So you have less than a week to think about it, whats it going to be?
Also has anyone ever successfully done one before?
Mine is to stop sitting on my butt so much and be more active before my body falls apart. I want to start some sort of class I can get into, like yoga or something. Maybe lose some weight but mostly just get active and healthy.
Also make better art

but that's the same every year.
This year... 1 vacation every month.
First Stop this January.. Peru
To finish a character in the next month or so and keep consistently working on 3d stuff because I've been slacking for a few weeks. To find a job to help get me monies and pay loans until I can score an industry job. To go back and re-work my older model's lighting and presentation then update/re-work my portfolio.
It doesn't matter how long you have doing 3d , you have to keep on striving to get better
Oh and find a decent girl, I'm not getting any younger.
Don't we all wish we could spend all our time sitting and working on art all day, yet still be in shape and look fabulous. Unfortunately that's not the way it works, which is exactly why I have to stick to my resolution, and get out from behind this screen sometimes!
Get back on track developing (2d) art skills
Get back into training MMA or Jiujitsu
Gain 15 pounds
Get into art school
I once made a new years resolution to smoke 5 cigarettes at the same time, 2 minutes later i had accomplished my goal.
-Do 2 1hr drawings a day
-Finish my portfolio (just bought my site today
Oh and organize my whole computer, I gotta lot of crap.
Get active again and stay in shape. - used to play a lot of soccer and basketball
Beef up my portfolio with higher quality art and try to do some more traditional artwork or at least keep a sketchbook.
Work on more art Beef up Resume and website!
Get better at Ze Arts
Finish 2 paintings
Get a job at a Video Game studio.
-Get out moar.
-Go home from work before 10pm.
-Start meeting people again to keep sane.
-Set goals more often than once a year.
spend more time with family!
Congrats on your 2009 acomplishments!
-Get driver's license
-Get a job
-Move out my parent's home as soon as possible
-Get a car
-Do some character art
-Finally do some non cartoony drawings
-Win the lottery
Game related stuff:
-Starting on the UDK game I planned with some friends
-L4D2 mod/total conversion with some TF2 mapper friends
-Buy my first desktop computer ever
And most of all:
Yes I did go to SCAD. Actually I just finished this past quarter! I got my Diploma and everything in the mail. I have to wait until spring of next year to walk though.
sorry, nobody had done it yet
- Started to get into game 3d stuff
- Did a lot more (but not enough) of sketching, drawing
- Worked my ass off for my portfolio
- Relocated to UK
- Lost weight
- Just found a job here (Hurrah!) Not game related, but still looks fun and studio seams to be a great place to work.
- Spend much more time with my amazing girlfriend
- Continue working on my skills as an artist
- Work more on indie, modding projects and actually finish something for them
- Be more social
- Learn how to swim and try to play football from time to time as I haven't been doping that for a while.
- Post more stuff here and be more helpful
Looks like its going to be a great year!
1. stop binge drinking
2. stop smoking
3. stop eating fried food
4. start exercising
5. finish portfolio
6. get a good job
I resolve to complete my portfolio website by the end of the year.
I resolve to complete at least one scene every 2-3 months.
i think thats realistic.
I have added some to mine after seeing all of yours!
-Do everything I can do to get a job this year
-Draw more, lately all I have been doing is 3D, but I can't forget to pick up a pencil now and then, I'll have to start going back to life drawing.
-Spend more time with the boyfren (when and if hes not crunching
2 - Get myself a new job or start school. An occupation more or less. Not horribly worried on this part. There's always freelance and lifting rocks at the quarry.
3 - Get rich.
4 - Finish my bigger projects. First up. Sixties.
5 - Have an aaaaaaaaawesome tiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!!!!
6 - Get myself a proper awesome home office-studio-thing / Apartment.
- put what I've learned at my last job to good use and avoid any pitfalls I didn't avoid last time
- learn basic mandarin
- see more of the world
- learn, learn and learn
-Get a job (non-3D, I just need a job. I'm almost 18 and I still borrow all of my money from my parents, haha)
-Practice drawing and get a lot better at it (Let's face it, I suck. Can't work with perspective, shading (well), or anything, really.)
-Write a short-story every month, unless MORE often.
-Get all A's in the second semester.
-Take cool pictures, because I can now.
-Read nightly, at least 10 pages. no matter what.
-Do 3D things more often. Model, yall!
-Practice hand-painted texturing.
-Be nicer to those around me.
Sounds Reasonable.
-bike to work everyday (as soon as the weather changes)
-at least an hour in zbrush a day (non work)
-spend more time with my amazing Daughter
-become a better cook
-get back into Taiji-quan
-play more games
-to always try something new when I am out for dinner
- reverse half of my old new years resolutions, I overdid some things, need to calibrate!
- finish my damn degree, about time. (yeaa...probably not gonna happen ^^)
- buy more expensive clothes
- buy more alcohol
- do a metric fuckton of art. Repeat until 2035 when my robot clone is finished.
- relax more. Will probably fail miserably.
- sleep with pixelgoat.
- Stop slacking
- Get a job and hopefully gain financial indepence from parents
- Either get a some kind of job or do a mainstream education to have something to fall back on
- Learn how to take good photos
- Get better at drawing
- Pull my shit together and focus.
-travel even more
-attend a Dragonforce or Bring Me the Horizon concert
-get license, buy a car
-go on mega roadtrip holiday with my motorcycle, preferably to Italy
-get awesome girlfriend
easy, hah!
Naahhh, dont stop, I sure would miss seeing your cars, you've got a knack for them!
2) Start practising martial arts on a regular basis (again, at least an hour a week)
3) Sell this house for my parents so I can move out and live somewhere myself
-gain weight
-masturbate less
I'm so short tempered with games, this is my goal no matter what I play :P
-work towards a lead position in said job
-work on my concept painting
-try my hand at traditional painting
-work on side projects
-circuit bend the big box of Speak & Spells I have in the garage
-new job
-new job
-new job
-new job
-new job
-new job
-new job
-new job
-new job
-new job
-new job
-new job
-new job
-new job
-new job
-new job
-Beat up china and india
haha you and me both brother