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Did you pass "The passing"? (New L4D2 DLC)

polycounter lvl 17
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Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
New dlc for l4d2 is out and it's pretty nice to be honest, especially since it's free. I played it with a buddy on advance and the finale was brutal. It was impossible with the bots, multiple tanks, etc etc.

The new weapons kick ass aswell. I had a M60 with the laser sight and fire ammo. The tank we met in the tight staircase didn't stand a chance. I sawed him in half with this beast in a few seconds and it feeeeelt so gooood after so many years of torment from him.

There is some crazy high bloom/blur effect though that I don't recognize from the earlier games. In fact, it's pretty intense in some areas. Like you got vaseline on your screen.



  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Any other night i woulda bought a couple beers and loaded this up, but a certain editor just came out and you gotta strike while the irons hot!

    I'll be excited about this in the very near future though. New weapons are very welcome! Not to mention I've been missing Bill's musk.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    yeah. Played it through.

    Dont want to post spoilers. Not that the story is very deep like.

    but SPOILER ALERT for those who havent played it.

    There's some nice level design elements. Low sewer tunnel bit springs to mind.

    Dont know what all the goodies crates are about. An infinite supply of molotovs seems a bit much. Even though you cant take them all with you.

    Finale is good. Although a little spread out and quite easy on advanced. Especially as you have added gunpower help around the fueling point.

    Was kinda gutted that the only time you see the other survivors (except finale) they are just lazing about telling you to do stuff. Would have been nice to see them fighting through other parts of the levels as the players progress.

    Nice update though. Mutations could be fun. I believe it realism in versus mode this week. Which i wont be trying. Versus is hard enough against a good team.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Played a few realism versus today on the passing. Actually wasn't that much different from regular versus, and thats playing with randoms! For people who regularly play together, realism versus won't affect them much at all.

    However saying that, neither team completed any of the levels :p But that could be due to the fact that we didn't really know the map, or it could actually be hard.

    Guess I'll need to play campaign mode to see the whole "story" :/
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Also. New midnight riders song (Im a fan, got the shirt, etc etc) oh and crazyfingers... Im sorry for you bro. You will know why soon enough! :D


    (PS: They are still alive and you can see their tour bus drive by in the game.)
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Steam is temporarily unavailable for me :/
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    I played through it last night. There was some really cool stuff in there. But I was really disappointed about it being mostly
    Scavenge, especially with such a huge area for it.
    The way they were talking about it, it sounded like it'd be a whole campaign with a story and the old characters would be conversing with the new ones and stuff, but instead it's
    2 regular campaign maps (one of which is nearly all sewer) and a big tedious Scavenge round. The old survivors only show up briefly, shout down from unreachable areas, and you run around getting gas cans and then drive away. It was kind of really anti-climactic for me.
    A big hold-out finale event like in Dark Carnival or Swamp Fever would have been awesome alongside the old survivors. Even if it was still the same
    level, it would have been more fun if they'd come down and fight.

    I didn't see the tour bus in the game. I heard about it being in the preview, but I don't recall seeing any moving vehicles at all. I must have missed it.
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    Got it, played it ... meh
  • ScudzAlmighty
    I spent all day trying to download it at about .5kb per damned second, only to have steam tell me the severs were to full to play. I think I had it running for about 5 whole minutes and it was nice to see the weather effects goin nuts, but a sunny afternoon is not a good time to play that campaign :(
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    fly_soup wrote: »
    I didn't see the tour bus in the game. I heard about it being in the preview, but I don't recall seeing any moving vehicles at all. I must have missed it.

    It´s random apparently.

    They did overpromise the dlc alot I agree.
  • vcool
    Played last night with a bunch of mates, loved it.

    Maybe it's because I haven't played L4D2 in like two months that I loved it, who knows. But it was fun.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Played it but couldn't beat it with my 3 friends, argh! The highest we managed to get was 14 of 16 gas tanks (granted we hadn't played in a couple months prior).

    One thing I find interesting is much this game (and really most Source games) is a testament to what good lighting can do for an environment. The majority of the artwork, I find, is extremely low resolution comparably. Both texture space AND geometrical density is low, but the lighting saves it all completely and still makes for an 'immersive' play experience.

    Loved it, can't wait to play it again.
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    I thought it was alright. I was hoping the original L4D cast would be involved more; and I really did not like that dialogue exchange between Francis and Rochelle. This campaign certainly felt the creepiest out of any of the L4D2 maps, particularly the music cues. I thought the new uncommon-common survivor zombie was interesting; they take a lot of shots to take down but drop a shit ton of goodies, at first I didn't realize where these spontaneous health packs and pipe bombs were coming from. Haven't tried any of the other modes yet.

    The worst part of The Passing:
    They killed off Bill!
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Finally downloading, will be ready to play in some hours. If anyone wants to play, add me on Steam(same user name)
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Eraserhead wrote: »
    I thought it was alright. I was hoping the original L4D cast would be involved more; and I really did not like that dialogue exchange between Francis and Rochelle. This campaign certainly felt the creepiest out of any of the L4D2 maps, particularly the music cues. I thought the new uncommon-common survivor zombie was interesting; they take a lot of shots to take down but drop a shit ton of goodies, at first I didn't realize where these spontaneous health packs and pipe bombs were coming from. Haven't tried any of the other modes yet.

    The worst part of The Passing:
    They killed off Bill!
    I was running around with a katana most of the time since i didnt want to waste the m60 so i never noticed that the new uncommon zombies were harder since they still died in one hit. (To the face)

    But i did love that they dropped items. In fact, i hope they do more of that in the future. For example killing an army zombie that has guns strapped to him.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    While the DLC is short I think it shows an improvement in giving the player memorable (non-scripted) story moments. Really awesome level design and use of the new features for the AI Director. Seeing a flaming tank come charging down a narrow cobblestone street throwing cars is one thing, fighting off an entire infected wedding to the sounds of the above rock ballad is an entirely different and uniquely awesome experience.

    Oh, also, for those of you who had trouble downloading faster than .5kb/s try switching your download region to somewhere that's generally full of people sleeping. I had my steam client set to Malaysia for about an hour and finished up the rest of the download from Central Russia.
  • JeremyRM
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    JeremyRM polycounter lvl 8
    I tried it last night for about an hour, loved the realism vs mode.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    It's pretty good, although the bot support is terrible, if you're playing Versus with 3v3 (as we did tonight) then especially on the 2nd map you will notice that the Survivor bot gets stuck on everything, and often refuses to follow you for hundreds of metres, only to teleport up (as they usually do when they fall behind) and immediately start running back the opposite direction.

    Generally with 4 humans though it seems like a lot of fun for a first go. I'm sure it'll grow on me over the next week or so, Crash Course was similar when it was released for the original L4D.

    Seriously though, terrible Survivor bots.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    I enjoyed the campaign although two servers crashed before I managed to get a full run through. I think it was really solid all around with some nice moments. Only disappointment is that after all the talk about how it fit into the story and interacting with the survivors and a survivor dying... it really wasn't very involved at all. Getting cover in the scavenge was cool but that was about it. I didn't even find the dead survivor.

    Dialog is waaaay better than L4D2, though! Lots of funny exchanges and most of them, if not all, change when you replay it.

    I found a chainsaw near the start of the first level, saved it for the end of the second level (which was tough, I love my pistols), and got ~100 kills in 5 seconds. Couldn't see a thing but it was hilarious how easy it made that brutal section.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I hope they will have an option to keep Realism VS. I play almost every night with only friends and it really does add a whole new frantic/frightening feel. Cause if you stop paying attention for a second and get lost you can easily die and not be rescued by your friends.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    It was really anti-climactic for me too, especially with the lack of interaction with the characters from the first game. Free though, so I can't complain.

    Anyone know how to get at the audio files? I want to do some lip-synch with that great 'sushi-3 pounds of raw chicken' track :D
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Use GCFScape to open up the .VPK files. Might take a bit of searching but they'll be there somewhere.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    The campaign itself was not bad. Pretty different. Very tight and confined with the exception of a few areas. And it was at night again! Night time makes such a huge difference. I hope they never make anymore day campaigns, they tried it, and it's not nearly as atmospheric, so now they can go back to making them all at night.

    However based on what they promised it seemed like a total cop out. The survivors could just as easily not be there at all and it could be "we have to get to the other side and refuel the generator to lower the bridge". When they were there, they were always separated from you. I guess they wouldn't really trust other survivors and the models are from the last game, no normal maps and fancy shaders. What a tease, I really wanted to see more Zoey. :(

    Took a long time just to get this campaign out. Let's hope they've been working on the Midnight Riders one in the time being.

    Glad this was released, good to get me back into the game after a couple of months.:)
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    I could play it with my bro yesterday, and errr.. i don't like the new campaign, very dull and not very well designed. for me, this campaign it's not as well done as the other campaigns, and i could say that is as bad or worse than the new campaign they added for l4d1.

    The addition of new zombies are welcome, but that zombie with "free items" is a bit ridiculous, it takes off the small amount of seriousness of the game. It remembered me when playing dungeon siege 2, and a kind of crazy imp appears dropping items when you hit him.

    The final map, is something very easy to finish... when tanks appears, all is to go where zoey and company, and they almost instant kill all. In Advanced mode is pretty easy.

    Being a free update i can't complain, but i really dislike the new campaign, i was expecting something better.
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    MoP wrote: »
    It's pretty good, although the bot support is terrible, if you're playing Versus with 3v3 (as we did tonight) then especially on the 2nd map you will notice that the Survivor bot gets stuck on everything, and often refuses to follow you for hundreds of metres, only to teleport up (as they usually do when they fall behind) and immediately start running back the opposite direction.

    Generally with 4 humans though it seems like a lot of fun for a first go. I'm sure it'll grow on me over the next week or so, Crash Course was similar when it was released for the original L4D.

    Seriously though, terrible Survivor bots.
    Especially on that tiered zig-zag run in the first map, couple of big pathining issues there. Or the easter egg hunt the bots go on for the finale instead of helping hunt for cans. Why couldn't there just be pills in the safe room?

    First time I opened a footlocker, I had to shout "OMG PEELZ HERE!" And I love the new witch; dunno if it was a glitch, but the time she bolted for me, she totally did the 'horror movie ghost-in-a-dress floats with no feet routine' on me. \m/. The l4d1 crew seems a bit smug in dialogue (looking down from their platforms even!), which is pretty amusing.

    Speaking of yelling at bots, few of my friends play anymore, look me up on steam? I'm throttlekitty there as well.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    yeah I was dissapointed story wise, gameplay wise was fun. Just wish they revealed more about both set of survivors, particularly how bill died. I was under the impression this whole time you get to play the L4D1 characters, guess not
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    DKK wrote: »
    Aren't they also releasing a L4D update that shows you how the original survivors got into their situation, that seems pretty neato.

    really? Awesome! I hope that happens.

    Is there any way to turn off jockey spawning in the game, through the console or whatever. They totally ruin the game for me, they fucking suck.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Rwolf wrote: »
    yeah I was dissapointed story wise, gameplay wise was fun. Just wish they revealed more about both set of survivors, particularly how bill died. I was under the impression this whole time you get to play the L4D1 characters, guess not

    They are releasing DLC for L4D in the next couple of weeks to explain how the events happen and you are going to have to play through the events that caused "said" thing to happen that leads to the rendezvous in L4D2
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    But I don't wanna go back to playing original L4D, it doesn't have melee weapons, adrenaline or chargers :(
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    MoP wrote: »
    But I don't wanna go back to playing original L4D, it doesn't have melee weapons, adrenaline or chargers :(
    yeah, playing a neutered, stripped down version just doesnt cut it. Its weird going back to the first and there being so few guns to choose from. Definitely less fun
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    EricV wrote: »
    yeah, playing a neutered, stripped down version just doesnt cut it. Its weird going back to the first and there being so few guns to choose from. Definitely less fun

    Spoiled! It was fun when we didn't know what L4D2 was :D
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    did anyone else get the tank while in the sewers? badlight+water+tank = CARNAGE :D
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