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One of the greates instructional books ever.

Hey everyone. Firstly, apologies if this has been mentioned before, but I couldn't find a thread on it and I feel it is well worthy of it's own thread.

I just picked up this:


It is absolutely incredible. I just went through the first few chapters and video sessions and I couldn't believe just how good it is.

While ZBrush is in the title, it's not really a ZBrush instructional, but I bought it for the anatomy learning and in that regard it is just awesome.

The chapters are detailed and the accompanying videos (most of which are in real time and not like 400% speed or something) have a narrative done by Scott where he explains in detail which parts he's sculpting, how they fit together etc.

What I like about it is that it is focused more on the actual anatomy than the ZBrush tools and method. So rather than saying something like 'use this brush to sculpt a line here and here' he actually explains the muscles in question and the kind of shapes you should achieve. There's also some really helpful 'ecorche' (sp) shots in the book which have been done in ZBrush to give a real clear idea of the anatomical structures.

I just can't say enough good things about it, if you're at all into sculpting/drawing characters or just want to brush up your anatomy knowledge, you have to check this book out!


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