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polycounter lvl 9
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PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
So yeah while on vacation had 50" plasma stolen a ps3 and a few diamonds. :poly127:

Funny thing is the ps3 can be rendered useless from PSN and the plasma has an electronic lock on it so they are shit out of luck

Really weird though they took the ps3 but none of the games on the shelf next to it or the blu-ray discs and they left the good diamonds and took the fake ones lol so it seems like the were spooked or something. Going to go scout out the pawn shops tomorrow after I get the report filed with insurance company. So yeah good stuff anyone else have,

I was Robbed stories?


  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Never been robbed, ever, Shit must suck so bad. I'd be majorly pissed aswell.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    my house has never been robbed, but 3/4 of my past bikes have been stolen (still got the 4th one, for now)
    1st time was like 14 years ago, got stolen from my shed at home. 2nd time was during college, it was locked up besides other bikes but they all got stolen that day. And 3rd time was at uni when I decided to leave my bike locked up at the halls of residence over christmas, came back to find my bike was gone :/

    Oh and paypal closed my account for no good reason and took all the money in there once, which was about £400. (only once because I didn't and still don't intend on using paypal ever again :p)
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Insurance ftw! Sorry it happened man, hopefully it's all covered and easily replaced!

    I haven't been physically robbed of anything, but I have had someone steal my debit card number twice to make internet purchases, luckily I'm diligently watching my bank accounts so I was able to catch the charges while they were still pending, and cancel them, then replace my debit cards quickly. Sucked that one of the times was for a $2500 TV on christmas day!

    I also once bought computer parts on a seemingly legit company site, Gameve.com, to build a new computer, but they failed to include the most expensive part, the video card, I then spent the next two months bitching them out over the phone til one of the fucktards there finally got the send me the one I wanted 'off the books' right before I had my bank poised to get the money refunded and the BBB had a report about it.

    Obviously not as bad as being burglarized, but getting stolen from sucks and really makes you wonder how scummy people like that live with themselves.
  • MALicivs
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    MALicivs polycounter lvl 15
    some have tried...
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah someone tried once in a store I worked at and he went to the hospital and then prison.

    The owners only told me afterwards that the cash was insured, I should have just given it to him.

    My excuse is that I didn't exacly think it through, there wasn't time!

    Seriously, people who rob really bug me, I work hard for my money dammit, why can't they?
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah It's the fact that they were in my house that bugs me you know it could be toilet paper that could be gone I would still be pissed.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    My roommates' truck (technically his stepdad's) was stolen at the end of November, an old Chevy Silverado 1500 or such.

    Crappy part is, we were awake when it was taken. We heard it.
    It was about 6AM, we hear the sounds of a large truck outside. I'm laying on the bed trying to sleep, I'm thinking its out on the road just beside the apartment. After 5-10 minutes I get up to see what is going on. I see nothing, it's gone.
    We all heard the beeping of a truck backing up, thinking it was the garbage truck. Though much later we realized it was Friday, the garbage runs on Tuesday morning.
    It was taken with either a tow truck or flatbed, it had a pretty distinguishing sound when started up.
    A few hours later, my roommate's nephew comes over and asks where the truck is.
    Chaos ensues.

    Contacted all the tow services, police, junkyards, went looking at all the car lots... still haven't heard anything. Suck that his stepdad only had liability on it. :(

    We think someone had been scouting it. Back in the summer someone took some pliers and broke the plug to the radiator. And the carborator was just replaced a week or two before it was stolen. Our parking lot is right by the road so we think someone saw it all the time, and being worked on.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Someone stole my bike once when I was like 6. Saw the fucker riding it later. Eventually the police got it back.
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    HonkyPunch wrote: »
    Someone stole my bike once when I was like 6. Saw the fucker riding it later. Eventually the police got it back.

    lol nice
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    My car got jacked a year or two ago right from under my nice well lite covered car port : /

    Taught me to never leave tons of awesome stuff inside your car cuz it sucks when that shit gets stolen along with the car. Did get the full price I paid back on the car from issuance but still was not a fun ordeal and would rather it didnt happen even though I do now have a nicer car.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    A kid tried to stole my bike once, thankfully a neighbor saw it happening and got my bike back. I hope you recover without further problems.
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    yeah Im gonna be able to replace everything thankfully but its still a pain in the ass having to wait for check and deal with deductible etc etc oh well luckily I have insurance and it could've been much worse.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Like Yozora I have been the victim of multiple bike thefts. I went through about 4-5? In University days. Tucson was right near the border of Mexico, so they can steal them and sell them on the other side.

    I even caught a guy red-handed once trying to steal someone else's bike outside my dorm window. Heard the banging of him using a hammer and (assume) liquid Nitrogen on the U-lock. Had a backpack to "look" like a University student. I go out and confront him and he acts like he cant understand me. Then he suddenly books it. At the time, I could have been in better physical shape. I chased and lost him in the middle of the campus.

    I guess I got some good Karma out of all that. My latest bike, was from someone leaving it outside the apartments next to me at the time with a "Free For a good home" sign on it. Assume someone moved and didn't have the room to take. Aluminum frame as well.
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    Last year my car was stolen out of a parking garage and the police found it with the window bashed in and blood covering the driver and rear seats, was kind of a creepy scene, maybe someone died in it or something.

    That sucks about what happened man, do you know how they got into your place?
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    A girl tried to steal my virginity, first she went to the hospital and then I havent heard from her again! Yeh thats right, it doesnt matter if its toilet paper or what not, Its great when them get what they deserve! Then John was a zombie.

    Thats pretty lucky under the circumstances phattyEwok! :)
    Happy new years everyone!
  • die_Kröte
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    Once while coming home from a vacation, I think I was only like 5 or 6 years old, I had this creeping feeling something bad had happened. I told my parents I think we'd been robbed (didn't know the word burglarized yet) and sure enough we had been. We weren't very well off at the time so nothing really expensive was stolen but they had plenty of time to go through stuff because they even stole our damn popcorn maker...
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    A girl tried to steal my virginity, first she went to the hospital and then I havent heard from her again! Yeh thats right, it doesnt matter if its toilet paper or what not, Its great when them get what they deserve! Then John was a zombie.

    Thats pretty lucky under the circumstances phattyEwok! :)
    Happy new years everyone!

    Yeah it is. It seems like as technology gets more advanced the harder it is to steal and get away with it.
  • Pedro Amorim
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    i robbed a girls virginity
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    Our house got robbed a few years ago and it still freaks me out when I think about it because I was downstairs and we think they literally watched me through a window then snuck in after I went upstairs.

    I was downstairs on the computer when I heard a bang outside the backdoor at about 3am and the calendar fell from the wall in the kitchen, which it did once a night, so i picked it up and thought nothing of it....then about 3:30 I heard a high pitch 'ting' then the calendar fall again...this time I didn't investigate.....probably just as well because id have come face to face with the intruder.
    Anyway, we think they only realized I was still up at the front of the house when they got inside the dining room and saw the light coming from the living room (as they entered through the back garden,), so they went back outside and watched me through an open curtain in the living room. I then went to bed.

    next morning my mums wallet had gone from the dining room table, which was found later in a neighbors garden, and her laptop was stolen.....which coincidentally was visible directly in line with that open curtain....they took nothing else, even money to pay the cleaner which was leaved on the side in the dining room was leaved as was another laptop in the living room...meaning they were quick, probably because they knew full well I was still awake up.

    The high pitch ting I heard was most likely the barrel of the backdoor lock being drilled and falling into the concrete patio....Bastards!

    That door was a weakness we hadn't got round to fixing....now we have a conservatory built onto the back, double locks on that old backdoor (which is now an inside door between the house and the conservatory) and a monitored alarm system.....no trouble since.

    All that goes through my head are those Halloween and Jason type films with the creepy killer watching someone through the window....freaks me out every time now.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Sorry to hear it, Phatty. Did you at least have renters/theft insurance? I pay a marginal monthly fee for $150,000 worth of renters insurance. In any case, sad to hear what happened :(
  • sicsided
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    Sucks Phatty, hope you can get everything back and in a safe state a mind soon.

    Had my GT Performer stolen when I was 11, and we moved shortly out of the neighborhood afterwards. My stepdad got a tip from an old friend there and when he went to get the info, saw the kid on my bike. He drove after him in his truck and into some field the kid went into when he noticed him chasing him. The kid got shit scared, ditched the bike, and ran into somebody's house in the neighborhood. After cops came nothing happened since he a minor, but at about 3 am that night we had a call from his mother screaming at us that he had upgrade the bike and wanted those parts back. We pressed further charges for harassment and the cops check the house and found probably $20,000 worth of stolen goods which the mother said "I don't know how that got here".

    I've also had my Mudvayne LD.50 cd stolen twice, and I have no idea why that cd keeps getting stolen....
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    I'm thankful to so far be lucky and not really have anything of mine stolen, but I'm also very careful with my stuff, and so are my parents. We always lock everything, have an alarm system for the house etc...


    This past summer, I VERY almost had my psp stolen. I was working at EB Games (Gamestop), and it was dead in the store, and I was the only one working at the time. Because it was so dead, I had my psp out hidden behind the counter with my bag to play as long as no one came into the store. Well, some sketchy kid comes in, with all his 'gangsta' clothes, and starts asking me all about the different consoles we had, and their prices. He kept asking to see them. Even though I was skeptical, I'd quickly go to the back and grab one. The second time, I saw on our cameras in the back him reaching quickly behind the counter. I rush back out, and tell him we don't have any of the consoles.
    Then my eyes flick to where my PSP was, and my heart stops. It's gone.
    Now, as anyone who knows me can tell you, I'm normally a very passive and not easily angered person. But if someone REALLY shits with me, I don't take it. So, I look straight at him, pick up the phone, and say "Give me back my psp right now or I'm calling the cops."
    He grabs it out of his pocket and is all, "Ohhh.. this? It's yours, here..." And I snatch it back, and just stare at him. He then continues to repeat how he'll be back soon to buy the 360, no really, he'll be back soon to buy it... To which I mentally think, "Are you fucking kidding me? DON'T come back."
    Once he's finally gone, I notice the insane heart-pumping I have going on, and call my boss to freak out a little and tell him to hurry up at getting in. I am now much more careful where I leave my handhelds sitting. :P (The freaky thing is, my boss later tells me he saw the kid on the cameras also reaching into my bag and feeling around. Nothing good was in reach, though, luckily.)

    However, this kid doesn't learn his lesson... not that the police have been any help. He has since stolen a few controllers and other odds and ends we have in grabbing distance, and still hasn't been stopped.
    Just this past Sunday, the same kid and a group of his friends were standing around our Guitar Hero 5's and Tony Hawk Rides. They took THREE of the Guitar Hero's, and 1 of the Tony Hawk's. It was otherwise dead in the store, and the guy working that day was probably less than 5 feet away, and didn't even turn to look at them doing this. Sneaky bastards...

    Mind you, I only really care that my PSP was almost stolen :P

    Ahh, humans. <3
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    sorry about loosing your stuff. I check all doors every night before going to bed, usually twice since the store I worked at was robbed. We have renters insurance like Vassago said. Still the feeling of someone being in the house, would force me to get a gun permit after the incident.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    This could actually be a good thing. Depending when you bought the TV, you may be able to upgrade now ;)

    You don't want to old stuff back now... trust me ;) My brother has had his shit stolen 3 times. Once at his old place, and twice at his current house. Each time, they just took more portable things, like the xbox, dvd player, nintendo DS, CDs, and games.
    Every time, the police found the crook. It was always someone who lived within (short) walking distance. One guy had sold most of his stuff for drugs, within an hour. The others, after it was found, the police had covered everything in white powder (for fingerprints), and shit was damaged.
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 15
    got 2 bikes stolen from the garage, and a stihl saw(this was the only kickass saw i had, and ran on fuel instead of electric current)
    everytime when there is a construction site near the garage there is some dick sniffing around and stealing something.

    and my neighbour steals my lawn mower fuel out of the tank, and doesnt pay rent, i think my dad will kick him out soon

    the other people stealing crap were frends of my aunt, dunno, she likes weird people
  • Mark Dygert
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    That sucks... make sure to leave them a welcome home surprise when they come back to take your new stuff.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    Vig wrote: »
    That sucks... make sure to leave them a welcome home surprise when they come back to take your new stuff.

    this might work.
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah I actually have one of these I just inherited from my uncle back east smith_163501.jpg
    Shells so big it only fits 5

  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    All I have to say about that is, make sure you know how to use and handle the damn thing, as well as DO NOT HESITATE to shoot. Nearly all home invasion deaths are caused by the homeowner trying to use a weapon they don't know how to use, or they don't fire when they should. The weapons end up getting turned against them. In any case, stay safe.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Vassago wrote: »
    Nearly all home invasion deaths are caused by the homeowner trying to use a weapon they don't know how to use, or they don't fire when they should.

    Don't statistics also indicate that handgun owners are more than twice as likely to kill or injure a family member accidentally?
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    lol yeah thats more for hunting.
    I have a 40 barretta for home defense I would never think of using that monster for home defense seeing as I would probably not have enough time to re-sight and shoot.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    lol Guns for home defense, What kind of country is this.

    I have animals *stealing* my garbage , or sneaking into my shed on my land, does that count?

  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    b1ll wrote: »
    lol Guns for home defense, What kind of country is this.

    My brother has swords. :)
    If you have animals going through your trash, I'd shoot the bastards though.
  • Mark Dygert
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    I was thinking more along the lines of a poisoned ham sandwich next to the TV... but whatever gets the job done.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    b1ll wrote: »
    I have animals *stealing* my garbage , or sneaking into my shed on my land, does that count?

    The economy must be pretty bad for animals to have to resort to identity theft. Get a shredder.
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    almost had a bike of mine stolen when I lived in venice, ca. I had it chained up outside my window and caught some dumbass who managed to cut through the plastic sleeve of the chain... but was having hard time with the woven metal. Saw me and ran. Noticed he dropped his pair of basic scissors...

    also when I had my jeep with a soft top some idiot decided to bend my soft top doors down to get inside. He took a few cds and my gym bag with all my football gear. ruined the doors and were probably more expensive than everything stolen. After that I just stopped locking the door and got a steel storage compartment.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    When I was in college someone broke into my truck, but there is nothing in my truck, so they stole my driver's manual. Thieves are pathetic.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    danshewan wrote: »
    Don't statistics also indicate that handgun owners are more than twice as likely to kill or injure a family member accidentally?

    Firearms are involved in 100% of accidental gunshots.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    SupRore wrote: »
    Firearms are involved in 100% of accidental gunshots.

    Okay, fair enough - perhaps I should have specified more likely to injure or kill a family member as opposed to the intruder. :)
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    I'm sure there also statistics that show ignorant/stupid people are more likely to hurt theirself or others. Give them a gun and it just doubles/triples the odds. Also I'm pretty sure a majority people who have a gun at home fail to ever go to a range and prepare themself on how to operate a gun.

    there are gun owners who get the gun for a sense of protection but then are scared or skidish to even carry/handle the gun in fear of being shot. Those are the people who should NEVER be allowed to own one. If properly educated and proper use.. a gun won't jump out of your hand and blow you face off. :P

    A couple I'm friends with have a 9mm they've had for a year and I had to show them how to use it since they "forgot"...... scary.

    my fiancee has a .22 pistol and a dog that will attack an intruder with kindness, distracting them for the perfect shot :)
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    oobersli wrote: »
    Also I'm pretty sure a majority people who have a gun at home fail to ever go to a range and prepare themself on how to operate a gun.

    there are gun owners who get the gun for a sense of protection but then are scared or skidish to even carry/handle the gun in fear of being shot. Those are the people who should NEVER be allowed to own one. If properly educated and proper use.. a gun won't jump out of your hand and blow you face off. :P

    I've always wondered about the specifics of firearm legislation. I know it varies from state to state, but surely since you're required to meet a minimum standard of competency to obtain a license to drive, surely you should require something similar in order to own a firearm?

    It always baffled me as to how something so potentially dangerous as a firearm can be issued to someone solely on the basis of prior criminal activity.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    PhattyEwok wrote: »
    Yeah I actually have one of these I just inherited from my uncle back east smith_163501.jpg
    Shells so big it only fits 5

    not the kind of gun you want for home defense, you don't want bullets traveling through walls/people.
  • [Deleted User]
    not the kind of gun you want for home defense, you don't want bullets traveling through walls/people.
    Uh yeah but what if the intruders wear body armor and/or bring riot shields and armored vehicles? He has the right to defend himself
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    danshewan wrote: »
    I've always wondered about the specifics of firearm legislation. I know it varies from state to state, but surely since you're required to meet a minimum standard of competency to obtain a license to drive, surely you should require something similar in order to own a firearm?

    It always baffled me as to how something so potentially dangerous as a firearm can be issued to someone solely on the basis of prior criminal activity.

    Its a touchy subject since the whole "right to bear arms" is extended to everyone. Once you commit a crime you're pretty much not a citizen anymore and lose rights and respect.

    I'd love to see a test so dumbasses can't own guns. But then you'd have all the die-hard patriots complain. This just goes into a whole bigger subject beyond the topic of this thread.

    anways, I thought I saw it somewhere online, but didn't some company in the uk make a anti-theft device for cars that shoots fire at the intruder?? love to see one in action. :D
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    oobersli wrote: »
    I'd love to see a test so dumbasses can't own guns. But then you'd have all the die-hard patriots complain. This just goes into a whole bigger subject beyond the topic of this thread.

    Yeah, but I guess interpretation of the term 'well-regulated militia' is also beyond the scope of this thread. :) It's a topic I've always found interesting as an outsider looking in, so to speak. Even in our house, guns are a divisive topic - I'm pro, my wife's against. Knowing her, though, I'd wager she'd change her mind if we were robbed.
    anways, I thought I saw it somewhere online, but didn't some company in the uk make a anti-theft device for cars that shoots fire at the intruder?? love to see one in action. :D
    Dude, I'd love to see the police in action - though that's yet another thread waiting to happen (or not). Anti-theft flamethrowers do sound pretty effective, though.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    danshewan wrote: »
    Dude, I'd love to see the police in action - though that's yet another thread waiting to happen (or not). Anti-theft flamethrowers do sound pretty effective, though.

    until it misfires...
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    not the kind of gun you want for home defense, you don't want bullets traveling through walls/people.

    Yup I agree thats why I have a 40 barretta that I use for home defense that things just for hunting
  • [Deleted User]
    oobersli wrote: »
    I'd love to see a test so dumbasses can't own guns. But then you'd have all the die-hard patriots complain.
    Because they are dumbasses
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    FYI, guns don't stop criminals who steal from you while you're not home :P (which is most likely). Then they'll probably just steal your gun too ;)

    I prefer my 12ga pump. Not only does it warn them what they are about to receive, but the bird shot will make sure I don't miss ;)
  • mLichy
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    Someone tried to steal my bike infront of me with like 4 other buddies outside of work during the summer. I was coming down the stairs and he was jiggling it, so I yelled at him and he didn't notice, so I walked up quick and shoved him back and was like WTF are you doing? He's like oh nothing, that's a nice bike. I was just like yeah fuck off, and they walked away, then of course when they got distance started talking shit.

    But yeah, that sucks man... wtf.. If someone came here and tried to steal anything and I was home, they'd get a bat to the chest.
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