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Clash of the Titans



  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I like the original when I first saw and I like the original now. Its not trash.

    This new one I dont know.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Actually the first one is pretty bad. It's one of those movies that you remember being super old, but is actually not. It has some really cool creatures, but watching it now, yeah it's very cheesy - but I loved it as a kid, so I'll always have a spot for it.
  • JakeJK
    Slum wrote: »
    It was obvious in watching that this movie was made for 3D. Watching in 2D felt like watching fireworks on television - yeah, you see everything but its not all there. There were a few shots that were so hilariously useless and obviously 3d eye candy.

    Are you kidding? This film was not shot in 3d and neither was the VFX made in stereoscopic 3d... It actually came as a surprise to us, when we learned that the movie would be in 3d.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Really? That's surprising to hear. There were a few shots with the boats entering the city, the Leviathan, and Hades that seemed very heavy-handed in the "stuff-flying-into-the-camera" department.

    Loved the Hades smoke FX though - going with smoke and embers turned out a lot cooler than just fire.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    It was done in like eight weeks or something after it was all shot. Cameron said it should have taken about six months.
  • illadam
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    illadam polycounter lvl 14
    This is a film I would recommend to my parents. Not so much my friends or anyone who would want to be entertained though creative story and characters. The story is pretty bland and easy to follow so if you don't like thinking and just want to see some cool cg and action check it out. Though I liked the Gin (They looked like tree people to me) and I think they could have been used a lot more.

    I don't know if this is just me but the characters at first almost seemed like they were in a 5 man warcraft party. They had to fight bosses and all that and got "rare" lewts? haha and The Gin was def a mage/healer.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    illadam wrote: »
    Though I liked the Gin (They looked like tree people to me) and I think they could have been used a lot more.

    For what it's worth, it's spelled Djinn.

    And I thought his face looked comically bad :(

    All the special effects really made me think of video games, though. Particularly his blue-flame stick.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I was around 11 when the first one came out and it was fairly poor( 1981 ish). The critics panned it at the time.
    There is always that temptation to look back and think things were better in the old days:)
    Odd though I can watch the old one now and not turn it off
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    The ending of the movie did 2 things for me: IT made me LOL and it made the movie suck even more.

    edit: /RANT: Seriously, when ideas like that are presented at a producer's meeting, did they seriously just all look at each other and say "Oh yea that's a great idea!"? It seriously baffles me that such BAD ideas get through some of the higher up executives. It's like they have no fucking clue what good storytelling is. Sigh... is it wrong for me to think that i would be a great director, just because i can point out the laughably bad decisions that these people make and understand WHY they are bad and why that SHOULDNT happen in a movie? I think if i were to direct a movie called "Clash of the Titans" i'd put some fucking titans in it and atleast give the plot some depth.....

  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    So what is the ending?

    Talking about the original, I believe it did win a few awards, and made quite a bit at the cinema.

    If it was complete trash, something like Ed Wood Plan 9, it would not have done so, it must have had some merit, perhaps like this new may have.
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    Slum wrote: »
    Really? That's surprising to hear. There were a few shots with the boats entering the city, the Leviathan, and Hades that seemed very heavy-handed in the "stuff-flying-into-the-camera" department.

    Loved the Hades smoke FX though - going with smoke and embers turned out a lot cooler than just fire.

    I thought that the shots that most screamed 'done for 3d' were the ones where you had an object flying toward the screen in slow motion (a spear, a sword etc.). I think the director mentioned that certain shots were envisaged for 3d even if they didn't shoot it using 3d cameras. I heard the 3d was pretty horrible actually - similar to the effects in Alice in Wonderland.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    i don't want to offend anyone, but you have to put this film(the original) in context, the only way i can see you maybe liking this is if you had no recollection what so ever of how awesome movies were in 80-82. these 3 years spawned some of the greatest scifi/ fantasy /horror films ever made. clash of the titans was by far the worst thing with lots of effects work in it. here is what was going on in the early 80's at the cinema for all the 12 year olds..

    The Empire Strikes Back, the best of all of starwars
    Raiders of the Lost Ark, i dont even have to explain this one
    An American Werewolf in London, greatest transformation scene ever
    Dragonslayer- most rad dragons of all time, eat this CG!
    Escape from New York,
    The Evil Dead
    Heavy Metal
    Time Bandits
    The Fog
    Friday the 13th
    The Secret of NIMH
    The Shining
    Mad Max
    The Thing
    Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, imo best trek film
    scanners, heads explode, how cool is that?
    Blade Runner, !!!!!
    The Dark Crystal

    those are just some i can remember, there were more, and this happened in 3 years, clash of the titans didn't stand a chance of being anything but horrible if you can go see any of those films instead. the thing is they don't make awesome movies anymore, in the last 3 years how many truly awesome films were made, that millions of people will still watch decades later?
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    You hath offended me arshlevon, pistols at dawn, (slaps face with glove).

    But when you put it like that, how the hell did it get made in the 80s I thought it was from the 60s or 70s.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Interesting historical point. When Clash of the Titans was released in 1981, it opened on the same weekend as...

    ...Raiders of the Lost Ark.

    Part of the reason why Clash of the Titans stumbled in its initial theatre run was because it had to go head-to-head with a much more popular movie. (and a better movie, but then no one usually questions the quality of Raiders)

    The first Titans was a cheesy 80s fanstasy romp through Greek mythology. But for whatever reason, it holds up pretty well, and is still entirely watchable today. Thirty years from now, no one is going to be able to say that about this modern re-telling. This new movie is devoid of character, emotion, and just general entertainment value. It wasn't really fun or enjoyable to watch. I don't think it would even be that much fun to laugh at. (as so many cult classics are) It's just another brazen admission of how cynical and jaded hollywood has become.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    It wasn't terrible, but I found myself getting bored and wishing it was done. Basically, I'm glad we saw it in 2D (saving $10) and I wish I had waited for the rental. It was a choice of this or How to Train You Dragon. Me thinks I chose wrong :/
  • Mazvix
    I personally really liked it. It reminded me of the hercules game on playstation 1/ Disney movie. I always have a rule to never watch a movie more than once for the sake of keeping that first 'awe' experience. But with this one I wouldn't mind watching it again with my parents, since they are so involved in my work which helps me as an artist. Art runs in the family :)
  • yiannisk
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    yiannisk polycounter lvl 14
    Sounds like it's just another cgi movie. I want to watch it just for that. Enjoy wonderful visuals on a huge screen. If that purpose is served then I'm fine with that. I don't expect any high level acting or anything like that in these movies anyway.

    Many years of training :) This is an apple, expect apple taste.. this is an orange expect orange taste. Pleasant surprises are welcome :)

    Don't get me started on the rape of greek mythology (scandinavian and others as well) by Hollywood :)

    as for the black Pegasos.. it's quite possible i got to run a check on that. Alexander's Horse Voukefalas was most probably black. Until today black stallions are considered stronger.
    Hercules (Heracles actually the one who bested godess Hera when as a baby he killed the 2 snakes she sent to kill him as he was a bastard of Zeus) is being portrayed almost everywhere as a blonde\fair guy.. thruth is he is described mostly as a rather stocky hairy fellow, with darkish complexion and curly black hair :)
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Saw it today, can't say the 3D did much for me in this one, I kept forgetting I was watching a 3D movie as I don't think it benefitted much from it except for a few times.

    Have to say, Hades knows how to make an entrance.
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