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China sure does take their bootlegging seriously


  • Disco Stu
  • EarthQuake
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Also a Chrono Trigger NES game. TerriblEh
  • Disco Stu
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    What relevance does this have to anything?
    DW winners character bootlegging minus proportions.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    thats not necessarily the same thing, there's a few different verasions of Slips character on that site and some other DW IV stuff as well, there's a GA thread that goes into it a bit more, including Slips response to the whole thing = "meh"
  • Mark Dygert
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    What relevance does this have to anything?
    I think a Chinese student is taking credit for the DW4 winner or just copied it while watching the videos.

    Google translates the page pretty poorly.

    Err yea what others said...
  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10

    The DW thing is not copying and taking credit, apparently these dudes wanted to match slipgatecentral as a study...I think it's fucking weird that they'll remake DW characters though. I'm pretty sure slipgatecentral knows about it.

    Edit: Woops...Scudz already had a link, sorry.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Funny reading some of the comments about it being "weird" or a "waste of time". Its practically the same as all those people making damaged pillars from the eat3d tutorial. Only difference is, slipgates "tutorials" were free and less in depth - which only makes the artist who did this even more impressive.

    Yes if he applied these skills to a different concept that wasn't already in 3D then it would be even more impressive, and if it were an original design then even better. But its pretty stupid to completely dismiss this exercise as being a pointless waste of time.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    Personal feelings over the feet of new material, in theory, should be the scope Diaoqi toe part of the relatively large


    Don't get me wrong I really like Chinese culture. I'm just throwing it up in an objective viewpoint. Loads of people rip off other people in the western world also.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Yozora wrote: »
    Funny reading some of the comments about it being "weird" or a "waste of time". Its practically the same as all those people making damaged pillars from the eat3d tutorial. Only difference is, slipgates "tutorials" were free and less in depth - which only makes the artist who did this even more impressive.

    Yes if he applied these skills to a different concept that wasn't already in 3D then it would be even more impressive, and if it were an original design then even better. But its pretty stupid to completely dismiss this exercise as being a pointless waste of time.

    I think people copying the pillar is weird too. Especially for something as generic and ambiguous as a pillar which they could just design on the fly using the techniques presented in the dvd. But as I said in that thread, I don't dismiss it because he used the same concept and pose, I just find it a bit odd. Probably because it's such a huge time commitment to make something in 3d, you really want to have that to amount to something unique and interesting. Also, if he just puts this in his portfolio with no explanation a lot of people could take it the wrong way.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    That game798 website is so bizarre. Those guys have awesome skills, yet they have an entire forum filled with "remakes". I think they have a remake/copy of every vehicle Epic has in for Gears and UT.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    I wonder if there's actually a kind of genuine thing from their side that they're not actually doing anything wrong, like as if plagiarism isn't a negative thing, rather another way of doing art, like how nobody would blame anyone here for making a drawing of a landscape he is looking at.

    meaning, they believe they aren't doing anything wrong.
  • rube
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    rube polycounter lvl 17
    I don't read chinese so I'm not exactly sure of the context of things posted on the other site... but if these models are being presented as copies of something else then there really is nothing wrong. Assuming they're not selling it or doing something with that would make what they're doing wrong. People in all forms of art reproduce things as part of learning so it could be completely innocent... or not.
  • carlo_c
    I don't know too much about chinese culture, but I remember reading on another forum discussing something similar that the chinese see really do imitation as the highest form of flattery so to speak.

    While I'm not sure if it completely true, I have seen animations which have been copied shot for shot by chinese students. Maybe its a case of students attempting to reach the skill of the master by reproducing the masters work. That sounds like an old kung fu film storyline or something lol.
  • Disco Stu
    That actually makes some sense ^^
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    It might be a learning process, like a study, but considering the time this kind of stuff takes, here its just a plain fucking waste of time. I mean the guy could just copy the helmet and the face and move on. To me that's this mentality of waste that feels weird. Study is good practice only if it helps you make your own next piece better. You gain nothing if the next piece is just another DW4 copy. Sad and meh indeed.

    Plus it somehow associates the winners material to a not so stellar rendition of it. so in a way even if its a tribute its not necessarily a case of 'oh he made a copy so what, it doesnt matter'. When I first saw the pic I was like "huh weird! I thought SGCs piece was better than that..."

    RE nes looks awesome!
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    pior wrote: »
    It might be a learning process, like a study, but considering the time this kind of stuff takes, here its just a plain fucking waste of time. I mean the guy could just copy the helmet and the face and move on. To me that's this mentality of waste that feels weird. Study is good practice only if it helps you make your own next piece better. You gain nothing if the next piece is just another DW4 copy. Sad and meh indeed.

    Plus it somehow associates the winners material to a not so stellar rendition of it. so in a way even if its a tribute its not necessarily a case of 'oh he made a copy so what, it doesnt matter'. When I first saw the pic I was like "huh weird! I thought SGCs piece was better than that..."

    RE nes looks awesome!

    I dunno man, I think the same could be said about your solid snake. Yeah sure he could have just done the helmet but what I think was going on here was that the guys just loved slipgates model so much that they were inspired to create their own. To me its no different from people making hellboys, wolverines, or spidermans of their own.
  • Disco Stu
    Maybe a little more of this is how i win dominance war and get rich and famous included.
    Its good work hes done. It just looks a little heartless to be a passionate fanart.
    Especially the feet.
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    so this gets a political discussion too...
    copycatting is very common in game art
    (i've seen lots of shots of people having a "map of a body" and famous modelshots around it with arrows pointing on the specific area , which leads to a new concept)
    (i remember the case when someone used an arm from davekings concept but not as refernece but copy paste it into his concept whicht lead to angry dave)

    hmm i accidentaly lost i point i was arguing to, maybe i remember later
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    EricV wrote: »
    I dunno man, I think the same could be said about your solid snake. Yeah sure he could have just done the helmet but what I think was going on here was that the guys just loved slipgates model so much that they were inspired to create their own. To me its no different from people making hellboys, wolverines, or spidermans of their own.

    The difference is that Pior did his take on Snake, putting his learned skills to the test of creating his version of Snake, not simply trying to match (or fail to match) a previous version.

    An artist who makes his rendition of a pre-existing character (using his or her ideas to create an interpretation) is a far cry from someone who simply tries to copy/match one.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    maybe if they could put their own spin on it they would. It might also just be they havent found their style and doing something that resembles slipgates version is all they could pull off. In any case, unless they're taking some kind of credit or not at least sharing that their version is based off slipgates; then I think thats wrong. Otherwise I dont believe people should jump to conclusions and assume the chinese guys meant any harm
  • EarthQuake
    I think it is very typical of Chinese culture(and possibly Japanese as well?) as to how they study as artists, it is all repetition, repetition, repetition, and being "unique" or having a "personal style" is not something that is generally encouraged.

    I'm no expert or anything, but i think this has a huge effect in these sort of situations.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    china will go to extraordinary lengths to censor things as well... They cloned NASIOC.com one of the biggest car forums in north america and censored every single post on the forums.. probably in the millions, I'd imagine so they can block the original seeing that it's a very large haven for car guys practicing free speech. I've since lost the link to the clone site, but I spent a few hours reading and comparing posts to originals and having a laugh at them. They cloned posts from 1998 all the way to 2005.

    This makes sense to me, seeing that the general public in china are now getting into cars of their own, they'd start searching the internet for more information about cars... and of course, good ole red doesn't want people finding out how shitty their government subsidized chinese domestic market vehicles are.

    EarthQuake wrote: »
    I think it is very typical of Chinese culture(and possibly Japanese as well?) as to how they study as artists, it is all repetition, repetition, repetition, and being "unique" or having a "personal style" is not something that is generally encouraged.

    I'm no expert or anything, but i think this has a huge effect in these sort of situations.

    japanese not so much. Most of the other asian cultures revolve around making things better... japan is the extreme, they take an idea or product and run with it, finding out how it works and how it's make so they can do it better. They will charge more for it, but know you will come back to it because it's a solid product that they stand behind, and you generally get the feeling that they do feel very sorry for the product failing. It might not be as true today, but in the 80s this is how sony and honda and toyota etc came to be what they are.

    chinese commercial culture is the extreme opposite. They steal your idea, rip it apart and find ways to reduce costs to bare minimum of what it takes to make it work, sometimes taking out fundamental design features, material, etc because their 'engineers' don't understand what they're for... like steel in the safety structure in a car. Then they will start mass producing it in competition of other factories doing the same as them, and continually price war and charge less and less for the item, removing more and more of what makes that product safe, quality, etc to use. Then they will sell it to a schmuck looking for a deal on an item for the lowest possible price. When something goes wrong, the company (if it's still around and management hasn't fled for the hills with the profit) will blame YOU for breaking it or replace it with a like designed/manufactured product.

    That's not to say, there aren't any good companies in china, there are lots, the ones who have been working with the west for a long time, but these new ones in the last 10-15 years or so? Very scary.
  • Mark Dygert
    Yep as far as I understand it China = Collectivism.

    It's the group and its goals that matter not the individual. Individualism is reserved for people in high places but is a weakness in the lowly public. "Strength through unity" heh.

    Individualism as prized and a staple of western art just doesn't wash with the culture. Individualism is a defective link in an otherwise perfectly forged chain.
    It shows strength and discipline to be organized and do what other "pre-approved" successful people do.

    See I'm a good student I listened, learned and perfectly replicated the lesson. We are all awesome, because we all perfectly executed the same thing! That is after we get done throwing rocks at the lazy eyed kid who isn't finished yet... SHAME!
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    that's exactly it vig. To an extent, the japanese (and most asians) are like this as well, they will not question what they are told, even if they have trouble comprehending it, because they are being 'polite' or 'obedient' you don't question someone of higher stature, ever. Don't make a fuss, don't draw undue attention to yourself in case you screw up, make yourself and your family and your peers, etc look bad.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    When the fuck did y'all turn into such a bunch of wet blankets? Can't y'all just revel in the awesomeness/irony/wtfness that is a faithful Resident Evil demake, and an FF7 demake?

  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    sir-knight wrote: »

    chinese commercial culture is the extreme opposite. They steal your idea, rip it apart and find ways to reduce costs to bare minimum of what it takes to make it work, sometimes taking out fundamental design features, material, etc because their 'engineers' don't understand what they're for... like steel in the safety structure in a car. Then they will start mass producing it in competition of other factories doing the same as them, and continually price war and charge less and less for the item, removing more and more of what makes that product safe, quality, etc to use. Then they will sell it to a schmuck looking for a deal on an item for the lowest possible price. When something goes wrong, the company (if it's still around and management hasn't fled for the hills with the profit) will blame YOU for breaking it or replace it with a like designed/manufactured product.

    That's not to say, there aren't any good companies in china, there are lots, the ones who have been working with the west for a long time, but these new ones in the last 10-15 years or so? Very scary.

    My dad was just telling me the exact same thing you are saying pretty much, and how hes fed up with shit made in china. The problem is finding something that isnt these days!

    He even showed me a link to a small apartment building in china that fell over because the support columns were just hollw concrete cylinders with no rebar or anything reinforcing it. Now I havent seen many other examples granted but it does seem like theres a trend. Im usually hearing something about shotty chinese craftsmanship, and knowing how the chinese government operates im sure we only hear of the tip of the iceberg.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    I saw those pictures of the condo, it's not just a matter of no rebar, you might not have seen the entire picture sequence or article. The soil in shanghai (I think that was the city) is very loose and it's very deep, so to create a stable foundation for any large building, they have to drive and pour pilings into the bedrock very deep into the ground.

    The pilings were not drilled and poured properly, they didn't go into bedrock, so the weight of the building actually displaced them in the loose soil and shifting causing the break. I'm no engineer, but rebar probably wouldn't have saved that building.

    There's stuff like this that happens here in the west too... the big dig in boston had something similar where concrete that wasn't dense enough (to save money) started falling off the ceiling in the tunnels, but you can probably bet that whoever was in charge of that decision would at least have been fired or sued. Engineers here at least have a code of ethics they have to adhere to, at the risk of their career, in china, an 'engineer' can be whoever has the money to pay off the local officials.

    Another story I heard recently, we all know about the lead in paint and plastic for toys coming from china... after being told time and time again lately that they can't use lead in paint, what did the chinese factories switch to? Cadmium, a substance even MORE toxic than lead.

    Let's not forget melamine in feed to boost protein levels... they spiked the levels of the protein in the feed at the cost of pennies per ton in order to save pennies per ton, so they could make the sale.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    sir-knight wrote: »
    I saw those pictures of the condo, it's not just a matter of no rebar, you might not have seen the entire picture sequence or article. The soil in shanghai (I think that was the city) is very loose and it's very deep, so to create a stable foundation for any large building, they have to drive and pour pilings into the bedrock very deep into the ground.

    The pilings were not drilled and poured properly, they didn't go into bedrock, so the weight of the building actually displaced them in the loose soil and shifting causing the break. I'm no engineer, but rebar probably wouldn't have saved that building.


    No I saw the entire picture sequence, I think it rained a lot too thats what eroded out the soil so fast as well, I neglected to mention that.
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    chinese die by the dozen.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Heh, I actually own a few chinese 'demakes' of games. Have a copy of both Tekken and Super Mario World for Genesis/MegaDrive, plus a few others.
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