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Xbox 360 console — has the quality improved enough?



  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Marine wrote: »
    360 pad > flimsy ass ds3
    360 is region free, region lock is down to the publisher
    i'll give you the other three though ;)

    and pankake, why do you think heavy rain is better than alan wake? it's not even a game
    PS3 Dpad and stick positions. I stopped playing quite a few games (the arcade games) because of the D-Pad. Fighting games... not a chance.

    What I should have said is: "The 360 region free stuff it's pretty much 'Take your chances'". I had better luck with games from Hong Kong for the 360, but finding a HK version here is hard. Getting a game from the EU, it's even worse. Have not had that problem with the PS3. Not once.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    Well shit. My console just gave me the old E-74 :(

    I'm beginning to think we need to stop having these threads. It seems like every time, someone's xbox dies...

    And, like you, mine just died too... wtf. Mine won't display video. I can hear the audio, so I know it's working, but the TV won't register the display signal. I just tried a different TV and cable, but it still has the same result :/ shit
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    If you're on the fence for 360, just look at what's coming out in the next few months (and what is out now). Whatever is on the way will keep you entertained for a few months, then save and get a PS3.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Lamont wrote: »
    PS3 Dpad and stick positions. I stopped playing quite a few games (the arcade games) because of the D-Pad. Fighting games... not a chance.

    What I should have said is: "The 360 region free stuff it's pretty much 'Take your chances'". I had better luck with games from Hong Kong for the 360, but finding a HK version here is hard. Getting a game from the EU, it's even worse. Have not had that problem with the PS3. Not once.

    dpad is a complete pos on the 360, but the sticks make far more sense, left stick opposite face buttons is just... obvious.
    i can understand your point with the imports though, must suck to want to play western games when you're in japan.
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    I can never get my small hands around the massive fat 360 controller. And it so heavy! My weak girly writs get tired after a few hours. And I once dropped a 360 controller on my foot at work and it gave me a nasty crow peck on my ankle.

    The ps3 has given me nothing but hours of pain free gaming, but the sticks do get jammed from time to time. Though I put it down to the layers of nerd butter that have accumulated on the thing.

    We have both consoles, I just prefer the ps3 just because, its quieter, the controller is nice and it doesn't randomly chew up my disks. But there are many games that are only on xbox that are great and I like that it makes it easy for indi and small dev teams to make games for it :)
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    The 360 controller is fine. Just not for every kind of game. Usually old-school games, games that use the dpad for movement and fighting games. I don't mind fps on either, just that if weapon switching is on the dpad, then I can move AND change weapons on the ps3 as the dpad is with the pointer finger and the stick is the thumb.

    Western games I just have to wait and get an order done then have family or a friend send it over. Then about 3 weeks later it gets here.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    Oh, awesome. Their web-based returns says I'll have to pay, hopefully I'll get a refund as well! Thanks for the heads-up.

    I think this is my third or fourth 360. But my first RRoD

    Well I don't think you hafta pay at all if it's been 3 years from purchase. Here's the official link

  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, if you select RROD (3 lights), the cost goes to $0. Unfortunately for me, mine doesn't have video (only sound). No red LEDs.

    I was able to get mine running via an online trick. I had to wrap my xbox with a towel, to overheat it. Eventually, it goes to 2 LEDs and the fans go absolutely nuts. Shut it down, let it cool off for 20 minutes, then try the xbox. It worked again :D

    Of course, I'm sure it only bought me a little time. It probably won't be long until it's dead again.
  • Pankake
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    Pankake polycounter lvl 11
    and pankake, why do you think heavy rain is better than alan wake? it's not even a game

    Each to their own, as they say!
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Its not even the same type of game... Thats like comparing Halo to Uncharted...

    As from my play time with Heavy Rain, it just doesn't interest me. It wasn't exactly "fun" to play and the graphics were a mixed bag in a few areas. Hardly the AAA game Sony keep making it out to be.

    Alan Wake looks... Interesting. I am excited for it. But its got the feeling of a game that could be amazing or shite very easily...
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Well, the xbox works again, but video is jacked. Looks like I'll need a new one :(
  • Quokimbo
    odium wrote: »
    As from my play time with Heavy Rain, it just doesn't interest me. It wasn't exactly "fun" to play and the graphics were a mixed bag in a few areas. Hardly the AAA game Sony keep making it out to be.

    The fight scene had me tense! I can not wait for this game...
  • commador
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    commador polycounter lvl 14
    notman wrote: »
    I'm beginning to think we need to stop having these threads. It seems like every time, someone's xbox dies...

    I was going to say "Ive not had a problem with mine, its been a trooper since I got it"

    ...but then I would be a liar because 15 minutes ago it finally succumbed to 3 lights of doom. :(
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    A lot of people moaning the 360 dies but then moaning they have to pay for it because its not the 3 red lights... Even more people online (not here) saying its just a ploy by MS because Sony was only in the lead last gen due to the PS2's breaking so often so they MADE THEM faulty so you have to buy more... Crazy...

    But anyway, if your 360 dies and its not the 3 rings, just, you know... Make it three ring :| Its not hard to do, and it means a free replacement anyway.
  • Quokimbo
    I had my PS2 for like 5 years, not one problem...until I sold it in a garage sale.

    I should have kept it in the attic...
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I went through a few PS2's, they were terrible... I didn't get one at launch, picked one up when GTA3 came out... Game wouldn't load correct, the city was a big blurred invisible mess, was terrible...

    After that, I had to get it replaced a few times due to the shitty laser going... Never got a Slim, always wanted one but didn't trust the lack of fan...
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Is it still $135 to repair your 360? If so, just sell the thing for $80 and buy a new one for $200. Let someone else deal with it.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    You can't get 80 for a busted 360, 50 at most I think. I'd just repair it myself if it were to happen.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Xoliul wrote: »
    You can't get 80 for a busted 360, 50 at most I think. I'd just repair it myself if it were to happen.
    You gotta find the right time to sell them.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    odium wrote: »
    But anyway, if your 360 dies and its not the 3 rings, just, you know... Make it three ring :| Its not hard to do, and it means a free replacement anyway.
    That's essentially what I was trying to do. I played it for a long time yesterday, and left it running when I wasn't playing, in hopes of getting it to keel over. My player had a blue glow to him, and the text would take about 5 seconds to crisp up to legible.
    Do you know a good trick to log the 3 ring? I had contemplated just saying it had the 3 ring and sending it in, but their site says it has to be logged on the system, or they will charge the $99.

    In all honesty, if I didn't have so many games for it, I would just bury it and just stick with my PS3.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Unless your tv does 1080p do not buy a ps3 as a blu-ray player. I have a 1080i tv and blu-ray actually looks worse than standard DVDs on it.

    I wouldn't buy a used 360, there's a chance you'll pick up one that was perma-banned from Live.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Thats because the PS3 is a total WHORE to setup correctly Justin.

    Go into your PS3 options and set the max res to 720p, and yes, you will need to switch these around every time you want to play a game and whatever... I still can't believe they did it that way...

    But anyway yeah, it will display perfectly for you.

    I have a 1080p Sammy thankfully, but even I have issues with some things pn PS3, for example all the earlier games had no upscaling, and at times you had to mess with the resolution to get games nicer. Resistance, for example, looks utter shit unless I switch my PS3 from 1080p native to 720p native... Then it sharpens up... Very, very random...

    But BluRays don't use upscaling (they dont need to) so if your forcing a higher resolution image down a lower resolution screen, you will get issues (like playing a bluray over a normal 480p TV). Looks blockey and stuff, not nice. Switch to 720p, and the PS3 knows the max it should render, and it will look a lot nicer than 1080i.
  • Quokimbo
    odium wrote: »
    Thats because the PS3 is a total WHORE to setup correctly Justin.

    I have had mine through HDMI for a while now. It was easy breezy to set up, and my movies have not looked better. District 9 looked just as good on my 1080p TV as I remember it in theater, without so many mouth breathers/talkers effing up my movie.

    You sound worse then me as far as a fan boy goes...hahaha. You love your 360. I love my PS3.

    It only does everything! :)
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Erm... No, you seemed to totally miss the point of my post. It wasn't a PS3 VS 360 flame, it was simply to say how to set up the PS3 better in "CERTAIN CASES".

    Of course it YOU stick a HDMI lead into the back on YOUR 1080p tv, it will set up easy. It sets up just as easy on 360, btw. But the point was that if you try and watch 1080p content on a TV that doesn't support 1080p, issues can crop up.

    No fan bait post at all until you brought up the diferences.

    EDIT: The reason for the above is that since launch the 360 has always displayed at the max res your TV supports, and upscales everything to that resolution. The PS3 doesn't do this, which is why as I said before, back in the launch days of PS3 and for a good while after, certain games would need certain settings to look better. Displaying 720p content in the case of Resistance, looks terrible when seen on a 1080p display, which is why they suggest you change to 720p when playing and switch back after.

    Films are no different. The content on BluRay displays at the max resolution of the media which is 1080p, which is why the images look fuzzy/worse on a lower resolution screen. Setting the max output of the CONSOLE to 720p changes this, so that the image is scaled correctly for 720p, and it will end up looking nicer. Not 1080p, no, but nicer than DVD for sure.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    odium wrote: »
    Setting the max output of the CONSOLE to 720p changes this, so that the image is scaled correctly for 720p, and it will end up looking nicer. Not 1080p, no, but nicer than DVD for sure.

    It might look a tiny bit nicer but I wouldn't be able to notice it without a side by side comparison, it isn't the "HOLY CRAP LOOK AT THAT" kind of quality you get if it's hooked up to a 1080p tv.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I dunno man... On a decent enough set, 720p BluRay still looks nice.

    But I see where your coming from, I still buy DVD's 9 times out of 10 simply because the transfers arn't always needed. Its only the really good and really big films, like Dark Knight, I buy Blu.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Arg my 2nd Elite (refubushed from M$) just keeled over (and a few months outside the 3 year warranty). Just as well, no more real exclusives I want to play anymore on it. Although I'm probably SOL for save games when the next Mass Effect comes out.

    Although using the "Pressure trick" seems to make it work for one session. (flip it upsidedown, press you good amount of weight on it and turning it on) Although I get no sound.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Mine is dead for the 3rd time too. Such shitty hardware. This is one of the reason's I have always been more of a PC gamer. I really do like the versatility of the consoles, but the fact that most of the hardware is so cheap and mass produced it just always seems to end badly. Now I have to send the board to get reflown otherwise its a 300 dollar paperweight....
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    the Elite I traded my friend for died last week (after about 2.5yrs of no issues at all). He let me use his halo edition 360 since mine was tanked, and it just died tonight. So I've killed 2 360's in less than a week. Shoddy, to say the least.

    My PS3 still purrs like a kitteh! Though to be honest, I really only use it for BluRay. Only game I have is Ratchet & Clank.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Vassago wrote: »
    the Elite I traded my friend for died last week (after about 2.5yrs of no issues at all). He let me use his halo edition 360 since mine was tanked, and it just died tonight. So I've killed 2 360's in less than a week. Shoddy, to say the least.

    My PS3 still purrs like a kitteh! Though to be honest, I really only use it for BluRay. Only game I have is Ratchet & Clank.

    I'm probably gonna get a PS3 just because I officially hate Microsoft for the shit the 360 went through.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I just received a new elite to replace my pro that had it's video die. MS wouldn't even send me the cable to transfer my old pro data over to the new drive. I would be fine with that if I had just bought the xbox for an upgrade, but when their shitty hardware fails, I shouldn't have to keep shelling out cash to resolve the problem.
    In the future, I'll only be purchasing games for my PS3 unless it's an xbox exclusive. I wouldn't have even bothered replacing my 360 if I didn't have so many games for it already.
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