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First Art Test questions...

polycounter lvl 9
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vcortis polycounter lvl 9
So I finally got my portfolio up to snuff and sent out a lot of applications over the past few weeks and I heard back from somewhere! I'm supposed to receive the art test today for a Texture Artist position. The problem is this is my first art test. I have no idea what to expect, and more importantly no idea how I can prove to them I'm good for the job.

I have one week to do it, and I have no job and no school, so basically I can work on this thing for a long time. But it's under NDA so whatever materials they give me I can't show to anyone for critiques, at least nothing but texture flats.

Any advice someone can give me? I'd really like to impress the company and at least get an interview to try to sell myself a bit more. If I stay up all night (once i receive it in my e-mail) and finish this thing in like 2 or 3 days and send it in is that better than waiting the full 7 days?

Just looking for any info anyone can give me thanks!


  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    I would say rushing through it is the worst thing you can do. I would take it as you would any other project and not get anxious or nervous just because it's an art test. I had never done an art test until about 5 months ago and then did about 5 in the course of the last few months. I just worked on it as I would any school projects or freelance project... you put as much time as you can give that day... but don't pull all nighters over it. It is more or less a judge of your personal skill level and if you spent excessive amounts of time ... that's more or less like a lie since you can't actually put that much time into a work environment. Do your best... and prioritize what you need to get done. MAKE ABSOLUTE SURE you follow EVERY single thing they outline and require as far as naming conventions, formats, etc. etc. Don't get caught with an amazing piece that you failed to save the right image format... that comes off as sloppy and unable to follow directions. On that note, if the studio says you can exercise some artist freedom, don't go overboard sticking to any of their ideas or outlines unless specifically stated to do so. It depends on the studio, but most don't want you to replicate every exact thing they say to a tee because that shows you have no ability to input an artistic perspective into the piece.

    Also... don't look at this like it is the end of the world if you don't make it. My first art test I poured myself into thinking it was going to be a guaranteed interview/job... and it is not. It is a fantastic step towards that direction, but even then a fantastic piece may not end up in a job. You may be beaten to the punch by someone better or more experienced. It's the nature of the game and look at it from the perspective of: "They obviously liked my work and this is could be a good portfolio piece."

    Hope this helps a bit. Above all just treat it with as much time as you have to offer without killing yourself or going overboard on this. Rushing is the worst thing you can do, but turning it in finished a day or two early is a good thing as far as showing you can prioritize and get the job done.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Sup vcortis, stoked you got a bite man!

    Best advice i can give would be to find something similar online that's really kick ass that fits the style they're looking for. Don't emulate it completely, bring your own artistic ability to the project but view that as the quality bar you're shooting for.

    Good luck!
  • mathes
    I just completed my first art test this week, so I don't have much experience with this either. I wouldn't rush it, use the time that they give you. What I found important was to get away from it for a night to refresh my eyes and look at it again with a clean mind. Also, make sure you match the style of games that the company produces.
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the replies, this is all great information. I'd definitely feel more comfortable if the studio had screenshots of their project available to reference, but they don't. This is their first project so I'm a little in the dark.

    Regardless great info and I'll definitely keep it in mind.
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    Don't rush to send it in early. Companies will send out batches of art tests to candidates that they are pursuing, and they are going to wait until they get all of the tests back to review them and make their decision.

    An early submission is just going to sit in Outlook until the rest of the art tests come in.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    stay cool like a cucumber, that's important
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    lock yourself in your house, turn off your phone, and get a lot of microwave/oven ready meals
    tell everyone to leave you alone for the whole effing week unless you contact them
    make time for sleep
    above all else, trust your instincts and do not rush yourself
    if you have a full 5 - 7 days to do this, and i mean a full 5 - 7 days, it better be the coolest fucking shit you have every fucking dreamed of. i don't care if it is a coke can, it better kick ass.
    be smart, stick to the plan, and if you have time, make a couple versions/alterations to show various takes on the texturing...... just make sure it is within the realm of the stuff the studio would be working on
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Firebert wrote: »
    lock yourself in your house, turn off your phone, and get a lot of microwave/oven ready meals
    tell everyone to leave you alone for the whole effing week unless you contact them
    make time for sleep

    this is not conducive to being a cool cucumber
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    Lol, so here is another question for you all. The company said to keep track of the time it takes to complete the test and let them know how long it took. In your opinion how long would it take to paint 3 diffuse textures and 3 specular textures. They also said that "normal maps" are not required. Should I do them anyways?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    hmm, I don't know, about an 8 hour day or maybe 2 depending on how detailed everything is.

    Seems like art test typically are assigned with the assumption you are doing it on your free time... you get a week to do a 1-2 day task.
  • gekigengar5
    I too got my first art test from Carbine Studios for an environment texture artist position. I got it last wed.

    I am taking my time on the project, spending at least 8 hours a day working on it.

    minus 2 of my days which i count as my weekend/break from the test.

    I don't think carbine will mind about how much time you're spending as long as you have the quality they're looking for.

    The hard part with Carbine, is they have no game assets released just some loose concepts on their website. So you don't know how stylized the kind of art they're looking for.
  • KhAoZ
    Good luck on your art test!
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    I think for starters you should be proud of yourself, you're at the point in ability that companies do not automatically toss your CV in a bin. My advice would be to take your time,plan out how you are going to do it and start working. Look for similar work in style and use that as a basis for inspiration.
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for all the replies. I actually have another question for you all. Monday the art test was due, and I quickly realized a few hours before the deadline that the art test had too big of files to send as an attachment in an e-mail.

    I sent an e-mail to the representative asking them how they would like me to submit my art test since the files are too big to attach in one e-mail. I didn't hear back before it was due, so I attached the flattened images they requested, left out the .psd files that were huge and put a link in the e-mail where they could download all the files from my website.

    Tonight I get an e-mail from gmail saying that the e-mail's delivery has been delayed and that the file attachment might be too large for the other e-mail provider.

    So as far as my understanding goes, the company never got my e-mail yesterday with my submission. Therefore it is now past the due date.

    I sent them another e-mail explaining what happened and posted just the downloadable link, and the error message.

    Do you think they'll let it slide? I would've called but I only have their one representatives e-mail and no number is posted online.

    I'm kind of freaking out since I put a ton of time into this and it might just be disqualified from not having it in on time because of some stupid e-mail provider.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    I'm pretty certain they'll understand. That said...it would have been advisable to discover these limitations in advance and have been prepared for that eventuality. Now you know. Always have a backup delivery method.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Companies are usually pretty lenient...but in this type industry a due date is usually a deadline... which is a reflection on work habits. Excuses really don't matter (not meaning this harsh... it's just the truth). It always sucks when something like this happens, honestly I couldn't say one way or the other. If they have a lot of submissions a late one is going to be bottom of the totem pole. From what I've always heard and practiced it's always better to send a day or two early just to avoid such a situation. I hope for the best for you man, I know how frustrating it can be... trust me. I'm sure they will let it pass... but I definitely wouldn't let it happen again.
  • Mistry10
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    Mistry10 polycounter lvl 8
    I think you'll be fine ! You did send an email on monday ( the due date ) w/ the required matreails expect the psd file, and i'm pretty sure they'll be spending 85% of the time judging your final images and textures flats. And not spending a great deal of time looking though ur psd file.
    good look btw !
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Mistry10 wrote: »
    I think you'll be fine ! You did send an email on monday ( the due date ) w/ the required matreails expect the psd file, and i'm pretty sure they'll be spending 85% of the time judging your final images and textures flats. And not spending a great deal of time looking though ur psd file.
    good look btw !

    I think he's saying the email with the images was rejected.
  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 19
    you're making too big a deal out of it, they'll understand.
    I don't think art tests are as serious business as you think they are.
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the replies everyone. I hope you're right. It is a little irritating to have gotten a mailer daemon a full day after I sent it. I would've had to send the test in two days early to realize this and still have time to correct it.

    At any rate, I already have another art test from a different company, this has an open ended deadline so I don't have to worry about the same problem happening.
  • Mark Dygert
    I don't think carbine will mind about how much time you're spending as long as you have the quality they're looking for.
    I would be careful with this, especially if they are asking you to keep track of the time it takes. They probably want quality and speed, probably in that order. Don't hang too many hopes on this first art test. Relax, get it done and don't expect much to happen.

    Art tests are like sex you get better the more times you do it.

    The more anxious and obsessive you get, the higher the chances are that you'll walk away with little more than a restraining order and a face full of mace.
  • s0id3
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    s0id3 polycounter lvl 8
    vcortis wrote: »
    Thanks for the replies everyone. I hope you're right. It is a little irritating to have gotten a mailer daemon a full day after I sent it. I would've had to send the test in two days early to realize this and still have time to correct it.

    At any rate, I already have another art test from a different company, this has an open ended deadline so I don't have to worry about the same problem happening.

    That exact same thing happened to me...

    Even if i just sent another e-mail w/ download links or just plain text I kept getting the delayed message error.
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    That's interesting to hear s0id3 did you ever figure out if they accepted it or could you never get the submission in?
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    get dropbox dude:


    The public folder is an amazing tool for hosting images and rather large files. You get 2 gigs for free. I could go on and on about how awesome this program is.

    Just drop the file you need to share in the public folder and copy a public link for it.
  • s0id3
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    s0id3 polycounter lvl 8
    vcortis wrote: »
    That's interesting to hear s0id3 did you ever figure out if they accepted it or could you never get the submission in?

    I eventually got through to them, I originally submitted my art test a day earlier, and i got the email error on the due date but at night(at which the deadline was 5PM that day). They said they accepted it when they got it, but I wasn't expecting anything back as late is late no matter what technicality.
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    That sucks. Hmm mental note for when I eventually get art test numero uno. Good luck to you guys submitting those tests!
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    Sorry for the graveyard bump but i have a question, about my first gameart test.

    First of all i'm basically still a noob.
    The art test is quite complex, and i have a few questions about it. Would it be weird if i made a thread about it in P&P ?
    The mail i got said nothing about getting feedback and had no metion about NDA.

    I know it is a TEST and it's supposed to test MY skills, but i thought that by getting some feedback i could improve my workflow and that will improve MY skills.
  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    That is probably not the best idea imo. I don't see a problem with posting individual questions, I've posted technical questions during an art test when I having an issue with a tool or something. Stuff like "I'm getting a normal map error on this seam, any ideas".

    But posting the test with "how would you tackle this" doesn't seem appropriate. For one thing, lots of people look at polycount, so the odds are pretty good that someone at the company you are applying to will spot it, and it sure wouldn't reflect well on you.

    Don't forget that most companies encourage you to ask questions about the test. Questions on how they want to see stuff like "How do you want me to display grime overlays (alpha cards, uv sets, etc)" and "Does your company typically use high poly sculpts for environment assets" are perfectly reasonable questions.

    Thats my opinion at least.
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Congrats on the art test! Just do the absolute best work you can.
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks for all the advice and sorry for hijacking the thread.
    Also if anyone has a few minutes for some private C&C i would be eternally grateful . So PM me !
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Bumpin' dead threads instead of making new ones... Curious how long it took you guys to hear back from a studio once you do an art test if they are interested?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Progg wrote: »
    Bumpin' dead threads instead of making new ones... Curious how long it took you guys to hear back from a studio once you do an art test if they are interested?

    typically about a week
  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    I would consider a week to be standard, for successful art tests I've usually heard back within 2-3 business days to set up the next interview.
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    The one i took , they just answered me yesterday , exactly a week after i handed it in...
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I'd like to add the fact that I don't think it's good to share your art test on the forum and get a bunch of critiques. In production there's no hand holding.

    Also, even if you don't mention it's an art test you're posting, we know!
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    get dropbox dude:


    The public folder is an amazing tool for hosting images and rather large files. You get 2 gigs for free. I could go on and on about how awesome this program is.

    Just drop the file you need to share in the public folder and copy a public link for it.

    2nd that. I use this allot to take files to and from work.
  • stoofoo
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    stoofoo polycounter lvl 18
    hey vcortis: Cool it. No one is going to sweat your nuts about having been late due to mail failure. Same with all the time things. Remember that once you have a job and eventually end up giving the very same tests you are doing, numbers and timing is the last thing you think of. It's quality almost in its entirety. The only time I stink eye someone is getting something early that looks half assed.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    stoofoo wrote: »
    hey vcortis: Cool it. No one is going to sweat your nuts about having been late due to mail failure. Same with all the time things. Remember that once you have a job and eventually end up giving the very same tests you are doing, numbers and timing is the last thing you think of. It's quality almost in its entirety. The only time I stink eye someone is getting something early that looks half assed.

    lmao.. this thread is really old. He already got a job for the test he took. :D
  • stoofoo
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    stoofoo polycounter lvl 18
    I don't read dates, just content.

    FU guys. Buncha jerks.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Go back to makin yo home video zbrush demos.... gah

  • Mark Dygert
    You have no idea how hard it is to constantly brush noobs out of stoo's stache...
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Vig wrote: »
    You have no idea how hard it is to constantly brush noobs out of stoo's stache...

  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    Lol, actually Steven I totaly bombed the first art-test I took which is what this thread was for. Luckily though I nailed the next one. Anyways looks like Mime just got a job too so I'm glad this thread is helping people.

    Also... jeez take it easy on Progg!
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