Hi everyone! Its been a long time in the making but we finally got this one done. It could go on sale as early as Friday, so keep an eye out.

In this DVD, Dave Prout and Jim Magill go through Lighting and Post Processing in UDK. Together they use over 27 years of combined professional experience to deliver not only great instruction but also many practical applications when putting the final touches on your levels.
Like many of our other DVDs, this video is target for both professionals and those who are just starting to use Unreal Development Kit.
For more information and a video sample, visit the product page here:
http://eat3d.com/udk_lightingAbout the Instructors:
Dave Prout co-founded Spark Unlimited which became an award-winning game developer with 120 employees over 5 years. Since then he has been working with UDK to create games and continues making games to this day.
Jim Magill has been working in games not too long after he graduated art college in 1996. Since then he contributed to many popular games such as Theif 3 and Deus Ex 2. Jim has been using Unreal Editor 3 for the last 5 years and is currently working on DCUO at Sony Online.
About Eat 3D:
Eat 3D has been feeding your brain for almost 2 years with some of the highest quality training that exists. Our goal is to cut through all the nonsense and get straight to the point with practical real world exercises that professionals actively use in production.
Link doesnt work, by the way. (spelled lighting wrong)
Link is just http://eat3d.com/udk_lighting . Just in case you come here before Riki gets a chance to edit :P
Oh Oh! Buy me some while you are at it.
There's already an Unreal Engine package thing that includes the first UDK one so I'm sure they'll add this to that. A 2 pack would be nice for some people though because they might not want/need all 5 DVDs in the Unreal pack.
Although it would be a waste since I already have most of them :P Wonder how I can convince the wife to let me get this one?
Oh, before I forget, anyone can get 20% off on the DVDs if you go through UDN. (excludes bundles)
Tell her its a relationship video on how to be more loving and spend more time with her. She'll eat that up.
And its quite possibly the best release by eat3d yet. :poly121:
Just a quick question. Do the Unreal Materials and Unreal Cascade DVDs apply to UDK or did they change the tools for UDK?
Looks great. Watching the first chapter now.
Glynn - We would love a review even if its short after you go through it.
uhmmm...quality over quantity?
If I had the $ I'd buy every dvd eat3d releases, cause they're just that good
Besides, Gnomon dvds tend to deal more with theory and workflow then they do with practical knowledge and specifics. Its hardly worth comparing them as they use different training philosophies.
You are a noob dude. Im willing to bet your art sucks too.
As for Gnomon vs Eat3d there is just no camparison, Gnomon dvds are no where near the quality of Eat3d(with a few exeptions). But what it really boils down to is this.. you are getting professional training in a 60$ dvd from industry vets.
If you where to hire these guys for one on one consiltation, it would cost you alot more than 60$ trust me. If you were to go to a school such as the Art Institute, you would be looking at spending 70,000$ to learn in 4 years in what Eat3d and possibly even Gnomon, can teach you in week for a fraction of the price.
Show some respect dude, 60$ for this kind of training is a freaking STEAL.
Dave and Jim did a really superb job
We just added the UDK bundle (2 DVDs) that saves you $30, not sure if thats cheap enough though. http://eat3d.com/training_videos/bundles/udk
we are also working very hard on a streaming solution where it would be cheaper to watch but you just cant download the files. Not only would it be cheaper but more convenient when you are away from your home computer because you can essentially log in from where you are and start watching. Our goal is to have this out in a month or 2 at the latest. There are a lot of thing to get right before releasing it, but so far its really awesome.
Also thanks for those who make their purchase. And please dont forget you can get 20% off using the UDN Discount!!! This is an exclusive Epic discount to show our appreciation to them and the community. You can only get it through UDN.
Can't speak for the "Live Action and CG" series, though, since it doesn't interest me, and frankly worried me a bit that production would get a bit too widely spread.
From your own, company point of view and not considering what would be best for me as a one-off individual customer, would you prefer people used either the UDN discount, or just plain bought it from your site?
This statement made me smile and reminded me of someone who told me "OHHH YOU SHUD BUY WORLD OF WARCRAFT BECAUSE ITS AWSOME!!!!" 3 years ago. If you wish to convince someone to buy something you came across, and really liked it, you really shouldnt state that I'd buy something because its just good, what of the table of contents? O.O.
Anyways Looking at their collection of core subjects I'd say they are buyable uptil certain stage.
Though I am still researching for UDK tutorials to learn (just for the heck of it) I havent seen released DVDs from Eat3d regarding 3rd person or RTS camera rotation sorts of subject.
Still looking forward to buy their bundle they offer for UDK,Max,ZB
Either way is really fine. The way it works on UDN is you just fill a form out and it sends us an email from that form, then we enable a coupon code and send you the code to use at checkout. So either way you are buying it from the eat3d website.
Also none of us are making tons of money off Eat3D. It wasn't until a year ago I was able to do this full-time and I absolutely love it. We rely on the community's support for our success and know if we start releasing crappy DVDs that it will spread fast and ruin our reputation.
Its my job as the owner to find great artists and help them create something they would be proud of and put it through an extensive editing process. We also have a small internal beta team to make sure the videos are good enough and what would need to be changed. There have been a few DVDs that just weren't good enough and we literally stopped production on them and paid the instructor but never released them. Not only that Epic has their own approval of the Unreal DVDs that makes sure the quality is high enough for us to release them.
About Gnomon we really cant be too hard on them because they really paved the way for companies like Eat 3D and we do respect their work. We are watching their releases carefully and trying to make sure we offer something they dont. Their intro to UDK was good but it really was a bit similar to the free 3d Buzz videos and we wanted to do our best to distinguish the training from the free stuff out there. The best way to do that is to find industry vets who not only explain what but also how and why.
I also own some Gnomon DVDs and have to say that while comparisons can be drawn, and both products offer a high degree of quality, I find them to be complimentary to one another. Theory and design, versus practical application.
Also! To those who would so vocally jump on somebody for complaining about the price...relax a bit. Price structure is always a valid topic for criticism in a capitalist society. Price competition and haggling can produce savings and efficiencies for all. I don't think Roostermap was being rude, but those who jumped on him definitely were.
Fair enough. In truth I wouldn't buy all of them just due to the fact that not all of the subjects interest me. The statement was just meant to point out that I think they make a quality product that anyone interested in the subject being presented by any of their tutorials should consider them. They make a quality product, and one which, when relevant to the end user, is worth the investment.
Yes, discussions on price are indeed a perfectly valid topic for discussion. The problem was that they way he came off seemed to be less about the price and more about the quality vs the price. If this was not the intention, I apologize, but saying that the price should be lower with no valid reasoning behind it seems demeaning to the people that have put so much work and effort into creating these products. Just because some people are not financially stable currently does not translate to devaluing the product. If he were to have brought up the argument that their should be an additional student discount, or an unemployment discount, those could be valid discussions.
Having said that, to buddikaman, I think you took it too far. Personal insults are not necessary, and really attacking someones art like that is taking it too far.