Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques


Hi everyone,

Currently I'm messing around on one of the old game artist competitions, at the moment I've created this spyplane, textured it and imported it into the unreal engine.

At this present time I'm looking for some overall feedback to improve the piece any critiques would be very welcome.

Kindest regards,



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  • amotaf
    Ok I've updated the model with some special effects.........


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  • PredatorGSR
    Offline / Send Message
    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    I could be mistaken, but feels like you didn't do a high poly bake, you just generated a normal map from a height map and used the low poly shading. As a result, the shading/lighting info on the model is pretty crappy. I would recommend doing a high poly, even if its just a basic one to get some good baked lighting info.

    If you did do a hp, something is seriously wrong with the normal map and/or normals.
  • amotaf
    Nah I didn't create a high polygon mesh for it, I just created the normal from a heightmap as you said.

    Ok I will go back and create a high poly mesh and bake down some details for it..I guess.
  • PredatorGSR
    Offline / Send Message
    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    You don't even have to model in the details, though it would be nice and give you the best results. If you just add some edge loops and run a couple smooths on it to create a quick high poly, you'll get the nice shading and can bake that. You can still create fine details from the grayscale map if you don't want to model all that detail in.
  • amotaf
    Ah it's too late now I've already gone and created a complex high res with the details in there.

    Also I just found out that I can bake a normal map from my diffuse map in Maya, (yes I know I'm a noob) ¬_¬
  • kdm3d
    bake a normal map from your diffuse? You mean like using your diffuse map as a bump? hmmm... not sure if that will give you the results you want...
  • amotaf
    Ok I've made an update I created the hi res and baked it down, blended the bake with my second bake from my heightmap and then imported a new mesh, and the new normals, diffuse and specular into the Unreal Engine.

    I see a little difference but I'm not sure whether it was what you were looking for PredatorGSR.

    @Kdm3d - ah just ignore that part Kdm3d I errr...... just got up.......

  • amotaf
    Ok I've updated the model again with some adjustments to the contrast of texture and some adjustments to the specular.



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