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Splinter Cell Conviction

Demo is up on XBL.

Been hyped up about this game since it's re-imagining.

Any thoughts from you guys? I'm looking forward to the new mechanics, but really: black and white when hidden in a mainly stealth game? i don't see the point / logic of that.


  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    lots of good storytelling ideas but like a lot of ubisoft games (read all the "too ambitious for you" games coming from montreal), very dull gameplay experience for me...click where you want to go, click to automatically kill people, etc I want to do thing by myself, not sopmeone to treat me like a retard and hold my hand when I pee.

    so yeah, it looks good you want to try and after 10 minutes of nothing happening you figure out it'll be like that for the next 15 hours.

    just my opinion of course, best way is to try it
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Chaos Theory is one of my favourite games ever and I'm going to give this a go when I get home. Can't wait!
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    I could just feel adam doing his signature pelvic thrusts as I read his post....

    Thanks for the heads up indian_boy, I'll have to get this as soon as I get off work. I'll give my worthless opinion tomorrow :)
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
  • Flava-Fly
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    Flava-Fly polycounter lvl 9
    Agree with the 'Chaos Theory' being one of the classics. Everything came together with splinter cell for that game including the awesome soundtrack by Amon Tobin! Will download soon as I get back from work.
  • SyedS
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    vahl wrote: »
    lots of good storytelling ideas but like a lot of ubisoft games (read all the "too ambitious for you" games coming from montreal), very dull gameplay experience for me...click where you want to go, click to automatically kill people, etc I want to do thing by myself, not sopmeone to treat me like a retard and hold my hand when I pee.
    Just tried the demo; the game doesn't hold your hand as much as you think it does. Oh, and I played and finished all the previous Splinter Cell games and this is a welcome change.
  • Krynn72
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    No PC demo :(

    And with Ubi's new stupid DRM, it looks like I'm not going to be getting this one. I'll try the demo on the 360, but considering I hated the console versions of each SC game before, its not likely that this one will be different.
  • indian_boy
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    no problem DarthNater. was surprised there was no thread yet, actually

    the demo itself felt way too short. i was playing on the hardest difficulty, and finished it with only slight difficulty. can't really conclude if its buy-worthy or not.

    that being said, the game looks, plays, and feels beautiful, for the most part.
    plus, i love the new features, and had a great time flanking the enemy with the LKP.

    oh and interrogating that dude was the shit!
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Dammit, I've got work to do... and now I want to go home and play this!
  • -diesel-
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    Wow nice, getting now..
  • CJE
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    CJE polycounter lvl 13
    Demo plays great, really like the new direction. You can still go full-classic stealth, but you just are not hampered if you wanna go all Jason-Bourne now and again.

    One of the best things about conviction tho, is that Amon Tobin is returning for the soundtrack, and he did an amazing job on Chaos Theory.

    Looks like Ubi has all the peices in place for a stellar title.
  • Flava-Fly
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    Flava-Fly polycounter lvl 9
    Tobin is back! That's awesome, not often a music collaborator would help sell me a game. Do you have to play double agent to get the story? Got so many games I don't think I could fit it in.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Played it, can't wait for the full game to come out. I'd put a preorder for this and Just Cause 2 (never played 1) in a few weeks ago, and now having played the demos for both, feel that was money well spent. :)
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    I was pretty disappointed by the demo, to be honest. I really enjoyed SC2 and 3 and I'm hopeful that this short section isn't representative of the game as a whole. The black and white while in stealth thing really annoyed me because it makes the game look pretty crappy and surely there has to be a better way to visualize the fact that you are hidden without sacrificing the game's visuals. It also felt a little too easy to be a badass as well. Every command can seemingly be executed with a single button push which takes the tension out of being stealthy. This has been one of my major problems with recent Ubisoft games (Assassin's Creed 1 and 2, Prince of Persia)- they offer no real challenge and the low difficulty level diminishes the satisfaction I get from playing their games.

    I'm still hopeful that the full game will be more enjoyable - I remember being similarly underwhelmed by the Arkham Asylum demo and that game was actually really fun. And yeah, it's great to see they got Amon Tobin back for the score. He is fantastic. I still listen to Supermodified and Foley Room all the time.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    I've been looking forward to this one and I was fairly disappointed by the demo. In particular the whole mechanic behind the Execute thing felt contrived. I have to kill someone in hand to hand to gain access to it again? It just rips me right out of the experience every time. I'm sure they had their reasons, and I'm sure they tried fifty different ways, and being a dev myself perhaps I should be more understanding, but I don't really give a damn as in the end it still shits on the experience I'm going to have to pay £40 for.
  • psychoticprankster
    If I like the demo I may get the collectors edition.
  • Seaseme
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    Seaseme polycounter lvl 8
    wow. The demo was tons of fun. I cannot wait for this game.
  • psychoticprankster
    I will be getting the collectors edition hopefully, I liked the demo but wasn't to impressd with the bathroom fight though.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    there has to be a better way to visualize the fact that you are hidden without sacrificing the game's visuals.

    Amen. I'm also a little dismayed by the "1 click to kill everybody" features, but I played the demo through a second time and just didn't use it much/at all. Simple way to restore the fun/challenge, but the features are still there if things get too hairy later.

    I enjoyed it and will have to give this one a thumbs up. :thumbup: The graphics looked pretty great, the sound and voice acting were complelling. It'll likely be a solid title in my opinion. Now if only I had some money to buy it...and a 360 who's DVD drive worked.
  • Murdoc
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    Murdoc polycounter lvl 11
    The plopped that black and white stealth shit in at the last moment, which oddly enough was right around the time that paris risting nazi game came out. More or less it pissed off most of the artists because the game looks wonderful in colour and PC version is the way to go, regardless of drm.
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    Anybody else playing this? I've done the first few missions and I have to say it's a lot better than the demo suggested. A lot of the reviews have been saying that you can't play through it stealthily, but you can still use light and sound to distract enemies. I had a lot of fun on the second mission (the mansion in Malta) kicking in doors and shooting out lights/vases to lure in guards. Sure, it's probably easier to be more aggressive and use the mark and execute all the time, but it's good to know that you can still use stealth tactics in most situations. Also, because the aiming is more responsive in Conviction, when you are detected the firefights are a lot more fun than in previous games. I hear that the single player is very short so I'm playing on realistic and I'm trying to mess around with the enemies on each level so I don't rush through it too quickly.

    I still maintain that the 'black and white when hidden' thing was a terrible decision from an artistic perspective. Even if they'd partially desaturated the backgrounds or tinted them in some way (whilst upping the saturation/brightness on the enemies) I think the effect on gameplay would have been the same. As it is, I'm often purposefully staying in the light in order to appreciate the art and stop the game looking kind of crappy... Overall though, pretty damn good.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    I'm about 3 hours in to the campaign and I love love LOVE it. Once I realized that the contextual movement is based on Sam's vision and not my own, I can buzz through a map like no ones business and take out entire groups of guys without taking damage.

    I also played about 2 hours of the coop campaign and holy shit is that fun. It's *so* gratifying getting sync-kills on guys.

    I can't wait to get back to it.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19

    Also, my pistol is up to 4 marked targets now.

    Me = pistol ninja
  • yiannisk
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    yiannisk polycounter lvl 14
    same here pistols all the way :)
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Pistol and the silenced mini-uzi.. such a great combo. I'll probably give the game another go un-silenced when I'm done. Really hoping to get someone to do Co-Op with.

    Gotta say, the game really does well at allow me to keep playing as "stealthy Sam" but still allow for the occasional gun-fu. The stealth takedowns (B button kills) are so incredibly violent and quick that I'm often watching it and saying "daaaamn, fool got taken OUT". XD

    Also.. the main menu... award for most awesome main menu ever? I mean, come on... they modeled out a blood spray for chrissakes!
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    Just beat this, plus I've gotten in a round of deniable ops and played two of the 6 co-op chapters. I really dug it. A bit short, and fuck the Iraq mission, but pretty awesome. I'm really bad at being stleathy, though.

    It is totally awesome to mark 4 guys, take down a fifth at the edge of an area, then run into the middle of it to get LOS on all the guys and pop mark - just as they notice you and shout "Oh Fuck!" two are already down and you've got bullets enroute to 3 and 4.

    My only wish was that with so many unsilenced weapons that there was a larger capability for "going loud" as it were. I can't think of a time where that ever would have been wise.

    It's not Chaos Theory but its totally awesome, and the in-game titles are fucking glorious.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Ghost.. gotta agree on the non-silenced weapons, I've pretty much spent no points upgrading them so far, makes no sense to.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    There's an entirely other strategy to this game that 100% requires you to use loud weapons.

    -Melee take down to earn your Execute.
    -Loud noise
    -Execute while they investigate.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Adam, I do that with silenced guns, though my process is more along the lines of:

    Pick one of the dudes closest to you, get him right by where you're hidden with a silenced wall-shot, melee take-down, kill off the rest. This way you usually only have to worry about one guy looking into your location at any one time.
  • Cheez
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    So did I hear right, they took out the old Mercs vs Spies multiplayer mode ?
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    I played the mission in the White Box Laboratories last night - really enjoyable. I liked how you could climb out of the windows and sneak around the sides of the building (inside a building?!?!) in order to flank enemies.

    I know it's counter-intuitive, but I'm doing my best to avoid using the mark and execute unless I have to. Also, it's kind of annoying that you don't get any exp. points for being stealthy as I managed to sneak my way through a few areas without being spotted, but sacrificed possible upgrades as a result. I haven't played through the co-op missions yet, but I loved the ones in Chaos Theory so I'm sure they'll be great.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    @Nick - you're supposed to get points for completing levels without getting spotted. Also, there's a "Cat and mouse' points setup for getting a guard's attention with a noise, then flanking them and taking them out.

    In other news...
  • SyedS
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    I was waiting for the game since it was first announced since in 2007. I'm so glad I finally got a chance to play a new Splinter Cell game. I honestly love the game. I like the new Sam and I really dug the story telling in the game.

    btw. got the Collectors Edition :D, go it the day it came out.

    Luke, the single-player campaign depends on your play style. If you want to be really, really stealthy it would take you about 8-10 hours to finish. But there is also a pretty bad ass CO-OP campaign that you can play with a buddy.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Just finished the SP campaign... man that was awesome. Tried out the Deniable Ops solo and man that's fun, actually want to try it at a harder difficulty than normal. I'm kinda irked with Ubisoft's Uplay system, as it keeps disconnecting before I can unlock the "Infiltration" mode.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Also, am I the only one that got the thought "Are you a bad enough dude to save the president?" XD
  • Surfa
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    Surfa polycounter lvl 12
    My uplay system works fine but I was more disappointed with the single-player near the end I felt like I was playing gears of war instead of splinter cell. I much preferred the tension created by the fact that getting caught could completely fuck up a mission (that was present in the first three splinter cells).
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I personally liked the fact the game was a bit more forgiving. The whole "Sam's unleashed, you don't fail cause one guy saw you, you just deal with that guy" approach was a fresh change. I do miss the more covert spy action gameplay, but since the designers at Ubisoft are trying to get a more broader market appeal out of the game, I'll play along.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    @Surfa - Also, I can't say I missed that. There we plenty of times in the first three where I'd clear a section of a map, move on to the next checkpoint, and fail because I'd forgotten to hide a body. Those were "wtf" moments where I'd literally have to search the entire map to find the one dead dude who's corpse wasn't in a shadow (what, are the other dead dudes gonna make fun of him for staying in the light?).

    Also, I'm sad
    Lambert's dead, especially after I chose to save his ass in Double Agent. At least, and I'm *very* glad for this, the designers didn't pull a bs move and have Sarah killed just as soon as you find her. I loved the final cutscene with Vic talking to his captors, and talking about family. Movie writers should take note from how this game played out.
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    Got it today
    a white lab
    iraq mission can go to hell, as well as the awful black and white idea.
    but apart from that I love it. Pretty hard!
  • System
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    System admin
    Hell yeah, played this whole series and it all rocked, have to check this out!!

    ImSlightlyBored - Iraq mission, does this mean a chance to wipe out some taliban?
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    iraq mission can go to hell,

    What? Don't like backstory or a break from stealthin'?

    Also, for anyone who has yet to do the Iraq mission I have to say this: Do not swap out your starting rifle for one of the AK's!
    as well as the awful black and white idea.

    I have to completely disagree. This, combined with the marking system and the fact that items of interest remain in color, is sooooo much nicer than having to watch some silly UI (regardless of whether it's on-screen or on-Sam), and just goes to show how skilled Fisher is. It's a great visual tell that doesn't break you from the gameplay to look at some kind of meter or gauge.
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    I was going to be getting Conviction on PC but it isn't out in the UK for PC until 30th April, and now that someone mentioned Ubi's DRM I think I'm probably going to be getting this on 360 tomorrow instead.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 18
    was good, but i had a few issues

    mark and execute makes things too easy, maybe it should have been one execute per melee kill, and it's really annoying that if you only mark a couple of guys it empties the meter completely
    the upgrades seem kinds of pointless, takes very little to upgrade a gun and i never saw much point in using anything but the fifth pistol after i had picked it up.
    too many shooter bits, i don't want to have to be forced to take part in fire fights

    it just wasn't a stealth game imo, there's little encouragement to stalk your prey or sneak past them when you can just yank a guy over a ledge, mark his buddies and move on to the next room.

    still, was fun but not what i had hoped
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    flaagan wrote: »
    What? Don't like backstory or a break from stealthin'?

    Also, for anyone who has yet to do the Iraq mission I have to say this: Do not swap out your starting rifle for one of the AK's!

    I have to completely disagree. This, combined with the marking system and the fact that items of interest remain in color, is sooooo much nicer than having to watch some silly UI (regardless of whether it's on-screen or on-Sam), and just goes to show how skilled Fisher is. It's a great visual tell that doesn't break you from the gameplay to look at some kind of meter or gauge.
    Didn't like it because it broke a lot of the gameplay that had just been established without telling you.
    Mark and execute is gone but doesn't tell you. It's a break from stealth but it's not a break from stealth, it still throws alot of cover at you which for some reason, now can't be chained until right near the end of the mission. Unjustly hard. Was nice for story, yes, but it was just all out there.

    I agree the black and white is nicer than staring at a UI but at the same time it just feels pretty jarring. Personal preference I guess, but theres something about it I don't like.

    The sonar stuff is awesome though. White lab or whatever it's called is a great level.
  • tommywomble
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    Yeah i'm not really the greatest fan of the whole black and white thing when you're hidden either, makes it kind of hard to distinguish what areas are dark when it goes all b&w so i always end up running throuhg a light area xD
  • Rens
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    Played a bunch of co-op yesterday, was alot of fun.

    The thing that bothered me were some of the controls.
    Get to the chopper let to jumping over the railing a few times, having to circle around and really take the time to get the action right, gettin one shotted unluckaly and having to do it all over again.
  • psychoticprankster
    I hate the fact that you "can't hide" the bodies. if i was able to hide the bodies it would of saved my ass a number of times and saved me much fustration.
    If that featuee or atleast the feature to drag bodies away was in there with all the current features id be one happy camper and also in co op, interigating a guy and then letting your friend have a whack at him and just taking turns at it is loads of fun.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Got it, game has good controls, decent slick graphics, very interactive coop and an excellent story. The only bit to argue with is the AI, and its a small argument at that. You have to be very careful about everything, if anyone sees a body they'll call up their team and investigate, so you have to grab people and pull them into the shadows (screen goes black and white) and kill them there. Any lights that get shot out they start patrolling. So if you get a successful kill and no one notices, you know you did a good job.

    Ill give it a 9 out of 10.
  • System
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    System admin
    Aww damn, no more carrying bodies you say? I used to have a nice tactic for that, fire a sticky shocker from cover at a guards forehead, throw him over your shoulder then dump him somewhere nice and quiet ;)
    I hate the fact that you "can't hide" the bodies. if i was able to hide the bodies it would of saved my ass a number of times and saved me much fustration.
    If that featuee or atleast the feature to drag bodies away was in there with all the current features id be one happy camper and also in co op, interigating a guy and then letting your friend have a whack at him and just taking turns at it is loads of fun.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    I'll argue that you can, in fact, hide bodies: Hold B down when you do a Take Down and don't just tap B. When you have them in the Human Shield position, walk them to a dark area and go for the kill (bang their heads off walls for extra hilarity).

    It's not quite the same as in the previous game, where yo could pick up bodies from the ground, but I still get the satisfaction of taking the time to get the kill and hide 'em.
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