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Help me, I'm ineffecient! what poly modeling extentions are you working with?

I've realized as i do more poly modeling how tedious some of the tasks are. So I'm trying to figure out a way to speed my poly modeling, I know some basic things I need to improve, like how I need to work out a new hotkey map. But I've been looking into poly/subdiv modeling extension scripts and plugins, which look like they could help me improve my speed as well. So I want to know what scripts are out there, and what are their pros & cons.

I'm using 3ds 2009 right now, so ideally they'd be free since I'm on a student budget. If not free then hopefully they offer a discounted student price. Even if they don't I would like to see a comparison of features that the professional plugins offer compared to freeware stuff.

for reference, I've been trying to work on my inorganic modeling, and I'm finding that I spend most of the time making and cleaning up support edge loops, I could see myself going crazy if I wanted to make extremely complex models. what I most desire is some way of automating the support edge creation. Right now my method is to select the edges that need suport, give them an extrude with height zero, convert the original edge loop to vertexes, extrude those vertices with height zero, then do a weld. This works so-so, but there is still a lot of clean up to be done to the geometry since the new vertices have to be aligned right. I was thinking of trying to write a script to automate this, but I don't want to waste my time if there is already a better one out there (I read hard-chamfer might do this). Any way, is there a way to automatically generate support edges, either by smoothing group or by edge selection?

I've searched around at MAXPlugins.de, but I was wondering if there was a better comparison site out there?

so far I know about:

(i'll add others as they come)
thank alot, poly count has been a great resource for me so far :)


  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    Loop stuff I don't fully get
    Not sure exactly what you mean by "support edge loops" but I guess its some split loop or loop shift thing- I get stuff easier with pictures. If its very specific but you do it all the time, maybe take the time to either write a script or ask people here in the tech talk section to either do it for you or help you with it.
    Everything you trigger in the modifier panel and lots of other stuff can be all automated with maxScript. You could then bind that maxScriptto a shortcut and execute it every time you want to save those steps.

    PolyBoost / Graphite Modeling tools (max2010)
    Max2010 included polyboost and renamed it to graphite tools. They boost up the already good modeling tools in max quite a bit. But the problem with it and also Polyboost (if you install it for example on 2009 which has no graphite tools) is that you really need to take some time to map it to quad menus or shortcuts because otherwise you won't be efficient at all.
    The dumb graphite modeling toolbar in Max2010 is a fail at production because it steals time with its annoying animations, hard to memorize icons and changing layout. So take the time either way to map it to some useful shortcuts.

    Is free and very powerfull, perhaps the best alternative to Polyboost and or Max2010 graphite modeling. But it needs dedication and time to really learn its potential.

    A very cheap and super nice modeling tool (mix of max modeling and sculpting) is Silo.
    Apart from the crashes with symmetry its a pure joy to get started, learn and just model. But I wouldn't recommend this app just alone you still need max or maya to do the everything else stuff - but its certainly a nice additional tool that is very customizable and super easy to get into (workflow wise).

    Not really modeling related but more the other half that makes out great 3d art namely UV mapping and texturing.
    I started this a year ago and tried to pump as many scripts as possible into a compact toolbar (like Photoshop). My reason was that I found it very repetitive and almost to basic to work with the max UV editor. In many cases I would always execute certain tools in a certain order. Thats why I started scripting stuff and bend the tools in Max to what I think is more effective and in many cases to me that is:
    • just one button or shortcut if possible, keep the amount of input drasticly low
    • Context sensivity is king: depending on what you selected and how many and what kind of Object you have a tool might behave differently while still doing the same core functionality it promises. I.e beveling can be done on a vertex, face, edge, border and many other sub types- but they do not always look the same.
    • Make lots of animated GIF's explaining a tool in just 2 or 3 seconds. Thats something everyone understands and is willing to sacrafice time for.
    If you think that Your application sucks (maya, max, photoshop,...) maybe consider getting into the scripting side of those apps. It is not always that hard and you have the right people here to get you into that stuff.
  • zahngol
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    zahngol polycounter lvl 12
    Swift Loop in 2010 has been a big help for me. Other than that it's just a combination of the standard tools in Max bound to hot keys that have become engrained into me as I've continued to model with them. Chamfer, Connect, Cut, Inset, etc. The main thing is play around and learn what each tool does that's unique and learning to recognize when each is appropriate for a given situation. Here's an example:


    Learning differences like these will help you refine the amount of tweaking that you have to do after you create your support loops. But no matter how good the tool or script, in modeling, as in most things in life, there's no such thing as a singular 100% solution.

    It's like you said in the beginning, once you learn a few different techniques of creating the support loops and binding them to hot keys, you'll see your speed steadily increase as you continue to model.
  • Ben Apuna
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    CrazyButcher's Edge Straighten script is pretty handy for making consistent supporting edge loops.

    A good workflow is to create your model without supporting edge loops first, then once you are finished go back over it and put them in. The reason behind this is that it's faster to work without all the supporting edge loops getting in the way while you are modeling.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Make sure you look into max's constraints in editable poly. edge and face constraints are something i uses every day in every model i make.

    You know you can even out support edges with edge constraints. no need for a script. just drag with edge constraint on until the dissapear into the edgeloop they are supporting and the drag them back out. you get a totally even support loop then
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    renderhjs wrote: »
    PolyBoost / Graphite Modeling tools (max2010)
    Max2010 included polyboost and renamed it to graphite tools. They boost up the already good modeling tools in max quite a bit. But the problem with it and also Polyboost (if you install it for example on 2009 which has no graphite tools) is that you really need to take some time to map it to quad menus or shortcuts because otherwise you won't be efficient at all.
    The dumb graphite modeling toolbar in Max2010 is a fail at production because it steals time with its annoying animations, hard to memorize icons and changing layout. So take the time either way to map it to some useful shortcuts.

    Someone mind telling me where in the "Customize UI" menu's i can map graphite functions to hotkeys? All I can find is the "show/hide graphite tools", nowhere the actual functions like SwiftLoop (I REALLY need a hotkey for that).
  • Mark Dygert
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    Xoliul wrote: »
    Someone mind telling me where in the "Customize UI" menu's i can map graphite functions to hotkeys? All I can find is the "show/hide graphite tools", nowhere the actual functions like SwiftLoop (I REALLY need a hotkey for that).
    Change the category to "Ribbon - Modeling" to find all the graphite modeling tools like swift loop, dot ring ect...
    Change the category to "Modeling: Graphite Tools" To get access to the main toggle and the horiz/vert orientation toggle.

    Yea someone really dropped the ball when thinking that one out...
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    @ Xoliul- I think it is under
    Main UI / Ribbon - modeling

    Edit : It is either ZacD or Vig but somebody always types a lot faster :)
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    Thx Vig, but WTF, this really isn't userfrienly. They apparently even split up the functions: SwiftLoop isn't in Ribbon - Modeling (some stuff is), but under "PolyTools", a name that is mentioned nowhere on the ribbon itself. They better improve this in 2011 for the love of god.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Oh yea forgot about the 4-5th place they stuffed some of it. Glad you found it! Too bad you had to go digging so deep...

    Ken Pimentel knows about it and they are probably going to clean it up in 2011.
  • nudity
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    Sick, sick, sick. tanks for your guy's input. It been helpful, I'm going to look at swift loop right away. Anyway I guess I should describe what I'm looking for a bit more.
    This is my general method right now:
    since adding support edges follows a pretty specific formula, I was hoping somebody out there was able to make a script for automatic support edge creation.

    So to reiterate what I want:
    edit: if there isn't a script for this yet, I'd be down to create it. does anybody have any favorite maxscript tutorials or references?
  • Mark Dygert
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    I would do it a slightly different way using PB/GT Build End. You can do it manually it just takes a tiny longer.
  • miauu
  • yiannisk
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    yiannisk polycounter lvl 14
    some really good tips you got here man.

    Regarding Graphite's hard to memorize icons and changing layout.
    I usually drag the tab i use more out and ofc personalize my shortcuts.

    on the second image there i see a lot of loops you generated and u later have to clean them up.
    select your edges you need to "soften" but still control and chamfer them instead.
    you will have the same result but cleaner.

    use quad menus a lot, and customize them. They are underestimated and extremely fast!
    i guess by now you know how to repeat last command ;
    or how to quickly reselect your previous tools in the quads by quickly RMB flicking the title bar that contains your tool no matter how deep. the highlighted tool is in yellow. also quickly RMB slide and release over your preferred command if other than the highlighted.

    with alt\ctrl\shift you get different categories. Some you might not be using at all.
    i.e. reactor related comes out with shift+Alt+RMB add more functionality there if you need
    Customize them to fit your needs.

    use the macro recorder and simply drag entire combos of modifiers or other functions to your toolbar and create macros in a jiffy. on the maxscript menu enable macro recorder. Open the listener window and drag your command or tool after you perform it once.

    copy paste your modifiers on a box especially skins and uvw maps if you need to save certain tiles for later use.
  • SyncViewS
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    SyncViewS polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks for the advertise, however SplitRing in IC.Shape 2 works way better and is more undo friendly. Moreover by pressing SHIFT during the preview, you can retain the shape of the edge loop nearer to the first pick. It is marked by the dot at the end of the highlighted preview edge. It solves the issue pointed out by zahngol. (Damn! I need those sample videos...)
  • nudity
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    sorry to dig up an old thread, but I did find what I was looking for. If any one else is looking for quick support edges check out http://www.vg2max.spb.ru/plugins.html Ive only been messing with it for a half hour now but its going to be really useful
  • Michael Knubben
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    Ah, edgechex. I'd downloaded that, but wasn't about to try it during an active assignment (always afraid max will fuck up and I miss my deadline).
    Let me know how that works for you!

    I'm also stil interested in Power Solids, check that out if you get a chance. It's basically an implementation of cad-like tools in max meaning ridiculously easy fillets (ie. rounded chamfers)
  • nudity
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    So far edgechex works fine. its not perfect, there is still some clean-up after applying. but its been saving me a ton of time. I'd recommend trying it out, its used as a modifier so it won't ruin the original model since you can just delete it from the modifier stack.

    As far as powerSolids; I'm new to it so I'm flailing about trying to get it. It seems like a ridiculously powerful tool... if I knew how to use it maybe. The version I'm using is buggy as hell though and it crashes alot. I would say there is a steep learning curve coupled with the documentation being pretty terrible (?there all movies?).

    For workflow extensions, I'm probably going to break down and get the student version of 3ds 2011, or go completely crazy and throw a curve ball at myself and get maya 2011.
  • Michael Knubben
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    As far as highpoly stuff goes, from what I've seen and what max&maya-agnostic users tell me, Max's modifier stack would serve you better. I really do love the modifier-stack for highpoly stuff.
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