Write some game related haikus. Let others try to guess them. Stick to the five-seven-five syllable pattern, or be creative. Extra credit for using words associated with a season.
I'll start with some easy ones no one should have to guess, to get them out of the way.
Aperture Science.
Bring your daughter to work day.
The cake is a lie.
Slippy get back here.
Enemy shields analyzed.
Do a barrel roll.
*snap snap snap*
put it in your mouth and chew
grow mario grow
I should not have crossed the bridge
A wyvern draws near
All my foes are slain
But my hand is still a gun
Why no Finger Man?
Ninjas - Super Mario Bros, obvs
fly_soup - Not so sure here
Second one... Hmm, Halo? (Never actually played that game, so...)
My turn
Long black legs so fine
Well, do you want to touch me?
Bang Bang, you are dead
(Recent game, probably a dead giveaway
Back to the future
Time travel is so easy
I just dropped deuce
Now to come up with some of my own...
What tag do I use to hide my answers? I'd like to let others figure out on their own.
Nevermind I figured it out it's the [ spoiler ] tag.
Xenos are slow, Laggy mouse,
Tumerboy is sad.
I vomit on thee
puny humans run like chickens
Smoke one off the roof
Ten years of waiting
Never to see the light of day
I'm all out of gum
Play our game bitches!
It is fun, you will like it.
Live Long and Prosper
Game over man game over
Bitch and then rage quit
my lightning explodes your head
the code makes it bloody
In the Carson Hot Rod Coupe.
I love this city.
Physics are broken.
But this Bugatti is fast.
Should have learned to brake.
I found a condom.
Which I dug out of the ground.
That is just nasty.
Unprotected sex.
Gave me too many children.
So I shot my wife.
Crates drop nearby like fall leaves.
Pave-Low on the way.
I run things down in my deuce.
That is SO Metal!
but my head is toasty warm
fingers are too long
Killing dogs with a crowbar
Could be so damn hard
EDIT - Added answer...
Sure would like to play a game.
Damn RRoD!
She hangs backward looms my way
She claims that it hurts
invention is your forte
long before your time
haha probably easy but I tried
As my boots jingle softly
Prophet of the cards
Someday you feed on tree frog.
Exclamation point.
My entire team rage quits
Fuck this fucking game
Psychonauts was good
Best adventure game ever
nobody bought it
Deathrow was fun too
Xbox game not named Halo
nobody played it
found him in a crater cave
but my harddrive died
there i take a leap of faith
into a hay bale
saba ducia
takah sheen nashoo weema
Orcs and Humans opposing me
With all their might this lovely night
My spirit will never break
My blades thirst I will obey today
Orc and Human heads will roll today
Loot ghostly corpse for items
Waste three years of life
Terror of these Waters
Still fearing Root Beer
I didn't play it... but
the galaxy will be farmed
must stop the reapers
a quest for glory
restore our virtues brave one
free us avatar
monsters from below
common enemies unite
duck! take cover cog
Ten thousand bullets or less
Armed from head to toe