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OnLive Beta...

polycounter lvl 11
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jocose polycounter lvl 11
Is anyone else in the Beta? I have been messing around with it after work for the past week or so, it's pretty interesting. Not being able to play some games like Crysis at a higher resolution on PC kind of feels like it defeats the purpose and I do notice latency when playing, the type that could make you lose a match in an FPS.


  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I forgot all about that. I sort of dismissed it when I saw the videos about it at E3. While it sounded nifty, I knew there'd be SOME kind of latency like you're describing. For a hardcore gamer, it seems like the service is crap. But then again, for the hardcore gamer, they probably have their own good hardware.
  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    I really see a future for it. It's perfect for so many games. I don't see it replacing owning games but its fantastic for casual games, turn based games, and also for playing demos.

    Not to mention the fact that if you are on an underpowered device you can play any game in the library. That means Crysis on the iphone (not that I would seriously play that but its been done already).

    They announced pricing today 15 bux a month.

    I was able to play through the entire demo for Call of Juarez no problem, the only time the latency was bad enough to maybe ruin the experience was in Crysis wars.
  • bounchfx
    jocose wrote: »
    They announced pricing today 15 bux a month.

    Plus additional fees per game.

    no thanks..

    unless the fees are like 25c a game, I can't really see this being worth it for me :(
  • Mikee
    I'm kinda curious jocose, what kind of connection do you have? (along with anyone who is in the beta)
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    The biggest thing for me, is the Micro Console and controller. Take a little pda-sized device and play all your high end games with savegames from anywhere with a decent internet connection.

    Here's a pretty cool demo they did for some students. Very straightforward demo with not much marketing BS.

  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    even if everyone had fiber optic connections, there would still be lag, its that whole speed of light thing, and us not figuring out how to go faster than that.

    you are essentially sending compressed video of what you are playing across the net.

    the only people that are going to get decent feedback are the ones that live across the street from their isp.

    i really don't think this will ever be useful for reflex based games, unless we can send data faster then the speed of light, or make some uber compression.. this works for movies because you can buffer the stream and if what is happening right now on the video was sent out 3 seconds ago its not a big deal, as long as it keeps playing. but for most games you want instantaneous reaction to button hits, i just don't see that happening.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    arshlevon wrote: »
    even if everyone had fiber optic connections, there would still be lag, its that whole speed of light thing, and us not figuring out how to go faster than that.

    you are essentially sending compressed video of what you are playing across the net.

    the only people that are going to get decent feedback are the ones that live across the street from their isp.

    i really don't think this will ever be useful for reflex based games, unless we can send data faster then the speed of light, or make some uber compression.. this works for movies because you can buffer the stream and if what is happening right now on the video was sent out 3 seconds ago its not a big deal, as long as it keeps playing.

    The guy running this stuff is Steve Perlman, one of the creators of QuickTime and pioneers in video compression. That talk I linked above explains why/how it works.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    i know exactly how it works, i am just saying from someone who has played it at last e3 and know several people in the beta here at work, there is lag, there is no dispute on this, just ask anyone thats spent some time with it. its more than 80 milliseconds, and if you like really pretty graphics there is some noticeable artifacting. i am not saying this is not an interesting idea, i just don't think i will trading in my pc or consoles anytime soon, based on what i have played.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Well you know, the law of physics..

    you do something, it gets sent to them, they have to compress the new frame, which probably is fast, but then it has to go back to you.

    those milliseconds add up quite fast, along with the fact that when it comes to input, we're pretty sensitive.

    turnbased and casual.
  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    Mikee wrote: »
    I'm kinda curious jocose, what kind of connection do you have? (along with anyone who is in the beta)

    I'm in Kirkland WA on Comcast Cable, the fastest they offer. Its a good connection, but you can get better. DSL at work sucked, I had massive lag problems with it. I'm not sure of the exact speed in numbers.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    OnLive would do better to work with consoles and PCs versus against them.

    This idea seems much more common sense.
    Work with existing tech and your webrowser. Let game companies use these as demos or again full purchases.

    Jocose, here is an article about why OnLive will never be able to reach its proclamations.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    know exactly how it works, i am just saying from someone who has played it at last e3 and know several people in the beta here at work, there is lag, there is no dispute on this, just ask anyone thats spent some time with it. its more than 80 milliseconds, and if you like really pretty graphics there is some noticeable artifacting. i am not saying this is not an interesting idea, i just don't think i will trading in my pc or consoles anytime soon, based on what i have played.

    Where was it at E3? They didn't have a booth as far as I could tell...I would have checked it out if I saw it (and it was available to non-press people). The only thing I saw from On-Live was them setting up shop across the street from the convention center giving out free beachballs and T-shirts...but they didn't actually show anything On-Live related.
  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah it is hyped, its not what they are making it out to be, but it probably wont be a flop either. What they have is pretty interesting and does work quite well for some things. The ability to playback what you have done and save out video clips is pretty interesting, developers could even build content for the platform with the limitations in mind. Its also a great way to try out content before you buy it.
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    gsokol wrote: »
    Where was it at E3? They didn't have a booth as far as I could tell...I would have checked it out if I saw it (and it was available to non-press people). The only thing I saw from On-Live was them setting up shop across the street from the convention center giving out free beachballs and T-shirts...but they didn't actually show anything On-Live related.

    They had a big booth there, and hands-on demos on the show floor.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    They had a big booth there, and hands-on demos on the show floor.]

    Then I'm a dummy, I didn't see it anywhere. I wanted to check it out too.
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