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LeadWerks Engine - GDC2010 Demo

polycounter lvl 17
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michi.be polycounter lvl 17
After using Cryengine2 for a while I use Leadwerks for my Viz-Company for some time now.

So I was asked by Josh Wink to do a demo scene for (private) video presentation at this years GDC.

This what I came up with so far.
It'll show some features of the engine in fly-through. I made a mountain valley with a lake and some animals living there plus other stuff.

This is what I came up so far in some shots I'm allowed to show.
I think something is missing there and already asked other guys but we are not able to point the finger on it.

Suggestions go from "make the sky more blueish" which is due the high distant fog I used and really true to "more variation".
I think it's a solid scene so far but the pixel resolution on some placeholder rocks should be not so low.

Maybe it needs just some more colors like noteable flower bushes or such stuff which makes it more a peacefull landscape spot or particles like small coulds floating around.
So I really appreciate some good feedback here. :)


Ok since this one is done i updated this posting with all infos.



And the videos on YouTube:



  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    I'm finished with the Leadwerks presentation stuff.
    I made three movies out of it for own showing. There's one big uncompressed movie which will be shown at GDC and other locations.

    If i get a minute I'll do some hi-re screenshots for my website and will report back here. :)

    I have no idea how to link videos so you can watch on my channel. :)

  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    would have been a bit more awesome with some corn poppies in there for some color spots, but it's still quite beautiful.

    great work
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I have to agree, the bloom is totally destroying any kind of atmosphere the shots are trying to create. Bloom should only be used to enhance the mood of a scene in a subtle way, not over crowd it. Instead, the shots are coming out very bright, and the sky is pretty much white, when it should be blue.
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    odium: I have only "on" or "off" avaiable for bloom in the engine. Without it looks even worse. Sliders for all settings like HDR, Bloom and so on are requested. Please keep in mind Leadwerks is still under development.

    divi: Totally aggree. I had to lock all new assets near the deadline which was 1st march. I had two/three weeks for creating all the stuff. :)
  • serialkiler
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    Still under development and cost 4000€ thats a rip of ^^
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    A Leadwerks license costs 200 USD. I have no idea where you got your informations from.
    If these are offical informations from a website please refer to it so they can change it. :)

    If any engine you buy isn't getting developed further it's likely you won't buy it.
    I imagine an Unreal Engine stopped beeing developed in the year 2004 or no bugs are getting fixed hehe.
  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    Cool presentation
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