Yes, this looks great, i realise that couldnt work on even 2-3 characters at the same time in realtime, but heres hoping that perhaps we'll see this in games this generation. Though i wonder, when will we master facial animation, i'm sure this would help crossing the uncanny valley.
they just love spending the whole hardware budget on a single thing and then talking about how cheap it would be to use it in a game environment.
one untextured head in space does not mean it will be in games anytime soon. didnt an nvidia demo like 6 years ago have a mermaid swimming in water with every strand of her hair rendered moving around in the water?
it all boils down to those choices, like "we could make that one character have more awesome hair, or we could put that budget on making 10 other things look more awesome"
I'm sure the Playstation 4 will have a "Hair Core" made just for this :P
If we could somehow navigate the maze of threading issues and write some software that could use all these cores we see no a days stuff like this would be possible the trick is syncing it up and getting it on screen without hogging everything.
I think this probably could go in a game provided its execution was thoughtful. Might have to wait for more power or perhaps just more cleverness to come along.
You can do real time "live" hair in the Max and in Maya viewports, even takes into account collision and forces like wind and gravity. Kind of fun to move a hairy cube around in live mode. I think you can do the same thing in cloth?
Real time Hair + Real time hardware tessellation + DX11 shaders + AI = we need 20 cores hyperthreaded to 40.
You can do real time "live" hair in the Max and in Maya viewports, even takes into account collision and forces like wind and gravity. Kind of fun to move a hairy cube around in live mode. I think you can do the same thing in cloth?
Real time Hair + Real time hardware tessellation + DX11 shaders + AI = we need 20 cores hyperthreaded to 40.
Guess we're all gonna need 20 grand to buy one of these with 2 6 core processors 4 gigs of video cards and 48 gigs of ram to start playing our games
... JK... on a side note that stuff is cool to look at, but sounds gimmicky still. I've seen better hair from planes and alphas from some character artists then something with 18000 strands of bsplines flopping around.
PC specs for games are lower and lower these days, since its all made to fit consoles, which are really underpowered compared to high/mid-end PC-hardware. Also, that hair looks frikkin awesome. Maybe it'll start crawling into cinematics first etc. I think it'll be a long time before we get to shoot people with curly wavy hair running in the wind. ^^
one untextured head in space does not mean it will be in games anytime soon. didnt an nvidia demo like 6 years ago have a mermaid swimming in water with every strand of her hair rendered moving around in the water?
where did that tech go?
yeah I always wondered that too . I remember that demo from like 2003 (7 years ago!!) and was thinking finally hair in games is going to look good! Never seen anything like it since..
You guys should check out the Unigine Heaven demo for DX11 goodness. I'd still love to see these things implemented into a game setting but 3d card hardware is only getting more powerful and cheaper by the year. I'd love to see the future of value costed computers that have pricepoints of 600 bucks that offer up the latest tech at the moment. At least DX11 enabled.
That's something places like falcon and alienware could step in; to create a PC "console" with their hardware vendors and make something relatively cheaper or similarly priced to a 1st gen PS3 with unified hardware all around. Except that it's a pc
How easy is it to style, straight shoulder length hair is great for the first few pioneers (if there are any) but if it takes off they need to allow people to iterate pretty quickly.
it all boils down to those choices, like "we could make that one character have more awesome hair, or we could put that budget on making 10 other things look more awesome"
Like what? Static AO or visible polygons and all that never bother me. I am still amazed that I can remember seeing curly hair only once. It's pretty much the only things that still bothers me in game graphics these days, perhaps because exactly those moments that show hair up close are also the ones that you have enough time to actually look at it (as opposed to explosions, which are gone in half a second).
Like what? Static AO or visible polygons and all that never bother me. I am still amazed that I can remember seeing curly hair only once. It's pretty much the only things that still bothers me in game graphics these days, perhaps because exactly those moments that show hair up close are also the ones that you have enough time to actually look at it (as opposed to explosions, which are gone in half a second).
I'm talking about putting an entire environments budget in the characters hair, I mean, I'm all for better and faster ways of doing hair, but here we have a full on simulation using the whole gpu for the hair.
we're using smart tricks every day with art, for example; we've had cloth simulation for years now, but we still dont just apply it to every clothed character, we do it partially and we do it in other cheaper ways that still look good.
While I love seeing things like this, it's not really applicable in a game environment (like everyone else has said), pretty awesome though.
Still, that was 18k strands of hair, if used sparingly along with alpha maps, you could probably create some very good looking hair in games, without a horrible performance hit.
Guess we won't know for a while. Wonder what happened to all those realtime physics simulations I saw a while back, stuff like this seems to show up and disappear into obscurity for a long time before being used.
I can see this working well combined with some sculpted / alpha plane hair. Maybe only the bangs are simulated, or a few tufts here and there to blow in the wind...
Who remembers the NALU demo all those years back, i think it was released with the 6800 gt. It had some sick realtime hair on a mermaid swimming around. it was cool. but then they also claimed it would be in games all over but it never really showed up. I mean sure it might be possible on some of the modern cards, but since most games are backwards compatible to old hardware and to consoles, i dont see this being used very much, yet. im sure one day it will be showing up everywhere cause hair is real pain in the butt.
Specifically this:
one untextured head in space does not mean it will be in games anytime soon. didnt an nvidia demo like 6 years ago have a mermaid swimming in water with every strand of her hair rendered moving around in the water?
where did that tech go?
If we could somehow navigate the maze of threading issues and write some software that could use all these cores we see no a days stuff like this would be possible the trick is syncing it up and getting it on screen without hogging everything.
I think this probably could go in a game provided its execution was thoughtful. Might have to wait for more power or perhaps just more cleverness to come along.
Real time Hair + Real time hardware tessellation + DX11 shaders + AI = we need 20 cores hyperthreaded to 40.
Guess we're all gonna need 20 grand to buy one of these with 2 6 core processors 4 gigs of video cards and 48 gigs of ram to start playing our games
... JK... on a side note that stuff is cool to look at, but sounds gimmicky still. I've seen better hair from planes and alphas from some character artists then something with 18000 strands of bsplines flopping around.
Impressive tech. I wonder if it could do feathers and other stuff.
yeah I always wondered that too
That's something places like falcon and alienware could step in; to create a PC "console" with their hardware vendors and make something relatively cheaper or similarly priced to a 1st gen PS3 with unified hardware all around. Except that it's a pc
I've heard the Playstation 5 will have a "Crab Core".
I lol'ed
Veyr impressive demo, but as others have alluded, probably not realistic just yet for in game characters.
Oh, and that hair stuff was ok too.
I'm talking about putting an entire environments budget in the characters hair, I mean, I'm all for better and faster ways of doing hair, but here we have a full on simulation using the whole gpu for the hair.
we're using smart tricks every day with art, for example; we've had cloth simulation for years now, but we still dont just apply it to every clothed character, we do it partially and we do it in other cheaper ways that still look good.
This is real cool, but realistic its still years down the road before we even see this in game.
Yeah man...
Still, that was 18k strands of hair, if used sparingly along with alpha maps, you could probably create some very good looking hair in games, without a horrible performance hit.
Guess we won't know for a while. Wonder what happened to all those realtime physics simulations I saw a while back, stuff like this seems to show up and disappear into obscurity for a long time before being used.
nalu demo for those interested.
"today you dont see real time hairS in the gamez, you see umm..hellmates?" O.O....oh wait I think she meant helmets
I'd be happy enuff with this: (7800gtx demo)