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P90 smg

polycounter lvl 13
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Diwan polycounter lvl 13
Hey PC!

So after spending my whole winter break on playing mw2, and falling in love with the P90. I decided to model one. Just finished the hi poly as good as I could from references. Only part I'm a little unsure about is under the back handle piece, it looks like there should be buttons of some sort? Not sure, any help would be very appreciated!





  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The area below the trigger looks weird and bumpy.
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    very helpful zacD haha.

    Looks great Diwan. I think it looks just like the reference you've used, so im not sure i have much of a critique. That's the beauty of modeling existing props ;) if it looks like prop then it's good hah.

    I'll have more critiques when you get into baking/lowpoly/texturing.

    Love where it's going for sure.
  • redPower
    That's some excellent HP hard-surface work Diwan!
    Some parts seem a bit skinny to me, the most noticeable and significant being where the stock meets the back of the magazine, it should taper outward more and meet almost flush with the cylindrical end of the magazine.

    Can't wait to see the LP and bakes!
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Something on the bottom part of the handle just doesn't look right. I think the smoothing is off. Other than that looks great.
  • Rang3r1
    I was going to link you to DeicideNBF's reference album, but it seems to be down atm.

    Here is the link in case my internet is being wonky:

  • Diwan
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    Diwan polycounter lvl 13
    Oh dang! Thats awesome, thanks a bunch Rang3r1!

    Thanks guys for the kind words :)
  • Diwan
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    Diwan polycounter lvl 13
    Hey polycounters! So I finally got a chance to start texturing this gun. Low poly is sitting on roughly 7.3k tris, and most of it has mirrored UV's except the flashlight and the mag. Here is my first texture pass, only color and normal so far. I'd like to hear what you guys think so far and what I can improve. Bear in mind there is no alpha map there yet so the mag is just solid color and the tape doesn't have any rough edges atm. Thanks in advance for any critique! :)



  • Asteric
    I would say that there iss to much going on in the diffuse, makes it hard to read.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    yeah with the diffuse it looks like a bomb went off next to it, might want to simplify it in certain areas and be more selective of where you add dirt, scratches, etc...
  • mLichy
    It's ok to do some dirt/scratching on guns, but do it very subtle. People usually take care of there guns, so they don't get extremely dirty or beat up.

    But I've found that doing very subtle stuff with a nice spec is alot more interesting/visually appealing. like EricV said, it looks like a bomb went off near it or something.

    So I would say to tone that stuff down alot, and bring in some smaller nicks/scratches around some of the edges, but don't make the scratches too uniform, keep them somewhat random.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    The tapes are an interesting touch but make it look like the gun can break easily/jam.

    There's not much to say on the color, but the magazine almost looks like it's made of Bakelite, the usual FN P90 mag appears more opaque and you can almost see the bullets along with the springs.

    It would be nice to see some highlights on the body to make it pop out.

    Any plans to add something on top like a red dot sight?
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    This texture is not doing its job at all.

    The diffuse is high contrast and cloudy and makes it look like some smoky, ethereal thing. Lower the contrast on the basic tones and solidify that thing up. Pop should come from material changes and scratched edges, not a ridiculous photoshop cloud filter.

    Also, general rule of thumb, your plastics' specular base color should be as light as or lighter than your diffuse -- and your metals, the specular should be much lighter.

    Do it like this -> http://www.3pointstudios.com/portfolio_weapons.shtml

    contrast comes from specular! These are hard surfaces!

    the model/bake is sweet, though.
  • Papa_Austin
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    Papa_Austin polycounter lvl 10
    damn! that's some shiny ass tape :p
  • EarthQuake
    It looks like maybe you have your normals set to object space, or your mesh normals arent exported correctly, because the lighting looks very flat and much too uniform, almost fullbright.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    also thats wAAAAyyy too dirty, doesnt look like metal at all , i suggest googling up some metal references from guns etc in google and youll see what i mean.

    EQ eat a dongle.
  • Diwan
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    Diwan polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks all for the critiques, this helps alot!

    EricV - Are you saying that the scratches are too much as well?

    mLichy - I was trying really hard to not make the scratches on the metal piece too uniform, are you suggesting that I bring them down even more?

    pliang - Yeah the tape isn't really for the fragility of the weapon, just holding up the wire from the flashlight and the flashlight button on place.
    I agree on the mag color, but as I stated on my post I didnt have any alpha maps going on to make the mag opaque for now, just trying to get the color right :)

    SupRore - Yeah like I stated on my post, only diffuse is shown in those screenshots, no spec at all. But yeah I agree the dirt was to much, I was trying to make the plastic look interesting I guess.

    EQ - Hey, my normals are tangent, let me know what you think of the normalmap and the new ss.

    Johny - Not sure what part you mean, but if you mean the dirtyness on the handle part I believe that is plastic and not metal. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks really like plastic to me.
    I went ahead and did a quick change on the color and just slapped on a simple spec map for now to see some of the details more closely. The plastic area is my biggest challenge so far, I went ahead and tried to give it some greasy surface. Let me know what you think, Thanks! :)



  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    what i meant is everything looks like a weird dirty surface without definition , i cant distinguish plastic from metal , i suggest playing around with spec map further and remove all the "cloudy" detail you have in the texture, rock on !
  • Miche
    much better diffuse this time!
    but it feels like the top tape parts color is almost identical to some of the metal on the pipe.. maybe make the colors more distinct or change a little in the spec? anyways, great work! :)
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Diwan wrote: »
    SupRore - Yeah like I stated on my post, only diffuse is shown in those screenshots, no spec at all. But yeah I agree the dirt was to much, I was trying to make the plastic look interesting I guess.

    Then start your spec! these are not materials which you can accurately represent with diffuse only. You need the relationship between spec/diffuse from the start, or it's going to look like shit.

    The plastic will look interesting because of your specular map. Get to it!
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    Mmm I think there are a few too many scratches in that render previous to the last yes. Harder to see them in the last shot, but also they look unnatural. If you want Racer445 has a great texture painting tutorial over at cg.tutsplus.com . Its maybe a little over kill but there are some really useful techniques to pick up from it, one of them being how to paint convincing scratches and realistic metal surface
  • redPower
    I agree that it is difficult to distinguish between different material types atm. A good deal of your differentiation will come from spec power changes, so adding that soon would be a good idea. The mount rail, barrel, and bolt lever look pretty good, but most of the rest of the gun is waay too high spec/spread out spec.
    Make the highlights much tighter in those plastic areas by increasing the spec power.

    As for the tape, it is a good idea but i don't think you are doing it justice. IMO, 2 pieces is unnecessary. The placement of the tape also makes little sense. Adding a large crack somewhere in the stock of the gun, and tape to keep it together reinforces how beat up it already looks and adds character as the owner of the gun has repaired it. Also, maybe some sort of writing on the tape to reinforce ownership, a name for the gun or perhaps hash marks for how many kills have been made by it.

    The magazine is way too dirty and cloudy, tighten the grunge into the corners and apply that opacity so you can make more accurate decisions as to what is needed.

    Keep up the good work dude!
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