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Good Idea / Bad Idea?

polycounter lvl 16
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shinobix polycounter lvl 16
Hey Guys,
Just tryin to get some input on something.
Currently I'm trying to beef up my portfolio, and cater it a bit to the companies / games that I'd really enjoy working on.
On that note, I was wondering something.

Is it a good idea or a bad idea to build an environment based off of a released concept of a franchised game? For example, I'm really interested in what Eidos Montreal is doing with Deus Ex 3, and I saw some killer concept art online and was thinking of replicating the concept in 3D.

Is this something that I should pursue? Or would you guys consider it a waste of time?

Any insights would be appreciated!



  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    As long as you don't claim you made it I don't see why it would be a waste of time or a bad idea.
    Practice, etc.
    go for it?
  • shinobix
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    shinobix polycounter lvl 16
    You make a good point. I wouldn't claim that I made it, persay. I'd give credit where credit was do, and say that I made the 3D part of it as 1: Portfolio Practise and 2: Inspiration / Fan Art / Personal work?
    Thanks for the input!
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    I don't think it'd be a bad idea at all, definitely not a waste of time. People use game's concepts all the time that they like but didn't necessarily work on - ANYTHING by Paul Richards :P

    Your a smart guy, I know you'd give credit where it's due...so that's obviously not a problem.

    Personally, I like the idea of tailoring your portfolio to a company's style/genre/game - it shows you have interest in their product and can already match what they do. I guess the only problem with that is if the company is SUPER stylized and you end up painting yourself into a corner by seemingly only being able to do just one thing. Which is kinda lame, but you know what i mean.

    Edit> I've actually been considering doing some Darksiders / AC fan art...just because I like it. I dunno man, if it inspires you that much that you want to do something similar / homage...why not? someone calls you unoriginal or some shit, just punch em in the neck
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Great idea. But you need to execute that concept very well. Don't copy styles too closely, bring your own artistic strengths to the piece but stay true to the general aesthetic of the company and the concept. If you really nail it, you should have a great piece! I'd suggest trying not to pick concept too locked into one company's style or brand, you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket as they say, and you want to show your ability to create at least some art that hasn't been done 50000 times before.

    Of course this is different for every company, if you're doing art for blizzard for example they're going to want to see things distinctly blizzard in the artwork, whereas other companies will be more open to a "less focused" folio.

    Obviously it'd be better if you made your own concepts that fit the same style, but if you're not a concept sort of guy, there's nothing wrong with doing your own version, but you better nail the 3d and bring something new to the table :D. I'd highly reccomend getting good with materials and shaders, show you can be a bit more of a technical artist. You can put shader networks directly next to your pieces in your portfolio to show off your ability to make realistic and inventive materials to strengthen your work.

    I've seen more than a few students around me get scooped up by companies and EVERY TIME, whatever their strongest piece in their portfolio was geared for, that was the kind of company that took them in. So it's great you've got this mentality going now to push you to do the appropriate work.

    Good luck with the 3d :D
  • shinobix
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    shinobix polycounter lvl 16
    Gav: Thanks for the incouraging words man! Darksiders kicked butt on the art side, so I'd love to see something you do with that style :D As for punching people in the neck... last time I did that I ended up in... Well, not a very good place! haha. Just kiddin. :D

    Crazyfingers. You make some really good points. Funny thing is, is that right now I kinda feel like a student. haha. I've been working straight for roughly 8 to 10 years, and now I find myself in search of work. First time in a looooong time where I've had a whack load of time to just sit back and do personal / portfolio work... Which kinda feels the same as being newly single after a 10 year relationship. Things have changed, and I'm just trying to sort out which direction would be the most fun for me. Unfortunately, I'm not a concept 'painter'. I can definitely draw my own line art environments without worry (used to work in 2D animation as a layout artist waaaaaay back), but I find working off other peoples concepts helps me get into that 'This is work quality' frame of mind... Or better yet, makes me feel like I have to meet a deadline. haha. You know how it can be when working on personal stuff... Sometimes it can just fall to the wayside :D haha.

    Cheers guys! And thanks!!
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Gav wrote: »
    Edit> I've actually been considering doing some Darksiders / AC fan art...just because I like it. I dunno man, if it inspires you that much that you want to do something similar / homage...why not? someone calls you unoriginal or some shit, just punch em in the neck
    Yeah, that's how I've been solving most of my problems lately.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with it, and if it's a style you've never done before, it never hurts to branch out.
  • shinobix
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    shinobix polycounter lvl 16
    Ha ha ha. Lamont, man... Next punching seems to be popular these days! :D
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