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Xbox 360 console — has the quality improved enough?

Hey all,
I'm a PC gamer who has resisted buying a current-gen console ... until now.

I can't get both, so I'm thinking of getting a 360 Elite. Is there any reason why I shouldn't? I'm having trouble finding anything recent out there saying the quality of the console is improved, fewer RRODs, etc., but I know MSFT has tried to address the quality issue over the last couple years. Surely they must've fixed the main problems by now.

Anyone care to comment?

(Yes, the PS3 is awesome, and while there are a couple I'd love to play, the games for it just don't excite me as much. Plus, XBLA sounds more active/interesting for Indie games than PSN, and I'm more intrigued about Project Natal than "The Wand" ... but I'm really not looking for this to turn into yet another Xbox vs. PS thread — I'm really just curious what folks think about Xbox quality issues in 2010.)


  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 20
    i got my 360 about 2 years ago and i've not had a single problem with it. I dont play a lot, maybe 2-3 times a week at most for about and hour or two at a time, so maybe i'm an exception.

    When i was working at UPS less than a year ago i was still getting about 50 returns a week for rrod, so its a mixed bag from my experience
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Most recent xboxes don't break. Will probably be about as reliable as your PC, for whatever that's worth. :p

    For the most part, the recurring red ring reports (like me, on my 5th) are from the cheap bastards giving us refurbished parts when ours break.
  • AreDub3D
    @ mikeF and SupRore

    Thanks, guys. What you are both saying gives me pause. I've read of people being on their fourth or fifth machine. And I ain't got time for that! Like MikeF, I'd only play for six to 10 hours a week, so I wouldn't be too hard on it, but I wouldn't want to be afraid of killing it by playing too much if I had a lot of free time!

    I wonder if there's a way to tell at the store when the thing was manufactured. I guess you could ask to open it. And they could say no.

    Anyone ever bought a refurbished one? Is there any conventional wisdom on those?


    And anyone every bought from this Uncle Vic place? (Nice price: $230 for the Elite)


    Update: I read several bad reviews about Xbox 360 refurbs from this Uncle Vic's place, but otherwise they seem good. Cheap Vizio TVs.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I've had my 360 for few years now, and still haven't had an issue (other than an occasional game crash for 'no read'). I don't use mine as much as others though. Usually only on weekends, if at all.

    I hope this doesn't start a console battle, but even though you mentioned the PS3 not exciting you, I would really research the games if I were you. The two systems don't have many exclusives any more. Most of the top games come out for both systems, minus a handful of games. I have a PS3 also, and lately, when I go to get a game, I have to decide which system to buy for (just to show how often they are multi-console).
    For me, the big bonus of the PS3 is still the blu-ray part of it.

    Something to think about; if you play online a lot, the PS3's network is free (for now). The 360 charges you for live. It's not terribly bad for a fee, but free is hard to beat ;)
    I do like the 360's menu system better though (even though I dislike some of the recent changes).

    Update (cross post): I normally like refurbs, but in the case of the 360, I would avoid them. Many of the RROD systems that were repaird, had the issue return. If any of these refurbs are those units, they could easily have the problem return. Maybe I'm wrong, but I would have issue trusting that.
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    My brothers bought a refurb and they haven't had any issues yet (only have had it for maybe 8 months now though, there first one RROD'ed). I have had mine for roughly 3 years, not a single issue. I've even left the damn thing on all night a few times. I love the new features that allow you to install the games to the HDD, really quiets the system and it seems to run cooler.

    A few tips:

    - Don't buy any coolers that attach to the back. I have one that is a stand and has 2 controller slots in the side. It hasn't been in use in awhile though haha.
    - Keep it out in the open, or as close to out in the open as you can.
    - Keep the power brick as far away as possible, that thing gets HOT.
  • ShadowFox
    A friend of mine has had his xbox since release, and its not given him any trouble except for getting a bit noisier when running disks. Other than that, it seems if you are nice enough to give your xbox a break after a few hours of playing, it keeps it in good condition.

    Make sure your power cable is plugged in tightly into the xbox itself as well as the brick, you get a scare when rrd comes up and its just a loose connection on the power box, I for one, think that pc gaming is always top, but there are some games which are just too good to wait for the pc version to come out a year or later. Fables for instance!

    I think the xbox and ps3 are very close, in comparison so its generally games and community based around them which will be the best decider.
  • Mark Dygert
    Gears of War2 killed mine about 2 months ago. I haven't bothered to replace it yet, that should tell you how attached to console gaming I am... I bought it at launch and it probably would have died a lot sooner if I used it more. I don't feel a burning need to replace it, I probably will at some point just not anytime soon.

    My opinion of the console dropped like a rock the second it started acting up.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Wii is the winner at the moment. PS3 is nice because of the bluray, just read another article where developers are finding not enough room for dvd's again.



  • diminished_Self
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    diminished_Self polycounter lvl 12
    knock on wood and all that bull shit, but my first generation 360 that i picked up on craigslist is still going strong. im about to replace it, not because its faulty, but because i want one with a stock HDMI port on it.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    I bought a 'new' one about 2 years ago and it didnt freeze or crash once ever since! Kinda have the same problem as diminished_Self: It doesnt have a HDMI port, so watch out if you buy a used one!
  • AreDub3D
    Cool - thanks for all the responses, folks.

    @notman, you had a good point about the refurbs. It does make sense to stay away from them in the case of the 360.

    You also got me thinking about the PS3 vs. 360 in terms of the better games. But I didn't mention that I have a small box full of old original Xbox games, and it looks like most of them would be compatible with the Elite version. That would be nice.


    On the other hand, the PS3 appears it isn't compatible with any PS2 games* (previously, I assumed it was). There are a ton I'd like to pick up from the bargain bin and finally play, so not having that ability is a mark against the PS3 in my opinon.

    But back on the other hand, Xbox 360 doesn't have built in WiFi ... (do they really expect us to run a Cat 5 into our living rooms?) ... well, this is less important to me than backwards compatibility.

    So, despite those telling charts that Jeremy posted (thanks), I think I'm confident MSFT doesn't want to write off another billion dollars for RRODs, so the newer ones are better built. So I'll probably go on with buying a new Elite.

    And then promptly sign up for a GameFly account ... !

    *This nonsensical blurb appears for each system: Due to the availability of an extensive line-up of PS3™ system titles, the 120GB PS3™ system is not backwards compatible with PlayStation®2 titles, but does maintain backwards compatibility for some original PlayStation® titles.

  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Both consoles have pros, both have cons. Both have some amazing games, both have shite games.

    In this day and age, just get both. But I do think its time for MS to release a new updated version of the 360. Better build quality, slot drive, silent fan and much slimmer with a bigger HDD thank you. (I'm still stuck on 20gb launch because I haven't had any issues).
  • Mark Dygert
    AreDub3D wrote: »
    But back on the other hand, Xbox 360 doesn't have built in WiFi ... (do they really expect us to run a Cat 5 into our living rooms?) ... well, this is less important to me than backwards compatibility.
    For the low low price of $99.99 you can have this state of the art Xbox 360® Wireless N Networking Adapter! I know what a steal huh? Only $99.99! WOW I bet you would gladly pay 200 or 300 for something like that, but no they're too kind.

  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    My first 360 bought in 2005 didn't RRoD but the video card failed after 2 years. Sold that one to a friend this past fall.

    I bought my Resident Evil 5 red edition last March and it was only replaced because lightni...err, it just MYSTERIOUSLY stopped working... 3 months after buying. Replacement took under two weeks through MS. Bless the online replacement service. ;)

    It sees about 16+ hours of use a day on average and has given me no problems beyond those two instances.

    In my experience, people who have multiple RRoDs do not take care of their equipment: dusting, keeping it well ventilated and off the floor, never turning it off and all that.

    I had more problems with PS1 than I have with my 360.

    Limited and then no backwards compatibility immediately wrote the PS3 off for me and the price point at the time.

    Support for online modes with original XBox games will be ending in April. According to MS, it is necessary to further support the current XBL model, and the reason the friends list is currently limited to 100.

    Overall, it's been one of the best purchases I've ever made. Games, streaming movies from Netflix, using my music and online radio from my computer, all worth it.
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    Had my elite since they first released them in the UK, and not had any trouble with it. It gets about 12-20 hours a week on it from the family and not had even had any read problems with discs or any other problems so far. Where as my bro is on his fifth normal 360, he had one returned after 3 weeks away for a rrod repair and it red ringed again within 3 days ... the guy was not a happy camper, his missus complained and they gave him 2000 m$ points and a free controller :P

    Glad I picked the elite though.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    That graph is hilarious and misleading. OMIGOSH the bar is like, all the way at the top! (at 23%)

    I got my 360 early 2007 and it's never red-ringed, or had any problems whatsoever.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Well, since none of the other systems have a RROD, I would definitely agree that the graph is misleading.

    As for compatibility, yeah, the PS3 was hit and miss on compatibility. It depends on the version you own. I was a bit disappointed by that also, since I have PS2 games. I even bought an adapter (in the bargain bin), that would have let me plug in my old saved game cartridges.
    That said, many of the older games are available in the store (I believe). I don't find myself missing any old games, so I usually don't care much about them.

    I thought the 360 also had some older games that weren't compatible. Now the 360 is offering many games to buy online also.

    If you go the 360 route, definitely get the elite version. The more HDD space you can get built in, the better. Like the overpriced wifi adapter, the HDD upgrades are ridiculously overpriced. My advice, would be to watch Best Buy for reward zone coupons. I THINK they are good for the consoles. You'll have to double check. Sign up for their reward zone if you aren't already. It's free, and they'll give you gift cards after you spend a certain amount there. The 360 purchase would probably earn you at least a $10 kickback.
  • AreDub3D
    odium wrote: »
    In this day and age, just get both. But I do think its time for MS to release a new updated version of the 360. Better build quality, slot drive, silent fan and much slimmer with a bigger HDD thank you. (I'm still stuck on 20gb launch because I haven't had any issues).

    Well, it would be nice to get both, but that's not going to happen (anytime soon). I don't even have an HD TV (it's 720p). But I agree on the need for MSFT to really update the system. Those disc trays are always just breakage waiting to happen. And I think I mentioned WiFi!

    @Vig ... sheesh. $100? Fortunately, I've got a wireless network with a relay station in the living room that has an empty ethernet port.

    @snemmy — I did read about the discontinued Live services for old games, but I figure that's bound to happen. It's one of those areas where PCs will always be better (so people can run their own servers). Thanks for the testimonial!

    @Gilgamesh and Slum — Thanks. Nice to hear there are many folks who have had no (or almost no) problems.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    straight up : buy the black hdmi one, brand new, and that's it - you're ready to go!

    Mines is a year old and it is by far the most used gaming platform I own, waaaaay more used than PSP, PS3, PS2, GC, DS and PC. Altogether.

    Not only does it feel solid, but it also provides a very, very smooth user experience. You might want to get xboxlive gold to get the most out of it. PSN is free but it mediocre in terms of features compared to XBL. (just to name a few : new game demo screenshots, lengthy installers required for each download, and so on)

    On the warning side : dont get a used 360, it's just not worth it. Buy the games used tho. You'll get all the major titles for under 15$.

    Also you dont need more than 720p for gaming, on any current platform. Almost all games run 720p or even less (upscaled to 720p), except for some rare titles like GT and a very few others. Also the PS3 changes its own output res all the time (I can tell from my projector telling me when the signal is interrupted) whereas 360 is a lot more stable in that regard.

    To wrap it up : whenever I boot my 360 I think :
    'hey what am I gonna play today! Lets pop in a disc, maybe get a few demos, or watch some netflix!'.

    When I turn on the PS3, I think:
    'Oh hmm what can I do with this. Finally install the demos I downloaded but never took the time to extract? Watch a movie? nah it needs a special disc to activate netflix. So hmm why do I have that console again? Shall I sell it back? Oh right there is MGS4 on it, I guess Ill keep it then. Plus the background wallpaper is pretty I guess.'
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    To pior's point about used games, you might want to check out www.goozex.com. They basically allow you to trade games (including those old XBox games). It's based on a point system, so once you trade a game, you get the designated points, which you use to 'purchase' games from other people. The only thing you pay for is the shipping (when you 'sell' a game).

    The only downside I've found so far, is it takes a long time to get a game, especially if it's a newer game. Selling games goes very fast though ;)

    If you decide to use it though, let me know. I can earn referrals ;)
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Mine just died last week, it was over 3 years old. I was going to replace it for the new one with HDMI and 120gig hd. Getting it fixed was free, so now i have two!
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    pior wrote: »
    straight up : buy the black hdmi one, brand new, and that's it - you're ready to go!

    unfortunately, elites no longer come with hdmi cables :(

    But yeah, i heart my xbox. i use it as a media box, a stereo, a netflix machine, and gamez
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    I've had one problem with my 360. And that's my idiot brother in law borrowing it, moving out of state, and shipping it back in a cardboard box with no packaging what so ever. came back in pieces.

    Luckily he paid to repair it.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    skylebones wrote: »
    Luckily he paid to repair it.

    ^ that's a typo right? You meant to say "he paid to replace it". Having a hard time seeing a shattered xbox being repaired.
  • Quokimbo
    My Xbox RROD's every six months, until the last time I sent it in...which was about six months ago. EEK!
  • build.
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    build. polycounter lvl 11
    Mine RROD'd a month or two ago...
    Had it for some solid years though, it was a good machine. *puts flowers on grave*

    I think I'm going to switch up for a ps3 for the next purchase though.
    Tired of borrowing a friends whenever a sweet exclusive comes out. :\
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    My elite's been working for over a year now. I expect it to fail some day though, I'll send it in if it's still covered by guarantee or just fix it myself, which is supposed to be easy.
  • carlo_c
    I haven't had the best luck with 360's, I'm no hardcore gamer and I'm on my 3rd 360.

    Everyone I know has had the RROD at some point, but we all bought our consoles within a year of launch. I'm pretty sure they've sorted the problem out now, but yeah I think I'm getting the PS3 itch too... might have to start saving!
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    unfortunately, elites no longer come with hdmi cables :(

    But yeah, i heart my xbox. i use it as a media box, a stereo, a netflix machine, and gamez
    HDMI cables are like... 5$??? If youre buying it in a store you could probably get the cables for free anyway :)

    I hope you didnt buy one of those gold plated ones because those are a rip-off :P Because HDMI is digital, the quality of the cable doesnt matter at all, just buy the cheapest one!
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Quokimbo wrote: »
    My Xbox RROD's every six months, until the last time I sent it in...which was about six months ago. EEK!

    Six months? What the hell do you do, smoke next to it and use it as a hammer?

    My friend doesn't take care of his machines. He smokes like 40 a day around them. His 360 is limited edition BROWN now, and has so much shit stuck in the back it coughes every time he turns it on. He nevee cleans the room, never dusts, never does much of anything. He also moves it about while its on because its sat on the magazine pile. His consoles last about 1.5 years, then die on him. Hes been through 3 360's.

    My consoles are cleaned, never knocked, never moved while on. I don't smoke, I'm clean, and I take care of a device that I spent a lot of money on. I've had zero issues and not a single disk scratched.

    Funny that... Maybe its less to do with the shitty parts and more to do with the tolerance the device can handle of shitty owners...
  • Quokimbo
    Nope, clean smoke free environment...The consoles are in open air, behind my 42 inch TV. I do not knock them over...They just RROD, but you have to watch out. the new RROD is the Error 37...

    I stopped buying games for my 360, because it crashes so often. PS3 for me!
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    360 is fine. Get the latest deal with the 250GB HDD.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    My 360 was one of the best purchases I ever made in my life. I love the system, the way the controller feels and xbox live of course. Go for it!

    I heard the latest systems (with the jasper board, which is the one I got) rarely RROD. But I always take precaution measures anyway, such as placing it in a well ventilated area (it heats a lot), not playing for over 3 hours straight (if I want to play more I turn it off for 15 minutes so it cools down) and I always remove the power cord from the wall when I'm not playing. Yeah I'm that paranoid but I want my things to last!
  • System
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    System admin
    DarthNater wrote: »
    I have had mine for roughly 3 years, not a single issue.

    same here.

    I have to lean away from the ps3, despite having been a major ps1 and ps2 player the no. of games online/offline is way smaller than xbox. They shouldn't have put in the blue ray tech which imo is a heavily overpriced fad, I'm sure this was a primary reason for the migration of playstation followers.
    There is one other thing J. Carmack was saying regarding memory;
    xbox 512mb vs ps3 256mb

    I can only assume that to keep the quality up ps3 games are smaller on average than xbox ones. Games companies porting to both consoles have to downplay for the ps3 version which obviously takes longer so xbox all the way imo.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    PS3 has 512 total just the same as the 360 does, its just split in such a way it makes it a lot more of a pain in the arse to work with.

    Same as the CPU, its "better" than the 360 one, its just such a pain in the arse to work with you hardly ever see any real decent results, and 9 times out of 10 you get sloppy versions that run worse than the 360 one. Sony have never really got over that ego side of things. If they just had a normal cpu in there, the cnsole would be shining a LOT more.

    What was it the Sony guy said? There was some dumb quote about they made the ps3 harder to code for so you would get better games or something stupid...
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    kwakkie wrote: »
    HDMI cables are like... 5$??? If youre buying it in a store you could probably get the cables for free anyway :)

    I hope you didnt buy one of those gold plated ones because those are a rip-off :P Because HDMI is digital, the quality of the cable doesnt matter at all, just buy the cheapest one!

    unless you try and pick them up at the same time as your xbox, thinking you should get the official cables. those are $50.

    i was just pointing out that he shouldn't expect them to come in the box like they used to.

    and... holy crap, hdmi is digital?! :poly124:
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Who pays $100 for a wireless thing on the 360?

    In the UK you cn pay £20-£30 and get the unoffical one that does the exact same thing... So, not sure I see the point behind that...?
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    snemmy wrote: »
    It sees about 16+ hours of use a day on average and has given me no problems beyond those two instances.

    holy crap. I'm lucky if I have enough time to play 2-3hrs of xbox per week.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Well shit. My console just gave me the old E-74 :(
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    $100 you can wire CAT5 and CAT6 through the outlet in 5 rooms with 4 ports each. About $25~$30 can get you a wireless bridge.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    To answer the Original Poster:

    Yes the 360 is awesome. PS3 is a different kind of awesome.

    Chose based on the exclusives games library you like more
  • Pankake
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    Pankake polycounter lvl 11
    I'd go for (and did go for) the PS3, it seems less likely to break, HD and wifi included, bluray player, more interesting exclusives (I think so, anyway, there's only one xbox exclusive I'd like to come over to the PS3 or PC, and that's Alan Wake, which Heavy Rain has trumped anyway <3) and no Live subscription.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    PS3 has HD included?

    I didn't know you had to buy the 720p/1080p add on pack off of Live :p
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    AreDub3D wrote: »

    But back on the other hand, Xbox 360 doesn't have built in WiFi ... (do they really expect us to run a Cat 5 into our living rooms?) ... well, this is less important to me than backwards compatibility.


    "Gaming on wi-fi? You have only yourself to blame."
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    i'd say buy ps3. i was thinking of buying 360 at first but im glad i didnt. I had a friend that got rrod for his 360. i'd say the biggest selling point for ps3 is:

    - free online play
    - better menus imo
    - less likely to die on you
    - bluray player

    as for exclusive games more of what i like is on ps3 such as Mgs4, God of war 3, uncharted 2. to me it seems that ps3 have a more variety of games other than shooters. not that i dont like shooters. btw i love cod
    but to me 360s exclusives r mainly shooters : gears of war, halo, mass effect (more or less is a shooter) l4d. there are exclusives other than shooters like alan wake, ninja blade, forza... but to me its just seems not enough variety.
  • Pankake
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    Pankake polycounter lvl 11
    odium wrote: »
    PS3 has HD included?

    I didn't know you had to buy the 720p/1080p add on pack off of Live :p

    Hard dwive.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    Well shit. My console just gave me the old E-74 :(

    I think M$ put that under manufactures 3 year now. My xbox did that and I had to pay for the repair, 2 months later they said they would cover it and I got a refund.

    Btw every friend I know, has gone at least through 1 xbox. Although it's been over a year now and now problems so far.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Rwolf wrote: »
    I think M$ put that under manufactures 3 year now. My xbox did that and I had to pay for the repair, 2 months later they said they would cover it and I got a refund.

    Btw every friend I know, has gone at least through 1 xbox. Although it's been over a year now and now problems so far.

    Oh, awesome. Their web-based returns says I'll have to pay, hopefully I'll get a refund as well! Thanks for the heads-up.

    I think this is my third or fourth 360. But my first RRoD
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I do like my PS3 for these reasons:
    • Free online
    • Upgradeable HDD (any laptop HDD will do, I am rocking 180GB in mine for $60).
    • Better controller
    • And region free out the box
    • Plays all PS1 games :P
    @ odium - 360 does 720p/1080p out the box with the proper connection (VGA/HDMI)
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Lamont wrote: »
    • Better controller
    • And region free out the box

    360 pad > flimsy ass ds3
    360 is region free, region lock is down to the publisher
    i'll give you the other three though ;)

    and pankake, why do you think heavy rain is better than alan wake? it's not even a game
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