to me.
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth

    i dont really care that much about the war but i found this amusing.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    As much as it's great for companies today to jump on the latest and greatest buzzword and promote the shit out of despite the public's complete ignorance as to what...wait, where am I going with this? It's trivial.

    I dislike how controlling Apple has become with their products and business practices.
    I dislike how Adobe has no motivation until now to make their products less bloated.
    I dislike Microsoft's opinion on anything.

    That makes it fair and even.

    I like how Google has solved the issue of getting Flash running smoothly on handheld devices. Stop being a whiny turtleneck wearing little bitch and make it work.

    I'm sure HTML5 will be a nice addition to the social networking empire.
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    them rich web applications caused me to buy a new computer, because that google hardware acelerated 3d engine for browsers overheated my gfx card killing every component
    "i can has desktop applications?"

    microsoft has done alot for openig for developpers since they got sued by the EU
    theyre not that bad anymore , atleast not worse than adobe or apple

    what i dont like is what autodesk does to their software, the're constantly trying to improving the gui, and fail at it, instad of optimizing the under the hood things
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    I like how Google has solved the issue of getting Flash running smoothly on handheld devices. Stop being a whiny turtleneck wearing little bitch and make it work.

    Wait. They have?

    3D rendering, rich interactions, and cute little characters. Then, he pulled up the same thing on his Nexus One. The site’s progress bar filled in and the 3D world appeared for a few seconds before the browser crashed. Ryan said (paraphrasing), “Whoops! Well, it’s beta, and this is an intense example — let’s try it again.” He tried it again and got the same result. So he said to the audience, “Well, this one isn’t going to work, but does anyone have a Flash site they’d like to see running?” Someone shouted out “Hulu.” Ryan said, “Hulu doesn’t work,” and then wrapped up his demo,
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    As an experienced Flash programmer, I can say for certain that I don't have any interest in using Javascript to code web applications. I have never liked Javascript. If I can use a more comfortable programming language to code up HTM5 applications, then I will look at using it more regularly. C# would be fine. PHP would be better than Javascript, but not by much.

    When Flash was all Actionscript 2.0, the coding for it was a bit of a pain. Then Actionscript 3.0 came out, and suddenly Flash development improved considerably and became a lot more accessible. The command line tools that Adobe released with AS3 make it possible for anyone to produce Flash files without purchasing the Flash IDE. There are still plenty of issues with Flash. For me the most noticeable is the gross difference in performance between platforms. (the Mac version of the flash player runs like crap)

    At the end of the day, this whole thing is a massive hissy fit over standards. Apple want's their software standardized in HTML5, that's why they are trying to push it's adoption. Adobe is just getting caught in the middle of all of this. Flash is its own separate plug-in, so it doesn't really have anything to do with web standards.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    oXY: but the app crashing may have been a shortcoming of the device and not Flash. Also, doesn't Hulu use a proprietary-ish interface to serve the videos?

    Wait, did I just make an attempt to defend Flash? Something is very wrong here.
  • Moosey_G
    I don't think they'll be able to phase out flash after taking a look at what people have to say about html5. Flash is great for it's ability to allow people access to easy 2D animation. Although I agree that it is bloated, it's still quite useful and more supported.
  • ironbearxl
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    ironbearxl polycounter lvl 18
    I bet they do love apple, but seriously though, fuck both of them.
  • Zephiris
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    Zephiris polygon
    But... BUT! Robot Unicorn Attack is flash. I won't stand for having my Robot Unicorn Attack taken from me :<

    Then again the only apple products I have are the ones in my kitchen next to bananas and kiwifruit, so thankfully I won't really have to care ^_^
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I'm by no means a fan of Flash (as it is now), but I do agree that there is a place for it, and I hate that Apple has decided that I won't be able to view certain sites on my iPod Touch, because they have a hair up their ass about Flash. Let me decide to boycott Flash sites, then the developers will adapt if no one is visiting the site. That was the case in the old dial-up days. People avoided using Flash on sites, because it was so bloated and it resulted in developers limiting their use of Flash.

    When I use my iPod to browse the net, I feel like I'm at work, and content is being blocked from me, but this is a device and internet that 'I' pay for, so my expectation is to have no limitations. I consider Apple to be the bigger evil in all of this.

    And yes, I think that Android Flash demo was just a poorly executed presentation. They obviously didn't try out the site first, rather than finding some save examples of Flash sites. Flash IS bloated, and most cell phones don't have the processing power (and probably not enough RAM) to handle heavy Flash sites. That's going to require some creative coding and I don't fault the Android developers for that crash. I can accept a 'this flash app crashed' error, if it allows me to access most other Flash content.
  • glynnsmith
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Funny, but I doubt it's official ;)
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