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Critique my failed art test



  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for clearing that up Firebert. And thanks everyone for more compliments. :)

    Since this thread keeps raising from the dead, I might as well post the revised UV's and texture...

    I did this a few weeks back. I suppose I could cut it up and mirror even more so there is greater space on the sheet for texturing the handle.



    Firebert...I put the other crazy HP stuff on hold. Got caught up in another art test with someone else. Not really feeling this one though. I might post it soon.

    Leech...actually what I would've been hired for is to improve the current assets. I was sorta looking forward to the opportunity to take initiative on that. I guess I'm more of a high-poly guy than the generalist they were looking for though. Although I enjoy texturing when I can. Can't remember if I mentioned it but yes the UVs are what did me in. I somewhat battle my desire for low distortion versus straight edges and whole shells versus lots of edge seems and different sized pixel density. I'm trying to break myself from that train of thought.

    Fallen Earth is a small studio from my understanding where everyone needs top notch generalist skills. If the game lacks visual oomph in its current state I would blame that on the chinese & india outsourcing they have to do for such a large MMO with a limited budget. The in-house guys I believe are quite talented though.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Firebert wrote: »
    I know there is good amount of feedback to sift through on this thread, and I'm not calling you out, this is for anyone that doesn't really know the full history here as this goes back almost two months now.

    I believe Junkie received permission to disclose who the company was as well as post their private concept work. In his original post back in December, he posted the concept art without the logo, and also commented that he was not going to mention who the art test was for. At that point, Junkie also indicated that he would remove all of the info and images if the company asked him to.

    He updated his original post with their concept work including the company/game logo in January and responded with additional info when the thread was bumped a couple weeks later (see here).

    Just so people don't think Junkie is totally out of line, he did take due caution in not disclosing any key information without their permission and the intent of removing it if he was asked to.

    Again, no offense, this thread goes back a ways with a few edits here and there.

    Junkie, how's those new HP models coming yo!?!

    ahh , it makes sense now :)
  • mLink
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    mLink polycounter lvl 10
    The uvs look much better now. I'd probably still mirror some more pieces here and there, since the different sides appear to have the same texture anyways. It's a lot cleaner looking texture sheet, great looking asset none the less. :poly121:
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    It looks better, especially the UV's, but I still think the Dif is still way too noisy (exagerated AO).

    Other than that, awesome job! :)
  • hijak
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    Just would like to say this is a great piece, and it looks much nicer with the new uv's much better use of the space. I would assume that it was not your art that they rejected because it looks better than most the art in that game imo. I remember once after taking a test that i was so disappointed that i did not get the job, only to find three weeks later that the company was closed, so i realized it was not really my fault but prob just bad timing.
    On the topic of the low poly i see nothing wrong with it. Even if an optimizer like decimation was used, what is the problem. Its not like topology matter on this thing, its not going to be rigged and deformed. and to be honest i bet this thing has nicer shading and more accurate normal map than if you had rebuilt the low poly by hand. So if the end result looks just as good if not better then why not save the time, so you can put it into textures etc, im a firm believer is using whatever tools you need to get the job done on time.
    So great job its a good looking weapon, has some interesting textures, and was executed well.
  • Sirdelita
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    Sirdelita polycounter lvl 10
    I agree with others, any attention is good attention. It means you're headed in the right direction.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    I dig what your trying to do but I feel the wood texture is starting to make it feel really noisy. Try running a Filter/noise/reducenoise on it. From that you might want to do it once more, run a shapen mask then use that result as your bump for normal. Too much noise from the diffuse into the normal creates sandpaper IMO. Also the banding from the cilinder bakes are showing. Its best to clear those up best you can. Lastly I would get very contrasty with the specular levels. The materials (it might just be the renders) Feel similar. Spec and some gloss should fix that right up.

    ps. I dont think the green in the blade is working for you. And the overly scratchy blade is too much. Try making the wear and tear more deliberate. Like time and actual use has caused the damage, not a generic metal overlay =)

    Hope this helps. Its a fun piece.
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