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President Obama's youtube interview.

Obama responds to internet user's questions via youtube. Interesting watch.



  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    As much as people seem to hate him, I think he is doing a really good job trying to stay connected with the people. Everyone loves a face they can trust..... Good watch!
  • ultramedia
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    ultramedia polycounter lvl 11
    the poly in polycount is for *polygons*...
  • MALicivs
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    MALicivs polycounter lvl 16
    ultramedia wrote: »
    the poly in polycount is for *polygons*...

    shhh... hush boy, hush.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    we often have a polytical thread.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Didn't you get the memo? General discussion is reserved for griping about everyone posting the wrong stuff in general discussion.

    That said this video is kinda boring, needs more:

  • Laughing_Bun
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    Laughing_Bun polycounter lvl 17
    snooze. How can one man say so much, yet so little at the same time?
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    I'd be curious if anyone asked about his feelings on the federal reserve, but I can't be arsed to watch it.

    Related note, I was reading about the 2011 budget of 3.8 trillion. Just mind-boggling. It took Activision a decade of successful CoD & Guitar Hero titles to build up a war chest of 1 billiion in the bank account...a ton of money by any stretch of the imagination.

    So where is government getting the money for all of their projects? 10 billion here, 100 billion here... The fed printing press must be going nuts.

    Yay more inflation for the serfs trying to get ahead.

  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Junkie_XL wrote: »
    Related note, I was reading about the 2011 budget of 3.8 trillion. Just mind-boggling. It took Activision a decade of successful CoD & Guitar Hero titles to build up a war chest of 1 billiion in the bank account...a ton of money by any stretch of the imagination.

    So where is government getting the money for all of their projects? 10 billion here, 100 billion here... The fed printing press must be going nuts.

    ... Wow...

    You need to like... stop video games for a while and learn about the real world...

    Comparing the government budget to a video game company, seriously?

    To answer your question, taxes. From every working adult in the country. A lot more people and a lot more per person than CoD could ever hope for. :P
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    snooze. How can one man say so much, yet so little at the same time?

    wow. How can you possibly say that after the last 30 years of presidents?

    Truly we have one of the most articulate, and substantive president in years...

    You may not agree, but the man can actually use facts in his sentences, rather than platitudes and nonsense Palinesque dribble.

    Also taxes aren't just levied on people, but on businesses, and just about every facet of commerce. That's how we have a working budget of almost 1.5 trillion every year.

    The government also lends and trades, gives money and borrows and acts as a buisness in some respects.
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    Tulkamir wrote: »
    ... Wow...

    You need to like... stop video games for a while and learn about the real world...

    Comparing the government budget to a video game company, seriously?

    To answer your question, taxes. From every working adult in the country. A lot more people and a lot more per person than CoD could ever hope for. :P

    **bangs head on desk**

    I was comparing all the hard work the private sector does to make its money versus government just taking what it wants.

    It's always funny to be told by others to "learn about the real world" when they can't explain monetary policy, know what the purpose of a central bank is, know what fractional reserve banking is...etc.

    Hey buckaroo, the question still stands..."where do they get the money?" It was more of a test to see if someone would answer correctly. Because if the answer was as simple as tax payers fund everything government can do, then we wouldn't have a 14 trillion deficit now would we?
  • 00Zero
    ... Wow...

    You need to like... stop video games for a while and learn about the real world...

    Comparing the government budget to a video game company, seriously?

    To answer your question, taxes. From every working adult in the country. A lot more people and a lot more per person than CoD could ever hope for. :P

    hah, the government doesnt make money, they MAKE money. well, they just buy money...but its not like theyre ever going to pay it back.
  • ultramedia
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    ultramedia polycounter lvl 11
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    we often have a polytical thread.



    But the whole poly in polycount thing was still pretty witty
  • dolemite



    a couple of books I read that you might like. Your posts make me worry that you are only getting economics info from Ron Paul. Try to pick up some straight forward and vanilla literature on the subject.

    Are you really amazed that Obama isn't planning to abolish the federal reserve?


    I know it's fun to have out-there ideologies, but try to keep your feet on the ground.

    "Related note, I was reading about the 2011 budget of 3.8 trillion"

    That's kind of like complaining that the guy who has just survived a car crash is hogging all the blood in the hospital.

    Hey economy! Walk it off! /s
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    dolemite wrote: »



    a couple of books I read that you might like. Your posts make me worry that you are only getting economics info from Ron Paul. Try to pick up some straight forward and vanilla literature on the subject.

    Are you really amazed that Obama isn't planning to abolish the federal reserve?


    I know it's fun to have out-there ideologies, but try to keep your feet on the ground.

    "Related note, I was reading about the 2011 budget of 3.8 trillion"

    That's kind of like complaining that the guy who has just survived a car crash is hogging all the blood in the hospital.

    Hey economy! Walk it off! /s

    I'll check them out. The second book comes across as condescending though. Were you implying something?

    I like Paul but I've been reading books before he came along. I never knew Paul existed prior to 2007. Libertarians directed me towards other reading info long ago...



    Wealth of Nations is another good one.

    Yeah I just wanted to hear the canned response Obama would make if asked. Although I wouldn't consider something a far out ideology...the founders specifically said stated many of these things are dangerous.

    People can laugh all they want but I recognized Bush would be a spending disaster and I have profitted quite well with my gold and silver purchased years ago.
  • dolemite
    I have wealth of nations. I was going to read it but then I bought an Xbox.

    It's not condescending, "economics in one lesson" is a good book that basically picks out a several fallacies in the field of economics and refutes them one by one. Good reading. One of the first I read when I wanted to get more no-bullshit-no-propaganda literature.

    I think wanting to abolish the FED is just as loony as wanting to abolish the military. It's really useful to be able to print your own money when you're facing a war, natural disaster, or economic crisis. It's also useful for stimulating growth and staving off bubbles. It has consequences, but most people think it is worth it for the kind of stability we get.
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 17
    DarthNater wrote: »
    As much as people seem to hate him, I think he is doing a really good job trying to stay connected with the people. Everyone loves a face they can trust..... Good watch!
    people already hate him?
    didn't take long
  • dolemite
    i think he's a pretty cool guy.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    ppl hate presidents period. when someone is put in charge that instantly means at least a good percentage of the ppl will blame that person when things are not instantly made perfect, or they way they would like things to be.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    But the Obamlette, that's something everyone can enjoy. Damn you Silver Diner, you don't hold omelette elections and then stop serving them when it's over!
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Obama's a pretty cool dude, atleast he seems genuinely interested in change and progress. Certainly better than our prime ministers -_-'
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    dolemite wrote: »
    I have wealth of nations. I was going to read it but then I bought an Xbox.

    I think wanting to abolish the FED is just as loony as wanting to abolish the military. It's really useful to be able to print your own money when you're facing a war, natural disaster, or economic crisis. It's also useful for stimulating growth and staving off bubbles. It has consequences, but most people think it is worth it for the kind of stability we get.

    **deep breath**

    The common misconception people have of libertarians is they think we want to abolish the military. I have no problem with having the strongest military in the world. There is just a difference between the word "strongest" and over doing it with an Empire. I really don't think we need bases in other countries...especially areas like Japan & Germany...that is just a money sink.

    Self defense is about the only thing the federal government should pay for. If Canada attacked Montana, that is a case where we would need a military. Do we need to support Israel? We can through friendship and trade but their conflict should not be our conflict unless they become the 51st state of the union. We create enemies by getting our nose where it doesn't belong.

    I don't think staving off bubbles is wise at all. It just prolongs the agony and makes the next bubble feel worse. Why not just make a law that says the stock market can never go down? That's how ridiculous this all is. Success also requires failure and we should've never bailed out the banks. "Too big to fail" is lame. Cough medicine tastes icky but you have to swallow it once in a while.

    This is a great article on how to get out of a tough ass recession. President Harding faced the aftermath of WW1 spending and he did the exact opposite of what FDR, Bush, Obama, etc is doing.

    Yeah you can't abolish the federal reserve overnight but we could stop doing all the wrong things for starters and slowly bring back the gold standard by allowing everything to be priced twice...allow competing currencies like gold & silver. If you had two prices on everything, one in federal reserve notes and the other in silver, people would see quickly how the price of one keeps going up while the other stays relatively flat.

    Printing your own money is handy but it is unfair to the population, especially the poor. They say the poor and lower middle class don't get taxed but inflation is really the worst "tax" of all. Robbing people of their purchasing power is just cruel.

    Maybe I should stop caring...nobody else seems to. And every mistake the government makes sends my gold & silver value up anyway. I guess a concern for the well-being of others makes me human. We're just lucky the dollar is the world's reserve currency. I wonder how long it will last before our creditors have had enough? Our biggest export is dollars...not goods or anything of produced value. Something has to break...then it is Weimar Germany or Argentina time for the US.

    Sometimes the truth does leak out through the filter though...



    ok back to making teh arts...
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