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The Age of Stupid



  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Also the fact that leading experts are saying that population growth is starting to level off. We'll probably get another 2 billion out of it but it'll start to stabalize.

    Or you know, that global genocide thing you mentioned...that could work too.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    jerry wrote: »
    A global society gives rise to Katrina and Bin Laden, what a load of crap :poly127:.

    it also gives rise to Class I civilizations.. which would be utterly awesome.
  • greenj2
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    just found this article, found it ironic that it directly applies to this topic..

    Climate Change killed Dino's
  • StevenEgan
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    StevenEgan polycounter lvl 9
    To be honest people are never really going to change their ways, and why would/should they?

    I'm all for "greening" up, but just not in the generally excepted way. With the population soring the way it is, even if we manage to cut the global carbon emissions down by half in the next 50 years, the population would have doubled anyway (exaggeration maybe? but you get the point) It's like having a man with a 5gal bucket scooping out water from a lake, but with another man sat at the other side of the lake with a 10gal bucket poring more in. I very much doubt we'll ever cut down the carbon emission, without taking necessary steps to replace the energy we are cutting back. Just look at the way we are advancing, before long it wont just be every household in the US that has a computer, but other poorer nations too. Personally I don't see why we should cap our advancement. We are an industrious yet greedy (not always in bad way) species.... it's in the Genes!

    However, I do feel we can tackle this problem. But instead of trying to change people (much). We need to change things at the core of our society. We already have a lot of the technology to do it. And it wouldn't be as life changing/ending as everyone things.

    Fore example: Currently there is a project underway in the south of France, where ITER is constructing the World's Largest Tokamak, a magnetic confinement nuclear fusion reactor. Which would run on hydrogen (or isotopes there of). While this is just a test reactor, they are hoping to actually run it sustainable, meaning it would produce more energy than it consumed.

    Of course that's not the 'be all end all' solution to sustainable energy, but that's where technology, that we already know works, comes in. Such as Solar, wind, tidal, to name a couple.

    If the world could could run itself sustainable on such technologies, then there would be no need for everyone to feel like they need to sacrifice everything.

    I don't want to sound like I'm against being 'green', I believe nothing should go to waste and that we should use everything we have wisely. I guess it just comes down to being responsible as societies. I don't think people should have to sacrifice, at the end of the day, that's not really ever going to change. But what needs to change is how things are done at the center of a society, power, distribution, and just practicing some general intelligence, and making right decisions.

    I know some of my points seem to contradict each other, but it's late here, and it's hard to express a point, when there are hundreds of points to express. But I think I got my general feeling across. "Lead and they will follow." While I'm sure it helps when individuals strive to make a difference, It;s cores of every society that needs to change, it's government needs to take the first steps, perhaps with a push from it's people (and people are pushing). Unfortunately, it's very hard to convince government to change it's ways. Especially when you are talking about cutting the individual wealth of the people that run it, to supply equal wealth to everyone else.

    Anyway, sorry for ranting.
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