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[Portfolio] – Britney Pringle

Hello Everyone,
My name is Britney Pringle. I've been lurking around polycount for a while now, and thought it was time to finally post something. I'm currently looking for work in the game industry, and I would appreciate any critique on the artwork and presentation of my portfolio.




  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    The site design is really nice and simplistic. The breakdowns are great. I don't see any problems with it.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    You have great modeling skills, I just think you should display some stylized or realistic textures to show off your texturing ability. A lot of these models have simplistic and dry color diffuse. You should get your hands on normal mapping for your character, and more texture love on the weapons.

    The portfolio itself is simple and easy to navigate. Good luck :)
  • SomberResplendence
    When you click on resume, the site shifts over just a few pixels.... doesn't happen to contact, gallery, or links. It's noticeable if you are switching back and forth. Sorry for being picky :)

    But I do like the clean, simple look of the site! Good work!
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    The pixel shift is only occurring because your site extends and requires scrolling for certain pages. To eliminate this just increase the page height past 1050 or so or shift everything up to prevent scrolling.
  • n88tr
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    Nothing bad comes to mind. Simple and bold, I like it. Obviously more portfolio works would make it more remarkable but that will come with time.
  • dolemite
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    It's not bad. I think sometimes the materials are a little blobby and unrefined.


    this sword is a good example. The curly guard does not look like it is made of metal, but of clay that was molded around. blade looks good though.

    With the skycaptain you did some good work on the gun materials there. But then his skin and his clothes seem kind of plasticy to me. I think you should either make the guns more plasticy, or make his clothes and skin materials more realistic.

    Good presentation on the web site imo.
  • achillesian
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    model this guy

  • apocalypse
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    apocalypse polycounter lvl 18
    Nice portfolio. I think it would greatly increase your chances of getting work if you joined a mod or something similar while you look for work. That type of experience and dedication always looks good on a resume.

    A wise artist once told me to define what type of 3d modeller you want to be, whether it's an environment or character artist and stick to it. You'd probably take either if asked but in an interview you may have to choose and it helps to have experience and a strong portfolio to back it up.

    Best of luck with the job hunting :)
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    Simple, easy to use portfolio. I agree with kaburan's comments about your textures and would like to see some more detail in them. Small nit-pick, you misspelled Trident on the image itself as "Tident". Also, stating the title in text and in the image seems a bit unnecessary, maybe just state it once instead.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Simple and clean, and easy to navigate :) Very nice.

    Maybe I'm biased, but I love love love the Kingdom Hearts environment remake!! :)

    Best of luck!
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    I like your 2D illustration over here... http://sapphire-light.com/
  • sapphireLight
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    Thanks to everyone for taking the time to check out my site and sharing your thoughts on my work. :) I tried to set up the portfolio to be as easy as possible to navigate and it seems that it's working out well. I'll try to do a better job at defining the textures on my models so they aren't as bland. As far as what type of 3d modeler I want to be, I'm leaning more toward environment art, so I'll make sure my portfolio better reflect that. And thank you REKLAS for catching that typo on the trident image. It's fixed now. I also got rid of the redundant titles on the art pages.
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