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Good Job Recruitment Places besides Gamasutra or Creative Heads

polycounter lvl 11
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Progg polycounter lvl 11
So I have been noticing that Gamasutra has been a bit lax the last few months as far as postings go. They seem to recycle a lot of older posts. I was curious if anyone knew of some better spots to search, or simply a good listing of major developers in the US that I could manually follow. I usually hit up all of the developers on a weekly job scouting spree but I feel like I am missing a few besides the most obvious ones... and the "list of developers" wiki is a bit outdated with defunct companies and lots of overseas stuff.

It becomes frustrating after cycling through the same things for 8 months of unemployment :O I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions that might lead me to some outlet I haven't explored.


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