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Getting a job in gaming as a character Artist:Game Career Suggestion

polycounter lvl 6
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sagiarts polycounter lvl 6
Hi all
nice to be here.I am a 3d/character artist with an experience of 3 years in games and 4years in animation.Now I am looking for some full time opportunities abroad.
But I have several questions before I plan further.
It will be a great help if maximum nos of members can contribute with their ideas ,and here are my doubts:

1.This is my PORTFOLIO ,pls have a look and tell me what is lacking to make my gaming portfolio stronger, what should I put more and what should I remove?

2.Which countries are easier to find working visa and have good game studio counts and prospects.

3.As per my profile what kind of position should I exactly look for.

4.I have heard from some of my friends working abroad that COVER LETTER and CV makes a solid impact , do some suggestions or web address related to cover letter and cv for specifically gaming industry will be highly appriciated

5.I am pro in mya Zbrush and photoshop and has working knowledge in 3ds max and bodypaint is their any other software that is needed ?


And guys also put questions from your end so that together we can make the thread more helpful and effective


  • bbob
    First of all, get a new site with no flash, and no loading bars.

    Your work should be available as the first thing, without waiting for it.

    Secondly, do you have any degrees? A bachelor of arts or anything?

    Oh, and nice steal of the massive black logo.
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    I can't speak on all of this, but generally I think to work in the U.S. you're going to need a degree of some kind.

    Your character work looked the strongest, but to get into games you're going to need to show more low poly and normal mapped stuff like you did with that one minotaur character.

    I would definately remove all your 2d stuff except maybe the close up of the guys face and the hip hopper. The others don't look like you speant as much time on and the anatomy of the women is just off, especially the size of the head compared to the boobs...

    Try to learn a game engine of some kind, to get your characters into it so people can see what it looks like in realtime.

    And yes, you're going to need at least a CV made, I don't know of any specific places where you can see what makes a good one for games. I'd suggest looking at someones website who is in the industry now (note: not mine because I = not in it yet).
  • sagiarts
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    sagiarts polycounter lvl 6
    h all thanks for ur valued comments.
    The points u have mentioned are really nice.
    bbob : I am already in the process of changing my site
    vcortis:I have a degree but not in arts,but I have a art diploma will it do?
    apart fro that I am concentrating on other points mentioned by u.
    Thanx all
    Guys pls put some more comments
  • lefix
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    lefix polycounter lvl 11
    i am also one of the flash haters. currently i think your blogspot page is more pleasant to look at. :P
    your work is pretty good, but you might want to remove some of the weaker pieces.

    and you may want to try to present all your pieces in a similar way, same background, style, template or whatever. currently it looks like you copy/pasted stuff from all over the web into your portfolio. your logo strongly reminds me of the massive black, too.
    it would be a shame if you didn't get an interview because someone thought you stole your work.
  • wasker
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    wasker polycounter lvl 7
    I dont know man. I looked at your site and the first thing that struck me was your logo. It reeks of unprofessionalism to me and says "I'm not a very imaginative person". Rather cut the logo than rip it.

  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah I thought you were repping Massive Black at first until I realized it wasn't a cock, just something that aped the shape.
  • sagiarts
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    sagiarts polycounter lvl 6
    definitely I should have mentioned before My logo is highly inspired from MB in peoples word "RIP OFF" and am deeply regretful for that if I have hurt somebody's feelings I am immediately changing it .
    I am very happy people has been straight forward while commenting it would be very nice if u guys can pls mention me some of the worst works to remove.
    Pls keep commenting.
    Thank u all
  • sagiarts
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    sagiarts polycounter lvl 6
    Currently I am in the process of complete renovation and up gradation of my site and portfolio,I f u guys can help me informing about some more kinds of work that should be kept in my website,it will be a gr8 help
  • kingcobra
    your 2d is not helping your port.
    And you got to show your rigging skill somehow.. AS you know character models has to be animation ready in production.
  • sagiarts
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    sagiarts polycounter lvl 6
    excellent point kingcobra...........I will definitely do that
  • serialkiler
    To enjoy this site you'll need to update your Flash Player. It's easy, painless and will take
    just a moment...
    1. 1. Download and install the latest version of Adobe's Flash Player
    2. 2. Unfortunately you'll then need to close your web browser
    3. 3. Go back to this site after you restart your web browser
    4. 4. That's it-have fun!


    If i was about to recruit someone, you are out of business ^^ you might wanna take out the flash website. if you really want to use flash you could have a menu or some banner nothing more and always have an alternative for those not using flash. like if u making a menu flash put a text links in the footer.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Dont "upgrade" your site, downgrade it instead. Screw that flash gallery thing, its terrible. Just plain HTML and images. I like the bull dude.
  • sagiarts
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    sagiarts polycounter lvl 6
    thanks mate I must DOWNGRADE.....hehe
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    BTW, Polycount is your blog.

    You need to fix the link :P
  • sagiarts
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    sagiarts polycounter lvl 6
    thanks T4pan for pointing the mistake I have fixed it now!!!!!!
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Man, nobody got the "polycount is your blog" thing. Damn :(

    Well, anyway, I gotta tell you, your blog is way better a portfolio showcase than your site. Seriously. The work is easily accessible, there's big ole thumbnails and full rez pictures with just one click.
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    Your portfolio site is on Wix. I've used wix for a school project. I hate Wix. Because Wix is all Flash based, and everyone here hates on Flash for a portfolio, you're going to have to make a new website that is not Wix based. I'd suggest at the least a Wordpress type site, if you don't have any HTML/Dreamweaver experience.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    t4paN wrote: »
    Man, nobody got the "polycount is your blog" thing. Damn :(

    If it makes you feel any better, I read it before he fixed it and it made me smile so thanks! :p

    btw sagiarts, I think the thumbnails are way too small
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