A lot of friends didn't like Season 1 so they didn't bother watching 24 anymore but I have to say after sticking with it through 8 seasons. Its been pretty amazing... Kiefer Sutherland is an amazing actor but the writers have also done an amazing job keeping this show interesting and adventurous as well as keeping the viewers on the edge of their seats with unexpected events occurring... in real time, haha a pun, but true.
Decent latest episode, nice twist I didn't see coming. Failsafe thing was retarded though, why did they have him rewire the thing if they had control the whole time? lol.
at this rate of the show picking up pace, Jack is going to parachute onto the back of a missle fired at NYC, reprogram it mid flight to fly to korea, but make a pitstop over LA so he can parachute down to pick Kim up from the airport, then the missle will fly to korea making them angry at Jack, allowing there to be a new season where the Korean, Chinese, and Mexican gangs want to kill Jack but he'll attack and destroy them all with smoke grenades (AWESOME).
god i love 24 hahaha. This season is finally starting to redeem itself, bit by bit. My first born will be named Jack Bauer Mountain.
Yeah, I was under that impression anyways, Jeremy. I read last season that most everyone was saying this would be the last season. One hell of a run though.
This really /is/ the worst day of Jack's life. o_O
I was actually half expecting them to go the opposite route, kill Jack and have Renee take the reins, so to speak.
Yeah, dude just can't catch a break.. I was worried about that, but I'm glad
Renee was killed off instead. If it all of the sudden was about her, I'd stop watching, since I can only take that much of her oddly alien-shaped head..........
Oh, and I'm feeling kinda smug and self-important now after a couple of eps in having called
Chloe taking over the reins at CTU, even if it's just temporary
, despite her sometimes acting a bit like a sulky 13 y/o.
I really hope Jack finds out the Russians were involved, barges in to the peace meeting and puts a bullet in the Russian delegates head on live tv.
That would be awesome. But if they do that I hope they don't give him a really cheesy one-liner: "Meetings over.". Or the Soppranos ending where it just goes black :P.
when the nurse asked about Renee's next of kin, and he had no fucking clue. The look of complete helplessness and despondency on his face and in his body language was totally crushing. :O
I think the last 4 eps are gonna be a lot of **BAM!!**BAM!!**.
Fucking that Dana Walsh is so fucking sneaky. I am glad she shot her in the chest. Her bewbs prolly acted like super balistics-gel, so that's why he shot her again.
jack cant die!!! he's making a movie!!1 nooooooooo Jack Bauer is invincible Besides, he already "died" once, and he was brought back to life, so in reality, he is a Zombie.
That was an awesome episode too. I loved the flashbang in the suitcase & charge tackle move in the bank.
Just caught the episode for this week. Holy crap!
Tunnel scene could be one of the best 24 scenes I've ever watched...SO bad ass!!
Can't wait for the movie!!!!
I was surprised at the number of loose ends they didn't tie up. It was somewhat anti-climatic, I wonder if the movie will take any of that into account.
I didn't like it. Was expecting action, drama and was hoping for surprise but unfortunately this finale hardly invoked any emotion.
I'm kind of glad its the last season though, was getting bored of 24 and its many illogical events.
Also I used to like Mary Lynn Rajskub (Chloe), but I gradually hated her acting more and more every season!
Great season, looking back at it as a whole its got a really strong story, i dig it. The Dalia Hassan rage-out was fucking amazing, some of the best acting ive seen on TV since Rescue Me.
srsly. such a great movie, surprisingly good acting
god i love 24 hahaha. This season is finally starting to redeem itself, bit by bit. My first born will be named Jack Bauer Mountain.
This season has been pretty dang soon so far imo.
Oh, and I'm feeling kinda smug and self-important now after a couple of eps in having called
24 still going strong
you mean worse then the day his wife died by the hand of his girlfriend he was having an affair with that turned out to be a quadruple agent..
its gettin good!
I'm thinking this entire season will be much more fun to watch as a whole instead of week to week.
Favorite moment of the episode was way early on,
"You can't take this shot!! It's too risky!!"
Jack: Nothing.
Fucking that Dana Walsh is so fucking sneaky. I am glad she shot her in the chest. Her bewbs prolly acted like super balistics-gel, so that's why he shot her again.
lol! You could kinda see her nipples I think. Either that or she had a pointy bra
Logan needs some BAM!! BAM!!
ps: Jack is going to die.
That was an awesome episode too. I loved the flashbang in the suitcase & charge tackle move in the bank.
I hope chloe helps jack again
/plays black sabbath theme
Tunnel scene could be one of the best 24 scenes I've ever watched...SO bad ass!!
Can't wait for the movie!!!!
I was surprised at the number of loose ends they didn't tie up. It was somewhat anti-climatic, I wonder if the movie will take any of that into account.
I hope the movie gives it a more finalized conclusion. Right now it feels very open, FOR the movie. So, no real closure right now.
I'm kind of glad its the last season though, was getting bored of 24 and its many illogical events.
Also I used to like Mary Lynn Rajskub (Chloe), but I gradually hated her acting more and more every season!
I got all teary when Jack was talking to Chloe
Great season, looking back at it as a whole its got a really strong story, i dig it. The Dalia Hassan rage-out was fucking amazing, some of the best acting ive seen on TV since Rescue Me.