vcool wrote: ยป SO f'ing creepy Especially when he opens the mouth.
Firecracker197 wrote: ยป I allllmost want to buy a coffee mug with this dudes face on it in an elf suit.....
rolfness wrote: ยป or so that she can snog it every morning when she wakes up.. ?
eld wrote: ยป
Zipfinator wrote: ยป Surprised I haven't seen this yet.
sicsided wrote: ยป Actually, its Frump's avatar
arrangemonk wrote: ยป why dont you use my pre alphad image for these montages, it took me an hour to do that
Vassago wrote: ยป
Creepiest yet i'd say!
I'd be to scared to put my mouth near that
haha noo mostly just to remind me how funny this thread is, maybe I'll get a fridge magnet instead and leave it somewhere you least expect it!
Actually, its Frump's avatar
Awwwww... I'll think of something new someday...
The only way Seaman can get any creepier.
-edit, removed: Someone already went there.
i could have photoshopped this one a lot further, but then I'd have to look at this guys face even longer! (sword could have become something else, link could've looked very scared etc
somebody had to do it :P. (i don't like either of them really, but if I have to pick sides
hell yeah
Oh my, Niko Bellic and AoEII are tied in being equal to awesome applied to the force of infinity, twice..