It's come a long way and I appreciate everyone's feedback. I am going to continue to post in this thread any additional updates, but here is a current view of the piece as it stands now:

Most of my stuff is grungy and has that U3 look to it, so I figured I would start something new. I plan on creating an old cartoonish bait shop with a pier, fishing nets, etc. For this one I am planning on hand painting almost all of the textures to give it that toonish look.
This is where I will post the WIP on this

1 Day work so far.

You may want to try some sillhouette studies just to get more ideas out there, rather than pushing 3d without any idea of where you're going, just to get some crazy ideas out there. Pick a couple that are doable and look neat.
Yeah, it's gonna be a bit generic right now since I'm basically just blocking in shapes. Did you mention something about a tree or did I completely hallucinate that.... it is late -.- If you did I may look into that... an old swamp cypress tree or something growing into it could look cool.
yeah this is just 1 day of work. I plan on doing a ton more. Maybe I will do a paintover tomorrow morning to get a better idea... and see what you guys think.
cant wait to see where this goes
If you've got Left 4 Dead 2, take a look at the Swamp Fever levels, they look like a similar setting to what you're doing here.
Yep I do. I thought about that this morning when I woke up! Thanks
i also feel you should angle the planks on the dock jsut to add a bit more variation and character
I don't know how many people have this happen to them, but in my dreams I have a place that I'll go to now and then, (it happens at least once a year) this looks exactly like the place in my dreams
Whatever the case, great work so far, really looking forward to this one.
There was a swap competition, some of the final entries where pretty good.
I assume you're going to add some cracks / a hole where the tree intersects with the house? lol
my only crit would be the lack of piloti under the house and docks. I know it's designed to be cartoonish but those 5 wood columns under the house would crack under the pressure ^^
Piloti house :
Wooden old dock :
+1 Murder, some variation on the dock would be cool. Destroy some plates, cut end parts, make them broken, put a dangling plate etc.
Hope it helps
Looking forward for your next up
1-the smokestack comes out right under a window, put it up top on the other side for more silohette.
2-why does the tree look like half of it is IN the bait shop?Would be fine maybe if it was a treehouse.
3-I think all the polys in the door are wasted, really the only ones that show shape are the boards outside, the rest could be texture. Same for polys of walls, just make them simple and slap the window on top of them.
4-I agree the planks of the deck should be all wonky too as that's the style you set already, even bend the deck so it's not flat to horizon.
5-you need barrells
Ill move the smokestack thanks for the suggestion. I roughed the boards up already today, I'll post later. I'll look at the door as well to optimize. The tree is hitting the house because it is busted through the wall. I just now cut that wall up I'll post later. And yeah, tires,barrels, a boat, laterns, ropes will be added soon.
Keep it up! this doesn't need much more to make it a winner. Some vines flying every which way in the sky could make some epic and appropriate god rays too. Combine that with some cool patchy lighting on the swamp. Just some ideas!
On a side note... I am thinking of using a stand idea instead of a background/set extension. Maybe all of this on top of a platform that is swampy,watery stuff on top with some mud and root on the bottom of the pedestal geometry. So this becomes more of a showpiece asset instead of a huge environment undertaking. Not sure yet though.
It might be a bit too detailed for it but your scene made me think of the fishing mini game in Torchlight, ever thought of integrating this into an existing game?
A friend of mine started playing that game...hehe. I never even knew what it was. The scene is being created with game restrictions in mind, and I hope it helps fill out my portfolio for a job. I never really thought about incorporating into an existing game, only a game engine.
I can't wait to see it textured and lit up !
btw what did you have planned for the background ?
Im not sure what I'm going to do about the background. I may just put it on a turn-table type thing instead of being a full scale environment.
Yeah. That's what I am shooting for. Something along that style.
--Unfortunately this project is gonna be on hold for a few days while I deal with some interviews and art test stuff. Wish me luck
cant wait to see more
Will definitely continue to follow your progress
Which way?
Sweet textures mate, loving it.
Also, if you're keeping the second version of it don't forget to change how the left chains are falling.
I'm a fan of this thread btw, your style is awesome. Nice work sir, keep it up!