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Orc that needs some fresh eyes on him.

polycounter lvl 8
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schebbe polycounter lvl 8
Hey, I have been working on this Orc and would like to have some fresh eyes on him.
There is still alot of detailing but I would like to hear if you have any thoughts about his proprtions,
if anything should be bigger/smaller/longer/shoter :)

Will gear him up with armor later so alot of stuff will be more or less hidden
but I would like see if there is something you think I should change before I start gearing him up.



  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    head definitely looks undersized to me, and those legs get pretty huge. those thighs in particular are pretty large. also those forearms looks pretty big. i mean it looks like you've overdone the proportions, which is cool on an orc, but you need to commit to those proportions more. it kind of looks like a mix between real human vs. super human, and a little bit of fat human mixed in
    good work though
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    I think that he have to big muscles. I suggest to get some insperation from The game dark messiha might and magic. Its not so easy to find some good pics of it so if you want. I could take some ingame screenshots.
  • schebbe
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    schebbe polycounter lvl 8
    ralusek: thanks for the comments. I agree that his forearms are a bit to big and I will adjust them :)

    S_ource: thanks for the comment but I kind of like him pretty big, but I will see if a can find any pics from Dark Messiah :)
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    hips and upper thighs look too small.
    I would also scale the head up a little, but not too much as this is what will make him look huge like he is.
    Nice job so far, you have some really good look areas (mainly the back).
  • schebbe
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    schebbe polycounter lvl 8
    BradMyers82: Thanks, did not notice his thin waist at all :)

    Heres is an update.
    I have changed his forearms, made them thinner. Changed his hip and legs, made them bigger.
    Straighten his fingers (not for looks, easier to sculpt them)

  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    I like the changes you made. The changes to the hips definitely helped the thin waste. Looks great.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    He looks a bit too human in my eyes to really be an orc, take the long ears off and you have a fugly bodybuilder. When you look at this piece and see the augmented anatomy, it really doesn't make him look more orcish, nor do they really blend together to create an interesting fantasy character.

    I'd recommend changing him to an ogre. But you still need to come up with some inventive anatomy structures that don't look *weird*, something that makes this compelling in a fantastical sense. Something a bit cartoony pushed just short of the point of being ridiculous, but well executed. If not in the anatomy than in the clothing or weapons he holds. Right now it's a very decent case study in human anatomy, but not amazing in any respect.

    You've got some good zbrush skills, but you gotta open your head up and play with it a bit. Doing buffed up humans with long ears just doesn't set the piece apart, or make it interesting to look at. I guess what i'm trying to say is the piece just needs more character, how you go about that is up to you.

    Sorry if that came off a little harsh, basically what i'm saying is it looks like you're good enough with zbrush that you gotta start wowing us with cool shyt ;), no point spending days on something so generic!
  • Danglebob
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    Danglebob polycounter lvl 15
    id say just mess with the proportions. dramatically. the sculpt is great, but what crazyfingers is saying is true. it doesnt look like an orc. big chin, stocky shape, wide shoulders, and thick legs and arms. for me thats what makes up an orc.

    id feel like a tool if i didnt post images.

    [/massive image dump]

    looking good though. i really dig the sculpt.
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    I guess you guys are going for a warhammer or world of warcraft style. When im a more fan of the maybe the litlle more realistic style like from Lord of the rings or The game Dark Messiha Might and Magic.
  • Sirdelita
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    Sirdelita polycounter lvl 10
    Wow this guy is getting eaten alive and everyone is coming at him at so many different angles! I would suggest that you inform everyone the direction you're going in. Like why anyone posted wow or warhammer just doesn't make sense. It's WAY more like the uruk hai. And as far as that goes I don't think you are that far off. I actually really liked your original sculpt in some senses but anyway, keep it up!

  • schebbe
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    schebbe polycounter lvl 8
    iansmithartist: thanks :)

    crazyfingers: I see what you mean and some friends have told me that Ishould be bolder aswell :) But when I started him I wanted to create a
    more human like orc, like the uruk hai. But I hope that I can make him more cool/interesting with clothes/gear. Thanks for the comments :)

    Screwonhed: I will go with a more uruk hai kind of orc. :)

    S_ource: I will make mine more realistic with a more proud stance than the hunch back type :)

    Sirdelita: Yes I should have mentioned in the start that I wanted to make a more human like orc like the uruk hais. Thanks for the comments :)

    I have been blocking out clothing/gear on him, not done yet but would like to hear what you think. I have been trying to give him the look of the mayan people in Apocalypto.

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